Sunday, September 18, 2022

Remember Who You Are

Oddly enough, and contrary to established practice (with me), the Lord gave me a message, that spoke directly to my need, through three dreams. Let me fill out the background to this story, so the foundation is established (gotta have THAT, huh? I mean JESUS, of course!)

I’ve been pleading with the Lord to speak to me through my dreams. He seems to do it so easily through others, what with them seeing Him, and speaking directly to them, in their dreams. MY dreams, however, were ones harried and pursued of tasks to be fulfilled, and failure. An oft repeated one, has been of myself in school, with horrible grades and disapproving teachers (and in one, it was the devil, himself, and these kind of messages are from that one, anyway). In truth, the Lord has reproved my discontent, in the past, by telling me that He speaks so easily, and with such familiarity, during the day, to me, with a still small voice, with His Word, and with my circumstance, that He has no need to use my dreams. Still, I have longed to be like others (Who can fathom?)

Well, yesterday, a man was telling about a dream he had, where he died and was in heaven (so now it’s OTHER peoples dreams, huh, Lord?) The angel speaking to him asked him what his ten most important miracles, that he had been given by God, were. The gentleman had a message from this dream for himself, but there was one for ME, in there, too! I had a response to his angel’s question! I immediately thought of my greatest, miracle, blessing, and gift, which is the Lord’s heritage, that new name that He has given me! My acknowledgment from God, that of my identity IN HIM, has meant more to me than anything else I can think of! (But wait, there’s more!)

My dreams last night were the usual, where I revisited my past from the security of my present. I went back to my job site for some event or something, and got hit with memories of angry supervisors, isolated me with no one to talk to, and meaningless tasks. I walked away. Then I was with my youngest brother for some family thing (he wants nothing to do with my Christianity, not even to hear about it). We talked at each other and achieved nothing. I left my brother at the hotel and went to my former high school. I didn’t recognize the place. They were promoting “justice for palestine”. Just when I started to feel really sorry for myself, and was telling my self that I was always an outsider, that I’d never had friends, I decided I wanted to leave that place, and then came the horror part. It dawned on me that I had lost my purse, with my phone and wallet, I had put them down somewhere, who knows where, and without them, I was stuck in that wasteland.

In the dream, I prayed (because that is HIS calling that makes all the difference). I actually found my purse, with everything still inside, including the money, exactly where the hotel clerk had put it, hanging under a strip of fabric to conceal it for me, because I had walked away from him without it. It still had my wallet and ID, and I knew, then, that I would still be able to function in a broken and alien world. I was happy, then. It was like a deliverance.

The message seems obvious, now that I’ve written it down, but I still wondered, as I usually do, after the dream. The Lord brought back a memory of another dream I had, to flesh it all out. In this other dream, from a couple weeks ago, I was trying to inform others that I was royalty. They just looked at me like I was crazy, same as they do when I talk about JESUS (like He’s here, with us).

These dreams fit right in with the other things the Lord has been telling me, like the book “This Present Darkness” (how I feel about the world), where the prayers of Christians are the real battle in the war we fight, and the book “Girls with Swords”, in which the Word is our only weapon. In the second book, she was telling how the Egyptian pharaoh decided to oppress the Hebrews because he was AFRAID of them and WHO THEY MIGHT BECOME. When I got out my Bible for my daily reading, it was the EXACT SAME passage of scripture that was next. However, in the next chapter, there is one other important fact, that the Lord wanted me to know. BECAUSE of their oppression, the Lord heard their cries, and sent them  a deliverer! It was time for Him to remember those who were His inheritance.

This last fact is integral to my own identity. The Lord has affirmed, because of my name, that HE hears my cries. And what have I been crying out for, but the coming of our Deliverer?

Saturday, August 6, 2022

The Lord’s Timing

 I was reading where a bride is Divinely selected for Isaac. This was the very section that prompted me to visit Israel and the holy city after my mom passed, three years ago, these verses and the one that says “you will be comforted in Jerusalem, like a mother comforts her child.” When Rebecca is brought to her spouse by “The Servant”, Isaac makes her his wife and “is comforted after the death of his mother” as God did for me. One of the study notes pointed out that the servant brought her to Isaac three years after the death of Sarah, his mother. Why didn’t I know this before? It’s now been three years since my mother died. Will the bride now be comforted by Mashehenu?

