Friday, July 17, 2015

A Brief History of the Future

Those blood moons, so well known among the prophesy readers, will pass without anything happening in terms of the Rapture. Those who believe, who are eagerly awake, will turn their expectations to the year 2017, because that is when the signs in the heavens, that they have been told about, resume. Do you hear that snoring sound? That is the sound from all the virgins, sleeping. He waited past the last of the times of their expectations, until the very last minute, which is the beginning of the new day, midnight. This event, called the rapture, will be what heralds and inaugurates the next millennium!

For now, it's the jubilee year that makes the difference, that tells the tale of the timing, for time is but another dimension that God already owns the whole of. He's got the entire senario and circumstance planned out, that when man completes his 120th jubilee, God will repossess the reins of government. That last day of creation, the sabbath millennium, begins with a ressurection! (I will raise him up on the last day!) and a return of ownership of Earth to the last Adam! The King is coming!

The big dilemma of our age is that we seem to have lost track of our jubilees, have denied our own heritage! The rabbis changed the dates to disassociate from the first advent of the King. The revelations are given to the Jews, but the Spirit must do the teaching for them to be understood! The human intellect is insufficient to know the mind of God!

The blood moons represent the four watches of the night, of the darkness that precedes the dawning of the final Day of HIS rest, when there will be no more night. The blood moons will be past when "the sign of His coming" occurs. Everyone will be asleep when it happens, because it will be when it is least expected. Most are looking to the Feast of Trumpets, the one with the super blood moon. It won't happen then. The new day begins at the new year, with the darkness of a totally blackened sun. This is a warning to the nations. Shortly after this "midnight", this new "day", He will raise His beloved. He will raise her on the third "day" since she saw Him last, because she is His body, is part of Him, with her own UNFULFILLED prophetic spring feast at which to be renewed and wedded! She will be the "kingdom" gathered from a far country, an allegedly "gentile" woman, who is, in reality, of His very own blood! That is why there is a second Passover, just for her! It's her "second chance" as the prodigal. The Song of Solomon is her story of rapture and her wedding to the shepherd King. She is rebuked by the watchers for ACTIVELY SEEKING Him out and looking for His physical return. For her single minded faith, she suddenly finds herself in a chariot with a prince! (stated exactly as by Elisha when he saw Elijah go up!) The Song tells us specifically, that He will gather her in the spring, when the "fresh plants" are coming up, when the vines are budding and the figs are sprouting leaves! The Jewish new year is one day after the solar eclipse of March 8th, 2016. Look for Him to come just after THAT time! Be watching for Him!

August 21, 2017, is the solar eclipse across America, the U.S., called in scripture the "virgin daughter of Babylon". September 2017 is the sign of Revelations 12.

Children, beware......

Saturday, July 11, 2015

We Shall Be Changed

This "taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" is but the incremental unveiling of the very glory of God, in us! The revealing of the sons of God must needs take them first, through the process where "we become like the garbage of this world, like the dirt they wipe off their sandals" (1 Cor 4:13). We no longer can follow the world, no longer promote any but HIS interest! Since heaven "works backwards", even the strongest retrograde force has been shamed, tamed, and trained to HIS bidding! That "horrible thing" that happened, the satanic manipulation, has been turned around and inside out, to be used by God for our benefit, to enable our joy and training, and to become our very strength! Our separation and freedom in this world becomes apparent!

Cry no more for your past! He's already conquered and redeemed that! Instead, let Him refashion it into a portal of motivated participation in His plans, a celebration of His graciously provided victory on our behalf! Your "history" is written ahead of time in the Word, for His glory, and into the sky above us, for His praise! Each dawn becomes a fresh song of His deliverance, a renewed surge of excitement because of what He's done! We ARE His song and His love, exhibited to the nations, gifted with His hands of mercy that nurture and shelter joy! Dance and sing for Him! Rejoice with exuberance before the face of His presence!