Sunday, September 20, 2020

Joseph’s Two Sevens

Joseph interpreted the dream of the most powerful king of his time. There were two periods of seven years in the dream. First there was the seven years of abundance and great harvest, then came the seven years of drought and famine. Joseph is a foreshadowed type of Jesus, with the great king a type of the Father. Joseph’s gentile bride is the representation of the called out ones from the goyim, taken into the house Jesus has prepared for her, some time before the second seven years. The Bride has inherited a part in the covenant of Abraham, through her husband.

The two sevens started in the spring of 2014, with the first blood moon, and the blood moons that year were on the holy days, as signs to the people, of the coming spiritual fulfillment. 2015 had blood moons on the appointed times, also. 2016 was the year of spiritual midnight, and the beginning of a new millennium, with an eclipse beginning the year. In 2017, we had the great American eclipse in August, with the great sign in the heavens occurring in September, again on the high holy days. This was the Revelation twelve sign, written in the stars. The warnings were given as promised.

Joseph is also a picture of the end times because of his dream of the sun, moon, and stars bowing down to him. The imagery of the dream is verified by Jacob when he relates it to Joseph’s mother and Jacob, himself, and those stars bowing to Joseph, in the dream, are also his brothers. This is the interpretation and tie in between Genesis and Revelation. In the first book of the a bible, we are told that the heavens are for signs and seasons (seasons of the harvest year), the harvest festivals being prophetic of the times God comes to us. In Revelation, the great sign in heaven uses the sun, moon, and stars to explain end time events, by referencing the imagery already explained in Genesis.

In Ezekiel 37, we see “The stick of Joseph”. It speaks also of the stick of Judah. These are the “staffs” of a Shepard king, a sign of authority. Both of these rods are Messiah. In this passage, God speaks of combining the two into one. There is only one Lord.

This year, 2020, has been a roller coaster ride of prophesy, after a two years of relative peace, prophecy wise. Everyone in the Christian world assumes this is the year Christ returns, but the last four years are spoken of by Jesus in a parable of a fig tree. In Luke 13:6, Jesus said a man went to look for fruit on his fig tree, but found none. (Who is the fig tree?) The man complained to his gardener, that he had looked for three years, and told the gardener to cut it down. The gardener said to give it one more year, and if then, he found no fruit, the gardener would cut it down. Right now is the time that God is looking for fruit on his fig tree. Will there be fruit by next year from HIS fig tree?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Knowing GOD

  1. Jeremiah 31:33-34
    “Instead, this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days”—the Lord’s declaration. “I will put My teaching within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be My people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord, because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.
    Psalm 91:14-16
    Because he is lovingly devoted to Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him because he knows My name. When he calls out to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will rescue him and give him honor. I will satisfy him with a long life and show him My salvation
    Jeremiah 9:23-24
    This is what the Lord says:The wise man must not boast in his wisdom; the strong man must not boast in his strength; the wealthy man must not boast in his wealth. But the one who boasts should boast in this, that he understands and knows Me—that I am Yahweh, showing faithful love, justice, and righteousness on the earth, for I delight in these things. This is the Lord’s declaration.

Elijah’s Here!

Malachi 4:4 “Remember the instruction of Moses My servant, the statutes and ordinances I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel. Look, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome Day of the Lord comes. [c]And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land[d] with a curse.” (Elijah went to Horeb too!)

This marxist supremacy marching through the streets of America, is the milita of the democratic socialists, a reincarnation of the KKK, sent out to intimidate the constituents. They lay claim to a morality superior to that of Christian America, and ignore any evidence to the contrary. After all, this is the religion of politics, with it’s own saints and dogma. Dissension will NOT be tolerated, You will be canceled! America is now the battered woman, still believing that she can change her abuser’s mind, that she, somehow, still can control the narrative, of her own culpability, by doing “better”! She keeps tolerating her accusers and their violence!

There is strong liberal jewish sympathy and support, even financially, for these so called “victims” of “systemic racism”! Don’t jews know what it is to be the most persecuted of all peoples? Aren’t the Christians, in this beleaguered mentality, the source of all their woes? And seemingly logically deduced from there, hasn’t the success of western culture, been at the expense of “minorities”? Isn’t the success of the west rotten at it’s core? So Israel is persuaded that the blame is not her own. Her defense had become to blame others for her sins. Christians have now become the scapegoat!

Anger at Israel is the only option, because Elijah has done battle with the prophets of Baal (islame) and defeated them, but Israel is unpersuaded! She has NOT turned back from her folly! Her enemy is not Christians, it is her God! Will she spit in the face of the one who would rescue her? Everything that happens to her comes from God, for the sinful decisions of God’s enemies cannot succeed unless God has determined that they will stand!

And this is the story of Elijah (a gentile!), after he had all the prophets of Baal killed, he went into the wilderness,  sustained by the Angel of the Lord, the very person of God, and then went to commune with God on a mountain (Horeb). After the mountain, Israel of God is appointed Elijah’s successor. Right after, the king of Israel makes a covenant with the defeated, and cursed one, to give the adversary his freedom. Then comes the misappropriation of the land and vineyard of Israel, by a deluded king. So the king dies in battle and Elijah leaves this world supernaturally. THEN, Israel is attacked by Persia....

