Friday, December 17, 2010

Recognizing Friends

When God calls me His friend, He does me honor. He is showing me that He recognizes and cherishes my efforts in His name. What a great encouragement it is to know that He values what I do for Him!

With this in mind, I would like to try to imitate His graciousness to recognize the gifts I've been given by my own friends. I'll not name names, but I'm sure you will know who you are! I'm telling you how very much I appreciate you!

I have a friend, whom I happened to overhear when they didn't know I was listening. This person was speaking out against the cruelty shown to me by others. This person's fierce protectiveness is something I choose to have at my back always! Thank you, my friend!

I have another friend who saw creativity in me when I was totally convinced there was none to be found! Gentle, very insistent suggestions have opened up to me a godly outlet for my deepest yearnings which have developed into a concrete expression of the profound. What a genius of a friend!

Another friend, when I added nothing but heaps of trouble to their day, responded with nothing but concern for my welfare, told with hugs and questions after my health. This person, already highly stressed, gave no thought to their own state of mind. Strength and blessings from God, to you, my friend!

I have friends whose generosity overflows into provision for my physical needs. Do you know that you are the very heart of God touching my heart? I pray to do as well, for you are teaching me how to give!

Especially precious to me are those who see my vulnerabilities as opportunities to minister to me, not as openings where they can take advantage for themselves. These angels of God's mercy overlook my faults to see, instead, what it is that God values, so as to nourish and encourage it!

The most valuable trait of all my friends, witnessed by the fact that they are still my friends, is the gift of loving me while keeping me humble! How do they accomplish this amazing feat? With their wonderful, marvelous sense of humor! They see me, they know me, and astonishingly, still include me in their circle! I am different and cherished for it, odd, and it's of value! I will always seek to do the same for you!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

There You Go (Barnabas Back in Action)

"There you go" is an affirmative phrase, an acknowledgement of a right attitude or action, and is offered as a verbal support. There is great spiritual power of encouragement when this recognition is rendered. Simply expressing to someone how obvious it is that the Lord is using them can give them the strength to keep on going.

If it is possible to shore up another's courage, just what could we be looking for, as examples of these behaviors, so as to reinforce excellent character? Perhaps a most basic type of laudable action is to, into the face of all the blandishments of evil, just continue to believe. Actions come from what is believed. Another personal choice needing support, is that person who is always there ( and on time, too!) Predictability may not be exciting, but it is courageous. The next, a good deed kept secret from it's recipient, is the giver eshewing their deserved credit. The rest of the world may not see the sense of what the giver has done. An irrepressibly cheerful person who sees the blessing hand of God in every circumstance and every created thing is someone who is essential to healthy faith. Let them know positive is apprecitated! An act which is very unselfish, and makes for a (cough, cough) valiant individual, is the will to wait to judge (and sentence), to suspend procedure and just listen to a miscreant. It's difficult to hold up the instinct for self preservation! It takes a special person indeed to give love where it is not deserved. This visionary gives out Christ so that the lost might grasp ahold of Christ in the depths of their soul!

There is one more who is most needful of all, of that little turn of phrase or action that encourages. One who seeks to always be an encourager might be showing little regard for their own state of mind. It might be costing them dearly in ways we cannot see. Maybe this barnabas is at a low ebb of energy and could use empowerment by receiving the same gift he gives so freely to others!

Castles of Air

Little giggles brighten the air like sparkles of sunlight shining on my ear.
Inside a castle made of air, bodies are hurtled with abandon here.
I stare as I drive by at the happy children playing in the yard.
Do they know how little is between them, and the uncaring ground, to be their guard?

How like small children we all are to live on our assumptions,
Blithely pressing on to implement the full force of our presumption.
The ideas that we cherish, do they serve us or do they serve Him?
Do they rest on true security or on a fickle, selfish whim?

Is it just a personal fantasy, this castle of character we build?
In contention with others, what class of concepts do we wield?
With futile opposition we seek to defend our fairy tale,
thinking that we're secure, surrounded by our castle made of air.......

Soaring Hearts

I've always wondered why the word "hope" is used to represent our inheritance in God's promises. The word appears too fragile and tenuous to support the full concept of who our faith is placed in. I just doesn't seem to express the certainty of fulfillment embodied in God's character. I guess that is just the attitude of someone who has seen Him in action for a while. Or, perchance, it could mean I am still lacking in a mature understanding of Him "through whom we live and move, and and have our being."

At first hearing, hope is the news that there is more to life than what we have around us and what we see with our eyes. It is the shock of the light in the darkness of our world, that lifts up our startled head. Hope is the spark that lights up the raging flame of love within us. No more dogged, weary step on the "firm foundation of unyielding despair."

For those of us who have been at this business for seeming forever, who are still exposed to the wounding, exhausting world, hope changes it's face. The face (of Jesus) becomes more reliable, immovable, and is the face of our now expectation. Since our hope is in Him, it becomes about a God who brings good from evil itself. He rewrites the script of our lives to "write straight with crooked lines." The reality of things that have happened is turned inside out. Pain becomes beauty, and suffering becomes an expression of ultimate love. Hope is actualized victory, no matter the cost, and notwithstanding all the circumstances. We know He is greater than all this. Hope shocks us anew because it is always fresh, always astonishing in it's extravagance of joyful, heartfelt response.

How could something so precious and wonderful be so durable, being as it is, born out of the midst of despair, and flowering, as it does, in the experiencing of adversity? The paradox of His power is revealed! These defining moments are exposing, not who we are or what life is, but more of who God is. Because of who we trust, we are invincible in our weakness, and richly blessed in our need. While we still struggle here, our heart has been freed to soar on twin wings of hope and joy!

Friday, November 12, 2010

I Lost My List

I had a list once. On it was detailed all the specifics of the glorious things I needed to get done. You see, I was the one who was going to meet and exceed expectations. I was going to silence all the voices of the shame based motivators in my little world. Each and every one of my soon to be accomplishments was carefully selected to highlight and justify my own chosen path. I wanted to be the hero. Each day I looked forward to crossing off another one of my successes.

Somehow, somewhere, the list disappeared. At first I was disconcerted, then my emotions worked themselves slowly into a rage. Obsessively, all my energies focused onto the the search for what I lost. After all, without it, who was I?

When comes along a weakness or loss which dislodges us from our complacency and our belief in our own sufficiency, therein is the glorious opportunity to learn of grace. Grace is that undeserved favor, mercy, and compassion. Grace is God's calling card, His signature method of dealing with humanity. He is the only one who can and will save us, in the end, if we let Him. "To the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness." (Romans 4:5) Salvation does not come from what we do, but from who we trust.

