Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why Faith?

Many are the overwhelmingly precious moments, of realization of unveiling glory, that the Lord grants to us by virtue of our struggles! Come with me as I disclose the particulars of my recent thought journey on the issue of faith.

Faith and pain, naturally, tend to be mutually exclusive experiences. You can trust me with that thought! During the experience, it is useless to protest your innocence while your conscience convicts you! Satan will always use this as opportunity to raise questions, in us, concerning the wisdom and compassion of our God. There is no defense we can offer as an argument, save our faith. If we have no prior experience at faith, then we can only repeat what His word has told us to believe.

We can choose to bring His revealed light into the darkness with us. Despite the initial difficulty (when we are unaccustomed to seeing with the eyes of faith) through Him we will enlarge our understanding. You see, faith, by definition, must be tested, or it is not faith! Then when we step out onto the water, our foot will be supported on dry, firm ground! It is in our experiencing of Him, that our faith increases by multiples of magnitude! He and all He is, becomes our sole motivation! It is how He writes His law of love on our hearts! If we've learned to trust Him in the darkness, our knowledge will be turned to glory in the full light of day, for our trust in Him is the limit of the wisdom and righteousness we can offer.

The alternative is that we take everything for granted. Perhaps you can see this as a character weakness. You have heard the saying, "Familiarity breeds contempt"? Of such attitude was the being, formed by Him as the apex of creation, which became known as Satan. Dwelling always in the presence of God, he had need of neither faith nor hope and so chose to reject the way of love and self sacrifice. He is totally lacking in strength of character. He is the man who lives for personal gratification, who by strength of arms, subdues those weaker than himself and lives on the fruits of his own arrogance. He has no morals, for none here has the power to tell him no. He seeks to recruit followers by any method he can bring to bear.

We, as christians, are here to prove him wrong. Gentleness, humility, and love will prove to be stronger than any force or fear, because they are centered, by faith, on Jesus. This is how we have overcome the world, by our faith in Jesus!


Anonymous said...

Becky, I love this statement: "You see, faith, by definition, must be tested, or it is not faith!" This is so true. Too many people don't want to be tested in their lives, but it only in the testing that we find ourselves needing a SAVIOR, who is Jesus. Good word at the end: "…love will prove to be stronger than any force or fear…" As God is love, love is at the core of who God is, and what God wants to impart to us, and have us share with others. Thanks for this blog. Chris

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, not by works but by faith and faith with out works is dead. If you truly love Jesus and know the truth you will want to share the good news as it says in 1 Peter 2:12 and 1 Peter 5:2 one of my favorite verses is Psalm 139: 23-24

Anonymous said...

Hello!!! Finally i get to answer...... I love the fact that you have the courage to inspire me!!.... so much!!!... to continue believing in the lord & his word. If we were to listen to all wise folks, like yourself. Our world will be completely different. Ciao for now. :-)