Saturday, July 30, 2022

A Question of When

You seeker of The Lord, and His righteousness, I have somewhat of a mystery to unload on you! Diligence is about to bear fruit and your faithfulness will be rewarded! This seemingly abandoned dead zone is going to be quickened and wakened to awareness! 

The season of harvest and it’s festivals is in view here. The feasts of The Lord are memorials before the fact, and appointments for HIM to show UP! Israel is the covenant nation of His revelation!

Remember the story of Elijah (Eliyahoo). He is the prophet of unstated ancestry ( a gentile?) who represents all of the prophets (and I believe, one of the two witnesses of the “unveiling” Revelation, when he comes back to finish his work). His preselected replacement was Elisha, because The Lord had Elijah scheduled for a rapture! All the prophets even KNEW the day he would depart! HOW did they know? There were signs along the way, of course!

The only sign of THOSE times we, here in THIS time, are left with, from THAT time (besides the division here of the two books of the kings) is the first event in Second Kings, the death of the king called Ahaziah, who was seeking counsel from one who was (in reality) the enemy. The traitor king was condemned to die, by the word of The Lord. The significance of this death was in his name, the name of this king. His name means “God has taken”! I believe this was the sign for Elijah. It’s how Elijah knew.

Fast forward to the twenty fourth chapter of Mathew (yes, THAT chapter)! For a little background to flesh out where my conclusion is derived from, Chuck Missler, that revered scholar of scripture, said that Revelation has an outline at it’s beginning, of how Jesus told John to order the book, that helps us to understand (what you have seen, what is, and what takes place after). Mathew’s chapter twenty four (this chapter is a condensed version of the book of Revelation) has just such an outline, but is in the form of three questions from the disciples. (“When will these things happen, and what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?”) Jesus answers the questions IN ORDER! 

First, I believe Mathew is a gospel for Jews……

When will the these things be (the temple)? He gives many signs to watch for leading up to it’s desecration. Then, what will be THE sign of your coming? The Abomination which causes desolation, committed by the son of perdition, after which there is a day count down to His second coming (“do not awaken love before it is time….”  Because they will call HIM to come with the blessed is He who comes in the Name of The Lord!) The third question is, what is the sign of the end of the age? I believe the answer to THAT is “the coming of the Son of man is thus wise…one will be taken and another left” (behind). The rapture ends the age of the church, the same as the authority of  Elijah was given to Elisha when his teacher, “God has taken”. (Israel will be given a double portion because she has paid double for all her sins). 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Fall Revisted

 What does Paul mean when he says “the woman was deceived?” And that Adam was “not deceived” and is the source? There is also the discrepancy, in Genesis, between what Eve told the serpent God had said, regarding the prohibitions of the fruit of the tree, and what God had actually said. Some embellishment had crept in. Where did she get this additional information? Who had told her this? How did the serpent know what question to ask, that would get her to doubting the veracity of the instruction God had actually given?

Eve was created as an individual, conscious being, some time after the original warning was issued. Since Adam was created first ( the source), and Eve came out of his body, it seems the Lord might have left the task to Adam, of passing on this crucial bit of information. Adding an additional restriction might have served to emphasize the imperative nature of the boundary, but it also might be revealing of the man’s actual desire regarding the forbidden object. (God was warning the man about the horror of being cut off from the SOURCE.)

It seems, from the story, that the serpent was familiar with the discussion between the man and his wife, and the man’s warnings to her about what God had said. It seems obvious that he overheard them talking. The scene at the tree (as the one at the cross, the second tree) did not occur in a vacuum, without context. This cunning deceiver was able to “read between the lines” and decipher Adam’s true desire (before there is sin, there is the desire with it’s decision: The want of understanding “wisdom” and the choosing of an action). The reason the serpent picked the woman to speak to, and also the reason why Adam was silent at the scene, was because what the serpent said naturally followed and added to what Adam had already said. The woman volunteered to be the “guinea pig” for the first human experiment. 