So what about all those wonderful things I was going to do for the world? They would not have lasted in God's kingdom! I did not have the strength to maintain them on my own! You see I really was only going to do them all for myself anyway. It is His work and His will, for the good of all, which He will do through those who trust in Him. (My strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Cor 12:9) I really am wonderfully blessed now, because I lost my list!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Priority Mail

I am throughtly convinced that the one thing we all have in common is a desperate need to be loved the midst of , and in spite of, our crippling dysfunction. Only God is big enough (read infinite) to not only provide the medicine for our healing (there is a balm in Gilead), but to be the answer to our otherwise insatiable hunger for meaning.

I know that when I want to give or receive love, using the written word seems to be the most appropriate method. It's more permanent and personal. There is liberty to develop a more considered reading, where the beauty of esoteric concepts can be brought to full expression, and love takes on a solid, visually verifiable form. When I cannot be physically with the one I love, I send them a letter. You can safely bet that I also diligently search my own mail for such communique!

God has sent us just such a love letter, and it is marked urgent! The Bible tells us of His passion for us. Time, by definition, is short and He understands that finding and knowing Him always should be our highest priority!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Angel Voices Heard on Earth

An angel is but a messenger, Your sleeve rolled up, visible evidence of Your will at work on the earth. A messenger does not have an exalted status. He merely does the will of another. He is a vessel to be used. Surely even one such as I may apply for this position. To bear about in my body the news of the dying and resurrection of the Lord Jesus is a work of my love for You, a gratitude unquenched by service, but only inflamed by the dawning realization of Your glory in those souls around me. And so the message spreads.......

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Heart of the Good News

Tremendous forces are at work in us and the world around us. Not the least of these is our own will and native intelligence. God has decreed that we should have that freedom to choose. If our choice is to reject Him and follow our own path, to leave Him out of our lives, then because we are limited, we will err, we will stumble, we will cause suffering to those we claim to love. Without His guidance and wisdom, we live in unrelieved darkness, unable to avail ourselves of any other alternative.

Only violence and force can reign supreme in a world without God. These have a spiritual cost of the heavy burdens of guilt and shame. Our anger drives us to commit atrocities, then abandons us to the regret and humiliation of the truth. The lies we use to cover our nakedness will only serve to compound our final shame.

We can be set free from this cycle of self destruction! The One who came took up the weight of our humiliation and bore it all the way to its rightful ending. He suffered the brunt of evil's rage in order to fulfill God's own justice. That was our exiled anguish and naked shame which hung between earth and sky, exposed and vulnerable on the cross. This is the price of our freedom which God took it upon Himself to pay!

Who but God could afford to pay the price that would cancel our self inflicted degradation? Who but God could then attribute to us His own perfection? Who but God could purchase a people for Himself on fire with devotion by reason of their gratitude? Who but God would delight to bestow glory and honor to those who were once without hope? All that is left for us to do is acknowledge our great need, for He still seeks for any who are willing to be redeemed!

"For He hath made Him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor. 5:21

Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus..."

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cutting Off Limbs and Gouging Out Eyes

Amputation sounds like such a permanent event! Mentioning it conjours up images of devastating loss and a severely restricted lifestyle. This is an experience to be scrupulously avoided. To give up a richly gratifying part of life for a one of physical limitation is just not worth the price! Or is it?

Matthew 5:29-30 If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body that for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body that for your whole body to go into hell.

Jesus is using a rather graphic analogy to tell us that some things, even ones that we consider to be part of ourselves, will not be permitted into the perfection of heaven. He is also letting us know, with a colorful metaphor, that God's patience will one day end. On that terrible day of righteous judgement, those who have chosen to reject His mercy will be cut off forever. On that day, they will see the end result of their own decision to follow the lies of violence and faithlessness. It is their choice to be cut off.

When we truly love someone, whether it is family, friends, or spouse, what we are doing is giving them ourselves, so that they, quite literally, become part of who we are. After we've spent time with someone we love, we began to think and act like them, and they to think and act like us. After all, isn't the goal of love to join the positive traits of two who are separate into one entity of purpose? Sometimes, after repeated efforts, when the one thought of as the other part of your heart, shows by their repeated actions that love is only to be used, without reciprocation, then amputation must follow. Sometimes they must be cut off.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Loving Your Enemy

Loving our enemies is, quite simply, crucial to being a follower of Christ. This is the gospel in action, a repetition of what Christ did at the cross, which was loving us who were His enemies. This love is not some feel good, conscience quieting deed, that is done occasionally, that we can point to so as to say we are a good person. It is not about us looking good at all. It is about Him, and us making that decision to do what He says. Real love is not an emotion at all, but a decision and an act of the will.

Anyone can be a potential enemy. Besides those who don't know you and might treat you with indifferent disdain, the "true" enemy is the one who was once close to your heart. This heart's enemy was the one who deceived you by giving you the treatment you thought you deserved from someone who was supposed to love you. Once you were emotionally committed, you were betrayed by him in favor of the one he loved the most, himself. It was always only about him anyway.

When we are badly used, hatred is our love gone wrong. It is that possessiveness that refuses to sacrifice what it desires, and refuses to let go. It can be changed back to love by making the decision to not act from anger, but to do the will of the Lord, who understands all things. It is only ourselves that we can submit to God for sanctification in our circumstance, not the enemy who has harmed us. Love is it being about Jesus, not about us.

Love is forgiving the debt that is owed by the enemy, because if we do not forgive, then we will become the very thing that we cannot forgive, that which we hate. Hatred is a contagious spiritual infection. It's spread can only be stopped by someone whose love will act as a barrier to the poison, by absorbing it's damage without passing it on. That is why Jesus told us to not return evil for evil, but to do good to those who spitefully use us.

Sometimes, though, the infection can only be exorcised by amputation........

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why Faith?

Many are the overwhelmingly precious moments, of realization of unveiling glory, that the Lord grants to us by virtue of our struggles! Come with me as I disclose the particulars of my recent thought journey on the issue of faith.

Faith and pain, naturally, tend to be mutually exclusive experiences. You can trust me with that thought! During the experience, it is useless to protest your innocence while your conscience convicts you! Satan will always use this as opportunity to raise questions, in us, concerning the wisdom and compassion of our God. There is no defense we can offer as an argument, save our faith. If we have no prior experience at faith, then we can only repeat what His word has told us to believe.

