Sunday, May 23, 2010

So, What Happens Next?

One of the things I've learned about God's character is that He delights in doing the unexpected. If you think back to all of the the times Israel was delivered from her enemies, many times this was accomplished without the use of any force whatsoever, contrary to expectations. Also, in fulfilling prophesy, God's completion, in exact detail, of what He has told us will happen, takes place in forms totally unexpected by leading religious authorities. (Those who have their own ideas of what should be happening.) God does these things to "shake up" our perceptions, to change our perspective, from a godless worldview, to how HE views. "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord." He desires us to be inspired to obey Him, rather than our own ideas of what is right. Acting in anticipation of what we think it is that He wants is not obedience, but rather a rut that we fall into and that He is helping us climb out of. So wait. See what the Lord will do. Be prepared to be in awe and overflowing with joy and gratitude! Feel the anticipation! I can't wait to see what happens next!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this, enjoyed reading your blogs this morning