Saturday, March 27, 2010

What Work is Worth Doing?

This question put me in mind of a song. "When Nothing's Sacred" by Billy Sprague ( is an expose' on the state of our souls, absorbed as they are in superficial things. One of the stanzas states that "People need a destiny, but settle for careers."

Whatever has captured our heart is where we invest our time, and time is one of God's more democratic of gifts. Everyone has their alloted time. We choose where it is to be invested by what is most important to us. If we choose not to trust God, where we spend our time will be a waste of this precious resource. Our efforts will not carry over into eternity.

One of the most superficial and unrewarding of activities that can engage our time is worry, usually for inconsequential or unlikely things. Sooner or later, everyone will attempt to make a career of it. We try to cover every contingency, so we ourselves control the outcome. We're telling God to move over, that we want His job. We want it done our way. This is arrogance on our part. Just who is supposed to be in charge here, anyway? Jesus said, "But don't be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy (time) seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you." (John 6:27 NLT)

There are far better and more eternally rewarding uses for our time. Our true employment and final destiny is best expressed by what we do when we "do it all for the glory of God" (I Cor 10:31) We do our best work when we have an attitude of faith and gratitude. No matter what our task, we do work worthy of a being created in the image of God when we do it to give honor to Him.


Anonymous said...

i like this mom....because i find it that most things we do are for what we want, and holds those wants over what good NEEDS for us to do....another good source for this subject would be found in the book of Ecclesiastics.....King Salomon talks about what personal gains leads to..describes it as "chasing after the wind" Now Jesus puts this in better perspective saying.. "Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God"

Anonymous said...

I like this one, especially since my life has gotten so much simpler by putting this more and more into practice! There are still times when I forget or cannot help but worry, but I remind myself that God is there to carry that burden/worry for me and each time it gets a little bit easier to let God take that burden off of me. I think it's normal to feel distress for a moment, it's a natural human emotion-but what is most important is how you handle the distress, and that is where God can come into play, if you let him lift that burden for you..