We can choose to bring His revealed light into the darkness with us. Despite the initial difficulty (when we are unaccustomed to seeing with the eyes of faith) through Him we will enlarge our understanding. You see, faith, by definition, must be tested, or it is not faith! Then when we step out onto the water, our foot will be supported on dry, firm ground! It is in our experiencing of Him, that our faith increases by multiples of magnitude! He and all He is, becomes our sole motivation! It is how He writes His law of love on our hearts! If we've learned to trust Him in the darkness, our knowledge will be turned to glory in the full light of day, for our trust in Him is the limit of the wisdom and righteousness we can offer.

The alternative is that we take everything for granted. Perhaps you can see this as a character weakness. You have heard the saying, "Familiarity breeds contempt"? Of such attitude was the being, formed by Him as the apex of creation, which became known as Satan. Dwelling always in the presence of God, he had need of neither faith nor hope and so chose to reject the way of love and self sacrifice. He is totally lacking in strength of character. He is the man who lives for personal gratification, who by strength of arms, subdues those weaker than himself and lives on the fruits of his own arrogance. He has no morals, for none here has the power to tell him no. He seeks to recruit followers by any method he can bring to bear.

We, as christians, are here to prove him wrong. Gentleness, humility, and love will prove to be stronger than any force or fear, because they are centered, by faith, on Jesus. This is how we have overcome the world, by our faith in Jesus!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Are We There Yet?

"Watch, therefore, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things, and to stand before the Son of Man."

I've always been frankly amazed by some who call themselves christians, but who are harsh and condemning people. When we resort to bullying as an everyday communication technique, then we betray the true source of our motivation, our own selfishness. If we feel compelled to control others while justifying ourselves, then perhaps it is time we should investigate. Self examination will open our eyes, not only to what we think, but to what we really believe at the core of our being.

So ask yourself, "Do I really trust God?" Where is the evidence, in my life, that proves that I have committed to following Him? Can you say, "I will show you my faith by my works?" Do you have the pure religion that "cares for widows and orphans"? When you care for those who cannot repay you, do you feel blessed by the opportunity, or resentful?

Since "whatever is not of faith is sin," once you have decided that you believe, it behooves you to take up every opportunity provided for sanctification. Willing sensitivity is proof of faith. It is not the mistakes that condemn us, but the attitude that accompanies them.

Believers are not meant to be indistinguishable from the rest of the crowd. He calls us His peculiar people. He wants us to "live by faith", that inner insight and understanding from Him by which we order our world. So, "when the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on the earth," in YOU?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Not Until You've Walked in My Shoes......

When God tells us to be holy, He does not mean that we are to withdraw into exclusive societies. To be witnesses, we cannot separate ourselves from the world around us. We are to be "in the world, but not of the world." Being holy, as it looks to the world at large, is that visible, active, giving love, that shines and flows out from us when we come alongside to help and care for others.

Jesus gave us that perfect example of participative support. When we could not go to Him, He came to us. He came to us where we are, as we are. When we saw Him, we realized that He was something better, because He chose to accompany us in our pain and sorrow. He experienced what we experience. He lifted and carried our load, Himself, voluntarily.

That is why we came to desire that Love for ourselves. We saw in Him what we wanted to be, what we should be, what we were created to be, and what, in Him, we will be.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Two Reasons to Believe

The person who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ because of the "scientific evidence", is deceiving themselves. Seemingly legitimate arguments of logic and science can be offered from both sides of the table. Science, of this sort, is just a trumped up excuse to maintain the worldview you started with. It bolsters and supports the egocentric. It's foolishness to argue with a made up mind. Why waste time?

If cogent argument is making one more defensive, then what is left? One who does not believe needs to see something worth believing in. This person will want to see something that they will want for themselves.

Seeing the difference Christ makes, in the the lives of believers, is one reason to believe that He can make a difference in yours. The active, miraculous love shining out of a believer will make you wonder. Seeing the peace and just plain sanity with which a true christian faces the most challenging of circumstances can persuade the most sceptical. A believer always has something awesome to look forward to, that hope that cannot die! Opiate of the people, indeed!

The other reason to believe, and the best one, is that you get to know Jesus Christ! Remember, this is the One that was sent to show us what God is like! This is the One who gave up everything, including His life, just to have us with Him! In tenderness, He holds us, comforts us, and sustains us! Obedience to His every word is a joy, because He holds only our highest interests in His heart! With Him with us, we need fear nothing! Is it any wonder that praising Him is our greatest honor? That rejoicing in Him is something we'll gladly do, forever?

Anyone who has not trusted Jesus is missing out on anything and everything worthwhile and worth having. Christianity can be proven, but no one should believe only because of the cold, hard facts. That is only a part of it! Convicting is done by the convincing of the heart! Who wouldn't want to be a part of the best possible outcome?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Be Valiant for Him

So what, exactly, is in a name, anyway? When men give names to God, the names describe His character and attributes, sort of like a description after the fact. It's looking back, in time, to tell who He is. When parents name a baby, the name contains the dreams and aspirations of the parents, like a look into the future. That is two origins for names.

There is a third one. Far more personal and intimate is it when a name is bestowed by God. Far more than mere hope, it encompasses a destiny and expresses a life mission. When He has lovingly spoken your name, you then are gifted the highest goals of all to work towards. That calling's fulfillment is to be found in Him, forever...........

What does being called valiant look like? Being called valiant is not about being large, loud, or impressive. It's about eschewing glory for yourself and valuing a stillness of character that saves words for the finding of supportive things to do and say for others. Being valiant is not about overcompensating for the lost child within. It's a mission to speak gently to the hurting child in others.

This same valiant person will not reconcile himself to evil. He will, instead, gently and lovingly assert the truth into the face of raging intimidation. He will actively demonstrate this love, though anger would despise him and hold him in contempt for the doing. And when evil shall rail against him for the insufficiency of his love, than shall the valiant sever himself from those lost in their own selfishness, thereby denying such selfishness more fodder for the flames of it's own destruction. The valiant will go forward into pain and self denial, if by such means any shall be saved.

The valiant mission is also to wring out of each drop of pain, through soul searching, that bright jewel of God's hope, so it is available to others who search. Then the valiant will praise God for the pain, because of the reason of God's purpose that was accomplished through it. To be valiant is to always live in His praises because of the wonderful and awesome things He has done!

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you: I have called you by name: you are mine!" Isa 43:1

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Where Did Those Clouds Come From?

Those clouds looming overhead limit our perspective. It can be very dark when there is no sun. We cannot see the radiant sky nor the majestic mountains which shelter us. All we can see with our eyes, from this side of the barrier, is the question "Why?"

