Sunday, June 21, 2009

Matt 24: What's THAT All About?

I saw a debate online on a christian website that I frequent about Matthew 24 and 25. What struck me as really odd was that when Christ, in chapter 24, talks about two being in a field, one will be taken and one left, the interpetation being applied was those taken, are taken to be judged! That this being taken is a BAD thing. I've always been taught that these verses depict the rapture, the "blessed hope".

In chapter 24 of Matthew, Jesus' answer, to three questions from the disciples, are recorded. They wanted to know "When will these things happen?", "What will be the sign of your coming?", and "What will be the signs of the end of the age?".

I believe Matthew 24 is a multiple application prophesy. I believe Christ spoke of the temple's destruction in 70 AD, as well as the general signs of His approaching return, along with the rapture and the tribulation which immediately follows. It's been almost two thousand years already, but He expects us to be ready and waiting, even after all this time! I believe that those taken are taken in the rapture, and then begins the terrible "day of the Lord", which everybody will definitely want to miss!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

In the Midst of the Storm

No matter where our journey takes us in this material world, there will always be a cacophony of voices vying for our attention. They are competing for our loyalty, and ultimately, for our soul. It's an issue of ownership. Who owns the rights to our soul?

We are the ones who make that decision of what is to be given precedence. Yet, each time we give of ourselves, there are consequences. No life is free from suffering and turmoil. Every living soul, at some point in their lives, will reach the end of their strength and cry out, "How can I get peace in my life?!" How we deal with this pressure will determine whether we are gaining a higher viewpoint in our understanding, or will have to shut down and go into hiding to escape from the fear.

When we step out in faith, into the very teeth of the storm, with our trust firmly fixed on our Savior, with our only defense a stubborn resolve to follow Him, we learn astonishing truths. In the morning, when the winds have abated, and the sun has come out, we will see around us the brokeness and debris left over from evil's devastating anger. We are safe and His will is what has been accomplished! The Almighty Warrior has been victorious! The forces of evil, by rebelling against Him, have only served to bring about what He has already determined will be. So we are victorious also, because He brings us with Him! From out of the midst of the battle, we have gained more of Him, for He was there with us all along!

By these realizations, our soul is unchained. What other response can we give? He has opened the door to "joy unspeakable and full of glory!"(1 Peter 1:8) In the very weathering of the conflict, we have gained a sense of how total is our security in Him. Our peace comes out of having emerged from hiding, to going out where He calls us. We know Him. We trust Him. So then He, Himself, is our peace! (Ephesians 2:14)