Eve’s sin was placing her husband’s wishes above those of God, instead of inquiring of The Lord. What Adam said, and the twisting lies of the deceiver, are what dictated what she did. This was how she lost her personal relationship, with God as her friend. This is also why God’s pronouncement of her consequences was so precise and so very personal, when HE said, “Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” (basically saying that if you want Adam as your authority, it’s done!) The first man’s reach for more authority had the result, of him losing what authority he already had, over the earth, with the woman becoming the recipient of his twisted desire for dominance. 

The horror The Lord would have protected them from, had arrived, but God also left them with the promise of redemption. His graciousness allowed the woman to still be a helper, this time, of God, because of HIS promise that she would be a part of the redemptive process. By her submission to the pain of childbirth, God would redeem her, and all of humanity. The results of their sin was God stepping back for a time, so their education would be complete, and HE could bring them both to full understanding. Adam would get what he had so deeply desired, but God, himself, would bear the full burden of the horror that they had unleashed upon themselves.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

New Vision

After seeing the number 717 on the clock (I see it everywhere these days), the number which has come to designate the Leader of the elders of Israel, and who is THE Victor (who we become, in Him, as our identity: a victor). The number means “to gather: pluck” in Strong’s Greek. It means Harmageddon, the judgement of The Lord, in Hebrew. The song playing on my radio told me, “It’s not about us, it’s about HIM. It’s about GOD showing up!” When I looked to see the title, it said, “It’s About Time.”

Sunday, May 29, 2022


 (I found this blog, which I had written some time ago, and decided to go ahead and post it here.)

I was reading Widburg, who was writing about a young jewess that was shocked to be canceled for her political views, because it was leftists who are the ones supposed to be doing the canceling. The author called the young lady in question “self loathing,” but that was not my assessment. I felt she loved her own lies all too well.

Next, I read Spero’s article, and he voiced exactly what I had been thinking, and drew it out into excruciating detail. He says THEY consider themselves to be THE moral authority, these leftist Jews, but “right” and “wrong” are based on their own inner narrative, not THE transcendent Source. He used the term virtue signaling as if it was invented just for this type of person, the one who would betray their own blood just as long as they felt it made them look good.

Lastly, I heard from Geller. She seemed angry and confused and went on and on about it, how Jews used to fight for the little guy, but now social justice seemed to be only for the lbgtq crowd, or for those opposed to Jews. I certainly very much sympathized with her. I, too, have been angry a lot recently.

I have since read claims by two Jews that the Jews are THE political scapegoats. Their claims have some merit (although by sheer numbers, Christians are the lambs readied for slaughter).

If victimhood is made the source of political power because of a compassionate judeochristian society, then victimhood should NOT ALSO be the definition and source of morality as well. It’s like making a slave king. The standard would be coming from the very bottom, dredging the lowest expectations up, and placing them on the shoulders of all the rest of us, holding society hostage to the worst parts of human character. We would be conceding to the lowest common denominator, to those with whom we have no commonality. How can anyone excel, at anything, in such an environment?

When someone is a victim of suffering, he is not automatically endowed with the equivalent of a moral imperative. He might be in pain for the wrong reasons. He might be a psychopath. All sufferers are not equal. Some might not be capable of being rescued, or even want to be. If they were “saved” then they might lose the empowerment being a victim has given them, what they feel are entitlements to what they have received from others. One who has been brutalized and victimized, currently or historically, might have lost the ability to distinguish between what is legitimate oppression, and what is an organized drama of mental illness, or murderous plotting, when listening to someone else’s narrative. After all, not everyone who says that they are a victim, are in reality, any such thing.

Monday, January 10, 2022

The fourteen harvest seasons of Joseph’s Interpretation

 The yellow dots are the spring and fall feasts, where Pentecost is the changing of the ages. Passover is in the second month for the nations, and is the rapture season, as it was also the season of Noah’s entrance into the ark. The messiah’s season of second coming (back) to earth, is possible, by the graph, up until the harvest season in 2029.