When we want to do things our own way, it can get very dark indeed. We bring on the proverbial clouds ourselves....... At the same time that I was in pain from my illness, I read a christian book that said it was okay to doubt God, that doubt was an important component of the search for truth. The influence of both sets of circumstance created a crisis of faith in me. After all, pain and trust are difficult to harmonize, and belief is where our salvation begins. How could I know I was truly saved? Enter the calvary (pun intended) of Calvanism!

Calvanism is that doctrine which says that God has selected us from the beginning. We had nothing to do with it, because we could do nothing ourselves. We were too weak. We are saved only by His effort and we are maintained, in our salvation, only by Him! In other words, "Not me, but Christ in me!"

Are we chosen by God, or is He our own choice? Is it Predestination or free will? I believe in both! The doctrines of predestination and free will work together the same way that truth does with the mind of man. The mind of man does not create or invent truth, but rather discovers what is already there for the finding. So too does freedom of choice learn of and accommodate itself to that salvation which He has prepared since before time began!

Now the precipitation of our disobedience and the cloud cover of our bad attitude cannot circumvent the established will or plan of the Lord! These clouds are, in fact, just tools of His artistry! The friction between His absolute power and our sinful disobedience is what shapes us into His likeness. Infinite understanding shines a healing light on darkest depravity. It is beyond our grasp to see how he can be totally sovereign to use even our weaknesses to His purpose. God's power cannot be reduced by our freedom! Instead, His authority is increased by reason of the abundant grace and mercy He has made available to cover our error! God's promises can never be denied fulfillment! He will accomplish everything He has determined to do, including fulfilling His promise in us!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Time Has Come to Celebrate!

The long night of my desolation has passed!
Evil's incoherent rage has lost it's death grip at last!
That strangulation hold has yet freed my mind,
to seek His truths, and in His presence find,
that I eschew fear in the glory of His name!
"Mundane" existence will never be the same!
During my heart's numb misery, He has spoken soft words,
opened up my deaf ears, so I finally heard,
exhortations to abandon fear far behind,
convinced my recalcitrant heart, He is nothing but kind!
Here is the One who sets prisoners free!
How much greater His grace, than my sin could be!
Come, let us celebrate what He has done!
He freed all who believe, when He gave up His Son!
In His mighty hand, we are forever secure!
None can accuse us, in His eyes we're found pure!
No need to fear, like death's some dark abyss,
When through it we enter what's much better than this!
So let's dance and sing His victory!
Anticipate the culmination of His plan in history!
You see, my long night of suffering's past!
His goodness, exposed now, to my eyes.......AT LAST!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Only You......

I'm caught on the border of brilliance and obscurity
Conflicted with longing, to understand and to see.
The emptiness, of this sphere, has haunted me for years,
Broken dreams and ambitions leave behind a trail of tears.
Many angry faces have turned and walked away
Disgusted by the priorities I wear as a display.
So I cannot help but feel unworthy to be loved
Because of all the unmet needs that I am guilty of.
I wish I could be perfect, but I know it's only You
That is good enough, and best, to give all my glory to!
Those other desires I used to spend my passions on
Are now redirected and expressed towards Your only Son.
His is the sole commitment that I need to make
Because only You would do it all for my sake.
Only You would give me conflict to teach me how to pray
So I could learn to live by each word that You say.
Only You could give me peace to heal my troubled soul.
Only You can mend my wounds and make me whole.
Only You can hold the whole world in Your hands
Yet be fully with each person, though numerous as sand.
Through my commitment to You I live to do Your will
Because no matter what I do, only You are with me still.
Because of Your commitment to me, I've learned to feel content.
To rest at peace, comforted, after all my strength is spent.
Because You're faithful to me, I want only You.
I know only You can satisfy, after all that I've been through.

So, exactly what difference DOES commitment make?
"God commendeth His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

Monday, July 12, 2010

Attitude Check!

It's just another day. We have somewhere we need to be. There are things that need to get done. If we don't fulfill our responsibilities, lock down our rebellious will behind the grindstone of routine, somebody's gonna be upset! Those harsh and stern critics inside our head will be sure to make us feel the shame of our lack of resolve! Therefore at the beginning of the day, we view with a jaundiced and bleary eye the workload which waits to pounce on us and bear us down!

We might affect an attitude of not caring, hoping to deflect the vicious attacks of our conscience. We might get angry that things are not as they "should" be, and that anger will definitely be taken out on somebody! In the end, it is not what someone does to us or says to us that determines how we will feel. It is what we tell ourselves, in the privacy of our hearts, that determines what our attitude will be.

Most of us have a mistaken assumption. We think that fear is the most effective motivator. After all, who wants to live with all those negative consequences? The thing is, when we use self hatred to overcome our inertia, then whether we succeed or whether we fail, we already own all the shame that's to be had from the situation. It means we already carry multiplied negative universes as our burden each day.

What can we do to defeat defeatist thinking? The fear of the Lord is only the beginning of wisdom, so God has given us specific instructions for victorious living. Start with the truth! Confession is in order! Acknowledging reality as to the root of our bitterness is where we begin to overcome it! It's an attitude check! The second part of confession is being able to admit and participate in the reality of God's victory and glory! So, "Don't sweat the small stuff", because after what Christ accomplished, everything else is small stuff!

Our motivation is to come from love and gratitude! If it doesn't came from love, it's just busywork with a bad attitude! If we do not subscribe to our limitations and His lack of them when working with us, we diminish ourselves by our lack of faith in Him. We are shorting ourselves of our full entitlement of joy!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Humility: What is it?

A good story should inspire us. It illustrates the connections we have within a community of love and support. It gives us goals to work towards. It will help us bear our burdens with more courage. A good story also has heroes which throw their strength behind the cause.

Heroes exist to model behavior which we are supposed to emulate. We feel an outpouring of affection and longing for that one who is willing to sacrifice so much of himself, ostensibly for us. It's always nice to be on the receiving end of the one with the generous spirit. We long for that kind of love to be ours, so the story always emphasizes how the hero does not give to gain anything for himself. But then, it's only a story, isn't it?

What, though, is the motivation behind the hero's actions, altruistic as they might seem to be? Whom does the giver seek to honor? By whose authority and in whose name is the sacrifice made? What is to be gained, by the outflow, for the one surrendering the resources?

If the hero promotes his own goodness, then he is a fraud. If the hero seeks to conquer hearts for his own use, then he is no hero. At best, his glory and brilliance are but a tawdry imitation of the shine of genuine humility, as gilt paint is a cheap copy of the glittering value of real gold.

Force does not create humility. An ego brought low through the beatings administered by life is in a state known as humiliation. Compelling compliance usually doesn't change underlying opinions, for "The man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still." A person changing their behavior to avoid pain and confrontation is being dishonest. Such an individual's reasoning will form convoluted paths in order to convince themselves that they do what is right, but when given opportunity, their true loyalties will reassert themselves!

Only the one who has surrendered their banner of self promotion is the one who demonstrates true humility. In truth, only the one who does all for the Savior, as the Savior did all for us, can lay claim to being humble. Only the Savior, who sees and understands all, has that cause worth giving everything to! You'd have a hard time convincing that humble person that his contribution is even worthy of being called humility! He has no need to defend himself for he is convinced by that which he knows is of more value! Humility is valuing the Savior and His will above all else!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Letting Go

Before I can talk on letting go of past hurts, I must take inventory. Where am I at? I still feel the sting of old wounds. I still remember what betrayal feels like.

To begin with, I must confess my confusion and fear. To remain in a state of denial, so I do not have to experience the pain, would ultimately be deadly. I must be able to cry and question Him, to fully experience the devastation, so that my perception of reality shifts and changes. The full realization of all that has been lost must sink in before healing can begin.

The Lord is forever and always His children's companion on this darkest of journeys. He bore more sorrow than all of us. No matter our pain, He has been there. He is there with us, now. He still bears our sorrow.

"For the joy that was set before Him, he endured the cross, despising the shame." He is the One who turns sorrow into joy, and shame into hope. If you will, imagine the worst that could ever happen. Such an event would mean the destruction of all things wise, beautiful, and loving. Yet that was exactly what happened at the cross! The death of God! Yet isn't this the best thing he ever did for us?

He conquered death itself for us! In following Him, now we are conquerors, too, even in the worst of circumstances! He changes what our past means by changing our future. Our pain he will change to his glory, and nothing will stand in his way!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Will You Turn Away?

This is not a place I like to be,
Caught between rejection and doing the right thing.
I made a choice to live my faith.
Someone's anger is the consequence it brings.

This world feels like a wilderness.
Only cold indifference in each face I see
for that bright hope that I have found.
Acceptance of the message is my fervent plea!

Why do you make it personal?
Make my character out as flawed?
Dismiss me along with my message?
To keep yourself from feeling awed?

Why do you feel God picks on you,
In trying to give you a life of joy?
Give up being all about yourself!
What advantage do you gain by being coy?

Surely such love cannot be weak!
Reaching down to the depths of men!
But if you want to climb up to where God dwells,
Only His strength will cleanse you from sin!

Oh, that you would let God comfort you!
Give in to His flame of burning passion!
Nothing you do in His name will be lost!
There is then only His rewards to be won!

Yes! This is written for you!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

And Mauve Colored Dreams.......

I wander seeming aimless in this world feeling dazed,
Attempting to see beyond the corridors of the maze,
The noises which assault me are nothing but crazed,
And colors blur into a blinding amalgamous haze.

Perceptive reality reveals orange, red, and green,
Strident colors that are anything but serene.
How could they be happy that are so loud and mean?
That contend with others for attention; To be seen?

I turn my face away to seek the calmer hues,
Their intellect so polite, they leave me only clues.
That's where I have my happy place where I need not pay the dues.
Pink light of dawn in peaceful skies of panoramic views.

Mauve speaks to me of elegance and aesthetics so sublime
It coexists with everyone tranquilly through rhyme.
Such pleasure when seeing it must surely be a crime!
This vintage shade will never lose it's appeal over time!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Glorious Freedom of the Children of God

Why do we do the things we do? What is our motivation? It is inevitable and unavoidable that whatever we cherish binds us to itself. If we are doing what we think we want to be doing, it may not occur to us that we are slaves. Something has to drive us. Passion will have it's outlet.

There is only one truth to which we need commit ourselves. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." What is the truth that frees us? The confession of who Jesus is! ("Upon this rock I will build my church", the rock being Peter's confession of Jesus as the Christ and God's Son. "And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.")

Nothing else need have power over us any longer! No more chains or prison bars! Nothing comes between us and the One who has redeemed us! Because of His love, we are more than victors over all the circumstances of our life. In living and even dying, we win Him! What a liberating reality!

"Those who trust in the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

He is Worthy!

"Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" (Revelation 5:12)

I believe the predominant emotion of heaven will be gratitude. We will finally be able to see and to understand the heights of God's grace and His provision. We would expect nothing less of our teacher after enduring pain and weakness for Him.

There are times, in the Bible, where God has deliberately tripped up men's lofty aspirations, and brought their dreams to nothing. (Remember the Tower of Babel?) In other places, he gives His faithful servants a "thorn in the flesh", or in other words, a handicap, to limit their strength to achieve on their own. Why has God placed boundaries on the glory man can attain for himself? He seeks to protect man from himself! We make poor imitation gods for ourselves, bent as we are on domination. Only when we put Him first and glorify only Him will He bring us with Him and will we be exalted with Him. Only He is strong enough! Only He can carry the weight of the world on His shoulders. Only He can battle evil and the grave and overcome! Only He can turn disappointment, disease, and death into glory! We will be ecstatic to share in His glory because He cared enough to do for us what we could not do for ourselves, so that He could honor us as we honor Him.

In addition to carrying our load, He has laid the foundation for our great joy. Joy is that extravagant blossom which only grows on and is nourished by the parent plant of gratitude. So our joy is born continually anew from gratitude. These two continue building on each other without end, an infinite crescendo of rejoicing, and it is all because of Him and for Him! Yes, He is worthy!

My Favorite Book

I just bought two books by Josh McDowell, "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" and "A Ready Defense". Books like these demonstrate the factual foundation of the christian faith. We can see that what we hope for is not built out of air and not based on wishful thinking. The evidence is overwhelming. Christians should be informed.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Name Him Merciful!

Ever diligent is Satan in his efforts to make God into a liar. Isn't it a universal complaint of unbelievers that they won't subscribe to a God in the face of so much suffering in the world? Satan went to so much trouble to convince unsuspecting, ignorant man that God was withholding knowledge from man that would make man like God himself. Now Satan would suggest that God is responsible for the horrors of the consequences stemming from the choice to be without God.

We have forged the bars of our own prison, closed and locked the chains of our own making. God knew we didn't even understand this predicament nor have the strength to see to break free. God himself had to come for us. That light shining in the dark dungeon is Him standing, with the keys in His hands, waiting to unlock both chains and prison doors.

Ever willing is He, our God, and never failing of compassion. He is ever ready to halt the course of our destruction, but love will not force us. If we could just see His earnest desire, believe the One who wants the best for us, the truth would free us from our selfishness.

He does not have to punish us. We punish ourselves. As damaged and broken as we are, from our life of living without Him, when we genuinely ask for His help, He is already there for us. He has already made provision for our healing. There is no need for fear of that luminous, infinite future of grateful rejoicing and adoration of Him.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

An Appeal to Reason: A Call to Arms!

I was taken aback by the antipathy with which others viewed my recent dissemination of some emails about Islam. I simply let the proponents of Islam speak for themselves. I posted pictures of demonstrations where muslims were carrying gruesome statements about what they were going to do to unbelievers. Isn't it helpful to know the truth of other's belief systems? Instead, I felt like a child, caught gossiping about other's dirty laundry, by those far older and better able to understand.

I was sending out a warning. I have a great deal of experience with a more personal form of terrorism. I know that if you capitulate to the pressure of induced fear, if you are conciliatory, then you are letting someone else tell you who you are. Ironically, if you decide to adopt the same violent methods, you are also letting them decide who you are!

After my initial surprise, that others thought I was being hateful, I realized what it was that I was missing. It took a sermon on evangelism for me to see what a christian, fighting, is supposed to look like! If we are to represent the light of truth (Because that is what He is) to a world drowning in sorrow, the war has to be fought on our knees! Once we are empowered by His love, our weapons are truth and good deeds! It's a battle out there! Are we ready to fight?!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Have you ever been the instigator of a misunderstanding? One where the seeming cold indifference of the other person you misconstrued into high drama of epic proportions? The pain you were meticulously rehearsing was built into a story that took on a life of its own. That driven feeling was fueled solely by the misinformation and uninformed emotion of the mind. All this happened before you decided to go and talk to the "offender". Then came the change of perspective, where nothing is as you thought it was, the sun is actually shining, and everyone really has your best interests at heart.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Psalm 111:10) If we are not motivated to go and talk to God when we experience fear, then our dread of Him becomes a sad misunderstanding, where the facts of His mercy and compassion are overwhelmed and subsumed by our emotions of the moment. He takes such care, when revealing heaven , to tell us to "fear not"! He is very protective of His reputation. If someone has convinced themselves that He is a harsh and cruel taskmaster, He will not be pleased by their lack of faith. "If any draw back, my soul will have no pleasure in him." (Heb 10:38) Of such persuasion was the unfaithful servant, who buried his "talent". He was condemned as unprofitable because he was content to console himself with inaction and atrophy.(Matt. 25:30)

"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."(John 3:32) If we would just allow ourselves to see the real truth behind the circumstance, we would instead be praising Him! Whatever is happening, it is an opportunity for Him to reveal His glory, wisdom, and power! For the one with eyes to see, His victory is happening now!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

So, What Happens Next?

One of the things I've learned about God's character is that He delights in doing the unexpected. If you think back to all of the the times Israel was delivered from her enemies, many times this was accomplished without the use of any force whatsoever, contrary to expectations. Also, in fulfilling prophesy, God's completion, in exact detail, of what He has told us will happen, takes place in forms totally unexpected by leading religious authorities. (Those who have their own ideas of what should be happening.) God does these things to "shake up" our perceptions, to change our perspective, from a godless worldview, to how HE views. "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord." He desires us to be inspired to obey Him, rather than our own ideas of what is right. Acting in anticipation of what we think it is that He wants is not obedience, but rather a rut that we fall into and that He is helping us climb out of. So wait. See what the Lord will do. Be prepared to be in awe and overflowing with joy and gratitude! Feel the anticipation! I can't wait to see what happens next!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This word sparks feelings of resentment in me. My response is a result of my experiences with those blinded by the illusion that physical strength is the sole requirement of leadership. That view sees leading as a hiearchy where control comes from the top, goes in one direction, down, and obedience comes from the bottom up. Accountability is where, when the rules are broken, the offender is punished in some way by his superior. The inherent idea is of violent domination. Fear accrues the good things in life to the one who is at the top. All others aspire to and compete for positions of similar advantage.This value system is the godless concept of survival of the fittest.

Accountability only works if it is mutual. In reality, a leader has more to account for than the ones he leads. "To whom much is given, much will be required." (Luke 12:48)

The term that I prefer to use is submission. Whereas you would not love or trust the one you are accountable to, submission is a voluntary act of love, done to the one we know has our best interests at heart. Remember that Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey my commandments." (John 14:15)

Submission is synonymous with humility, which to me, means teachability. To learn, we must surrender our pride. Then we can see that He is worthy to receive only our best. We can honor and glorify Him. When we lift Him up, exalting Him, He in turn lefts us up with Him, creating a powerfully supportive community of love.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Past the Pain

My eyes roam over the events of my life,
random consideration of pain and of strife.
My reaction of amazement, to it, the sum?
I realize, with it, I've been granted my freedom!
It dawns on me God has used circumstance
to break open my chains, move my feet to dance!
Only after the battle's been fought
could I understand, with my will, what it is that He sought!
To produce resilience in my character!
In His compassion I stand assured,
that nothing has happened He hasn't allowed,
even dark valleys obscured by black clouds!
His spirit has driven me into the desert
where, like Him, I'm tested and allowed to feel hurt,
to learn to stand tall and to face unafraid,
the bleakest of darkness, the price to be paid,
because I'm determined to win victory,
go through even death, His face to see!
When corruption comes calling and threatening,
no force of persuasion, to my life, does it bring!
Now even the grave has no authority over me,
in His sacrifice, I now stand, and am free!

"But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." (Gal. 6:14)


"I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me, and the life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Gal. 2:20)

Monday, May 10, 2010

That Familial Conflict

This has got to be the same place
that I was at yesterday!
Surrounded by the familiar,
No wonder I didn't want to stay!

When I started I was secure
in innocence, all unaware,
that knowledge of good and evil
did not drive me, back then, to care.

Family battles then drew the lines
of character, and what is right.
They didn't realize they set in stone,
their role as villains, careless in their spite.

In the midst of the battle of wills,
I gave them all my blame.
I am so angry at others
for exposing me to shame.

Yet here I am, out of their reach.
So why do I feel as I did then?
Pressed from both sides, failing of both,
influence of sin, yet only men?

As long as I had them at my side,
it was impossible for me to see
that I didn't have to face my burden!
By blaming them, from my own fault I was set free!

Friday, April 30, 2010

An Austere Asthetic

Waves of golden brown
continually spiraling around
circling the heart
of strength, when cut apart
supplicant arms uplifted
when with foliage gifted.

Aspire to reflected light
crystal colors bright
shape granted in the fire
molded as required
cold and heavy circumstance
through which pure hues dance.

An iridescent, buried deep
barrier to liquid keep
exotic form of skin
creatures safe within
open armour reveals to light
what's hid inside, to calloused sight.

Can you name three favorite things
that to arts and crafts, I bring?
Analogies of character,
inner life, strong, and pure.
Simple beauty personified
when selfish ambition is denied.
Living image of the Son
when the world is overcome!

A "Cardboard Testimony"

When I saw the subject this week, I realized that I didn't have a transcendent, poignant, concise message of the mighty, transforming power of God working in my life. I had nothing encouraging to offer. These brief communications require a conviction of positive results, an abundance of physical evidence to give as empirical proof of God's presence.

What I had was my grief. My health struggles have left me physically weak and emotionally numb and isolated. My past history of being treated violently, in addition to making some ugly choices of my own, has kept my conviction of, being undeserving of grace, in the forefront of my mind.

But this is not about me, is it? It's about God's (insert all-powerful, consummate, positive, attribute here!) Throughout my life struggles, my most profound joy has been to exalt and glorify Him! There is no one else who is worthy! No one else can do what He does! None can bring good out of even evil itself as He does! He is the only one who can bring perfect life out of death! This One even used murderous hate to frame and emphasize His greatest act of love!

Why is my soul rejoicing after all the protestations of despair? I will tell you how He has given (because that's all He does) what I needed, when I needed it, right where I was!

I have realized that there is a price to be paid when we speak out, from our hearts, for the Savior. Unless we "give it up" when we give to Him, it is not a worthy gift to give to Him who has everything. Also, If I am to be able to teach others with integrity and conviction, I must have wrestled with the issues already, and be brought through to truth! Else, how will they believe unless I have been where they are now?

My change of heart today is from the most profound "point of grace" yet. Jesus did His greatest work when He was in the most agony of physical pain and despair! Redemption and reconciliation was accomplished because of His suffering. When He cried out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus was as the very center of His father's will for Him! This is significant because suffering is not always a sign of God's displeasure, but instead will be used to further His great purpose!

So what is my message today of God's work in my life? The challenges are "violent rejection, alienation, depression, and despair"! God's answer? "He satisfies all my needs with Himself!"

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's None of Your Business!

I wholeheartedly concur with a novel definition of "fanatic" that I came across yesterday. The term has been known to be used in a blatant attempt to stigmatize those gentle and humble believers who have an "unhealthy" attachment to the Savior. The new definition says that fanatics are those who have not internalized the message of the Gospel (that we are saved by grace) and who's confessed "belief" is actually a way for them to control others. Another word for them is hypocrite.

Do you remember where Jesus said "You will know them by their fruits"? We all know someone so "zealous" for their religion that they are harsh, overbearing, and opinionated. Similar to the Pharisees of Jesus' day, they delight in being powerful and respected while they oppress and abuse others. They are confident God will accept them based on their "good" behavior, while feeling superior and self righteous.

In any encounter with such individuals, it is best to be on your guard. This is where it helps to be "as wise as serpents, but harmless as doves." Don't be "casting your pearls before swine" by being open and vulnerable. Don't play their games and let yourself be manipulated. No need to be drawn into stern lectures with you as their disciple. Instead, you can employ a refreshing technique as a defense mechanism. Just tell them to "mind your own business!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Joyful Living

I made a rediscovery recently. I'll have to explain the circumstances before I can make my point. Christians are a peculiar people bound to a peculiar destiny. We know the end of the story. We know God's victory is a foregone conclusion. So therefore, most of us assume we've got no business with thinking on anything negative, even going so far as to not acknowledge reality in certain areas.

My recent experience has taught me that there is nothing like chronic, debilitating pain to "shake loose" any misconceptions we harbor. When you're in pain, you don't worry about esoteric concepts like self esteem, success strategies, or even courtesy. In fact, you're unable to control your self and your emotions at all. Your whole being becomes focused on the one thing, the pain. All pretense of happiness fades away..........(but wait! There's more!)

When it is too hard to bear, God has given us permission to grieve! (Read the book of Job.) If we cannot grieve, then our hearts will turn to stone. If we try to keep our hearts free of fear and anger, rigid and unyielding, then we actually get stuck there, instead.

My point is, if you cannot surrender, then you cannot be delivered. If you cannot give up your life, then you cannot truly live life. If you will not allow yourself to feel terror, then you cannot acknowledge hope. True meaning will not be found in the absence of suffering, but because of it.

In the strength of Christ, who overcame the world, we too will win! That is the ultimate reality! In the same way that we commit ourselves to participate when He allows us to suffer, we will also share in His joy, and the victory is so much sweeter for the price that was paid! Only in Him, is it possible to confess our pain and His victory at the same time, and live joyfully in anticipation with expectations of grace.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Breaking Through

When I am so weary that my body aches,
I want to give up: I haven't got what it takes.
Voices beat against my brain
telling me that I'm insane.
That my reasoning is compromised.
These spirits of hell in disguise,
use suffering to impress on me,
The "reality" of the "truth" they see.
That God is unable to forgive my sin.
That there really is no hope in the end
because after all everyone dies.
Are you really sure you will ascend to the skies?
Beating my will against the wall
of my understanding, to take it all,
to a higher level of love and joy,
to defeat satan in his morbid ploy.
Reality is what I have in my hand,
the Word of the Lord, His love and His plan.
The reality is that I've made my choice,
a conscious decision to lift up my voice,
To acknowledge Jesus, who's delivered me,
rejoicing in what He says will be,
This One who's strength is greater than all,
has told me clearly that when I answer His call,
That no one can pluck me out of His hand.
On His firm promise I can choose to stand.
I'm deciding to give up death and dispair.
In the midst of my circumstance, I'm praising Him there.
Spending my strength in expressing my gratitude,
so while I wait on Him, I exude
the joy all His children are supposed to be feeling!
Besides, confessing His victory is far more appealing
to Him, to me, and unbelievers around!
All will know His grace does abound!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

God's Progressive Lesson Plan

In the economy of God's kingdom, difficult concepts are best "laid hold of" by our heart and intellect through the generous application of life difficulties. God will, in His kindness, lead us through dark valleys with overcast skies. Yet even there He can and does deliver His messages in the wind driven rain. Temporary grief is a catalyst towards greater understanding and increasing love of Him. (And for His children, all grief is temporary!) Our insight is built up, by the Savior, into an edifice of righteousness in consecutive stages. He turns our tear streaked countenance in His direction with a gentle hand. That way we will see the reality that our mourning is what begins the radical blessings from Him! As glory is placed upon glory, we become more like Him! We can be "confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil. 1:6) So all the honor will go to Him for the excellent things He has done!

In Romans, Paul gives a basic outline of the way our God builds us up into His glorious likeness. "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." (Rom 5:1-5)

In my own journey, I started with a believing faith, through which God granted me His grace and the peace that comes with it. The first thing I realized, after my conversion at the tender age of nine, was that christians have to live like,....... well........Christians! The name says it all, in that we are to be a reflection of the character of our Lord. (Phil 1:27) Sounds great, right? We're supposed to make a decision to keep our "body under subjection". Right? (1 Cor 9:27) In reality, an incredible amount of anger will build up if we just "keep a lid on it"! That's where patience comes in, (The lifetime achievement award!) for it's difficult to "speak the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:16) when "truth" and "love" just don't want to work together!

Consistent application of self discipline (read patience) is what eventually allowed me to see God's hand working through the turmoil. Seeing God's hand at work and hearing His voice proves to us in a very visceral way that He is real, He is faithful and just, and that HIS will is what WILL prevail. We EXPERIENCE Him! That is the hope God has given me that no one can take away! I have SEEN His love at work in me and through me so that I KNOW He is with me and that all He has told me is true!

Now if I can just manage to communicate this love to others..............?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What Work is Worth Doing?

This question put me in mind of a song. "When Nothing's Sacred" by Billy Sprague ( is an expose' on the state of our souls, absorbed as they are in superficial things. One of the stanzas states that "People need a destiny, but settle for careers."

Whatever has captured our heart is where we invest our time, and time is one of God's more democratic of gifts. Everyone has their alloted time. We choose where it is to be invested by what is most important to us. If we choose not to trust God, where we spend our time will be a waste of this precious resource. Our efforts will not carry over into eternity.

One of the most superficial and unrewarding of activities that can engage our time is worry, usually for inconsequential or unlikely things. Sooner or later, everyone will attempt to make a career of it. We try to cover every contingency, so we ourselves control the outcome. We're telling God to move over, that we want His job. We want it done our way. This is arrogance on our part. Just who is supposed to be in charge here, anyway? Jesus said, "But don't be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy (time) seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you." (John 6:27 NLT)

There are far better and more eternally rewarding uses for our time. Our true employment and final destiny is best expressed by what we do when we "do it all for the glory of God" (I Cor 10:31) We do our best work when we have an attitude of faith and gratitude. No matter what our task, we do work worthy of a being created in the image of God when we do it to give honor to Him.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Ultimate Birthday Party

A beloved prodigal son is coming home. Broken and disillusioned, he's bowed down under the weight of the consequences of his choices in life. He thought he was strong, but now realizes physical strength is but a delusion. Humbly he throws himself at the feet of the Love he once scorned as weak. He no longer wants the life he once lived without Love. His yearning is to break the chains of the cycle of destruction so he can be free!

How will the Father receive the one who has been contemptuous? Who now regrets? "Him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out." (John 6:37) He turns no one away that comes to Him! What is God's emotional reaction to overseeing a new birth into His fellowship? What is His first reaction? "In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." (Luke 15:10) Can't you just picture how God dances and whoops it up in exuberant joy? Not only does He take all comers, but He goes out looking for His soon to be adopted children, in the most traveled and least traveled ways of the world. (Luke 14:23) He runs to meet them where they are when He knows that they are coming. (Luke 15:20) Then it's time for the celebration! The father calls for a party to rejoice over the newest child who "was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. " (Luke 15:32)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Suprised by Love

Expectations. A sense of impending failure. That sinking feeling of despair. Expectations can be imposed on us by others, or can be those we've internalized so that we become our own worst critic. Either way, there are rules. None can claim ignorance of the rules. We all know what's right.

There is good reason why God has left such a strong impression of His laws in the minds of men. He has left a testimony of Himself. Our spirits confess to us of His ultimate power and holiness.

He leaves the witness to be a confrontation to our conscience: A wakeup call to our wayward souls. None are exempt, and we are supposed to be afraid, initially. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." The demands of His law must be met. Justice must be served. A death sentence has been handed down. All of the race of man must die.

If it all seems pretty dreadful, it is meant to be. God's impending judgement, His dispensing of justice, is a warning call to repentance. When we change our minds and decide not to destroy ourselves, we have someone who advocates for us. This same advocate is our proxy in the serving of our sentence. When we decide we want out of our inevitable ending, we can adopt His instead. When we accept His Lordship, we identify with His death, so our death to sin and it's consequences is accomplished.

This whole drama is akin to the child who creates a large debt against the parent. When the child comes crying to the parent, in anguish and fear, he is told the "good news". IT"S ALREADY BEEN TAKEN CARE OF! (But please don't do it again).

From what circumstances does God choose to adopt His helpless children? From out of the bitterest slavery, the harshest bondage, He has paid the ransom price! Only these are truly cognizant of their overwhelming debt, and will turn to Him in desperation. Only these have no hope but Him.

He has gone out into the highways and alleys to search them out, these lost who wish for a better way. When we hear the "good news", we know He is right there with us and will be with us forever. He has traded our poverty for His own riches. Assured destruction has been exchanged for an inheritance of priestly authority.

Anyone who the Lord takes this far will be feeling a great deal of astonishment and wonder. To our surprise, He greatly values us! He has given everything of Himself just so we can be with Him forever! It's the greatest love story ever told.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Daybreak (A poem about death)

Fanciful brush strokes of pink
and purple trail across the dawn,
Looking flat against the backlit sky that they are painted on.
What faroff reality is
illuminated by that light?
And leaves but a suggestion
of what will be, to my sight?
What undiscovered country
exists just beyond my vision?
What bright future are we
gathered to, in His mission?
The night before black storm
clouds obscure the evening skys.
The heart's imprisioned in the
cold of Satan's whispered lies.
All is dark yet in the sky
a neon rainbow brightly glows.
A sign from God of His sure love,
so faith and courage grow.
But what bright day is this that
reveals joyous faces once full of tears?
When finally comes the Sonbreak
after times of doubt and fear?
Exuberance takes flight
on an azure crystal day.
Over pure white mountain peaks,
You lift up my heart to play!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's Night

What wisdom have I gained from the long, dark night?
Have I turned from despair yet, to profound insight?
I must pay the price of soul desolation,
before I enter His courts, where there are no more questions.
All my distractions no longer comfort me,
Crushed by a sorrow so tangible I can see,
Commiseration in the rain that pours from the sky,
Evidence of sympathy from God on high.
Giving up my life expectations of enjoyment.
In humbleness praying to counter evil's deployment.
Open eyes see God's heartwork being done!
My passionate longing is to give one more to the Son!