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Tu B’av

Today is a day of weddings, a day of forgiveness, and a day of resurrection from the grave! He will quench our thirst for the living Water of His Word, by the revealing of His Revelation, which is an implementation of the unveiling of His identity. It is done at His appointed time., the time of the joyful festival to the Lord at Shiloh!

There is still the false witness of the ten kings, for a Israel to deal with! The messiah they present, along with the treaty which he affirms, will be a covenant with hell and death! To witness against this anti-messiah, there will be two faithful witnesses, in front of the temple, which the corrupt one will build. There will also be the young men who are called and marked, to be delivered and saved from what is about to happen. Now begins the harvest of judgement, where The Almighty comes out of His dwelling, to administer reparations and repair, by His wrath.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Starting Fires

When confronted, is our pain, with His grace, then is birthed our meaning, by the ignition of the conflagration, for the greater the pressure and urgency, the more complete and satisfying His answer. He has breathed in our question (there is only one), and exhaled His answer, which is the Angel of His Presence. On the wings of the wind of His Word (the Logos), we are thrilled to be carried in His embrace! This is the reason for our existence, to be satisfied by Him!

We are all just pieces of His puzzle. When we come together, the full revelation of God is revealed! No matter how overwhelming is the seeming massive unveiling given to each of us as individuals (and He will not give us more than we can bear), it is only together that we understand.

Now satan is trying to keep us apart. There is a “pandemic.” There are the riots. There is cancel culture. When we went to an open air service, there were police cars all around us, and helicopters and drones over us. This is nothing more than intimidation, and trying to inspire fear.

Now the value of the meaning we seek, is only as great as the price we are willing to pay to attain it. Remember that all love is of God? He is it’s author and it’s source. Love is felt in community, when we commune with God and our brothers. Stand up in unison, brothers and sisters! God is calling warriors to be on their knees, together, calling for justice from above! Love produces justice and what is right! Love produces freedom, so speak the truth in love, and speak it freely! Speak with the authority Jesus gives! Our fight is for Truth, which is HIS Name!

Virgin Daughter of Babylon

America is destroyed! She has perished and gone the way of the pagan nations! She has been exposed and taken into captivity. No one works, because of covid. The ones entrusted to shepherd her have stolen all her wealth and left her naked to the world, by reason and method of the so called stimulus. They have also silenced her churches and muzzled her, where she wears a mask as a sign of submission. The churches are mostly voiceless, empty and abandoned, so the enemy can burn the buildings to the ground. Her slavery is the lockdown, the mask, and the vaccine. The enforcers are the mindless robots, called protesters, by whom you will be attacked for being of the wrong color, if you are an advocate of free thought, or even for being maskless. The worst transgression, to them, is defending yourself. Having a gun is thought of as a crime and a sign of mental illness.

In Jesus Name

John 14:13 is where Jesus says,”Ask anything in my Name and I will do it.” This is not a magic incantation to get whatever you want. That is what pagans do. Rather, it is a confession that we are working on HIS behalf, to bring about HIS will, for HIS glory! We are HIS ambassadors and acting as His agents in this foreign land. “We are as Him in this world...” 1 John 4:17

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Real Source of the Conflict

When I was in Israel, I heard our guide at Yad Vashem say, “Christianity is the source of antisemitism.” Knowing the Word, I can state that antisemitics are liars, that they do not know The Lord. (Not to be confused with legitimate criticism.) So I was shocked to hear this. Now, antisemitism has always been a thing, but if those who act violently towards the holy people do not know or understand the Redeemer, then so also, are without understanding, those who would insult the very Name that is Holy, taking His Name in vain, claiming to represent Him so as to justify their hatred and violence towards those He died for.

I see this playing out in politics. There are three main groups struggling for power and control: Christianity, Islam, and the Jewish ethnicity. Jews are clearly ambivalent about their God, Christianity has taken up His case, and Islam is the stepchild, unloved and resentful. Jewishness is angry against the God that started as their very own God, cries out to Him because of their suffering. They try, again and again, to keep the laws He gave them, so as to establish their own power, on their own terms, by their own efforts, and are offended by the offering of Christians, which is their Christ (I am using the goyim names.)

 Jews will defend Muslims before they will defend Christians, with whom they have shared their God. When Jews drove the fledgling church from their bosom, their mutual savior conquered the hearts of the goyim. When the church marched out to free Jerusalem from the pagan Muslims, the Jews fought for the pagans. Even now, most Jews support any which oppose Christianity. It is a rare Jew which sees a Christian as a comrade in arms.

The conflict breaking out around the world, is the jewishness awareness trying, still, to save the world (tikkun olam), by using their own awareness of what is right, without the transcendent standard which is the Spirit of God. Christianity is, to them, nothing more than a rebellion to be put down, in the name of their victimhood. This is calling the other a hater.....and then hating them for it. It is calling the other prejudiced and a bigot, and by that, being prejudiced and a bigot, yourself. It is being an enabler of the evil that hates what is good, so that when it comes for your neighbor, you can appear virtuous and they will not consume you, too.

You have been through this before, but you are not recognizing it yet again. Christianity is the most persecuted of any group, by far, and yet you give your power to the Muslims, to both persecute Christians and yourself, so as not to give in to this love which chases you. Why are you so angry, you who are destined to rule the world? I say, that it is your GOD which you still reject. If you will not fight against the oppression, on behalf of The Beloved, then this very same oppression will overtake you and consume you, because by hating your God, you really are only hating yourself.

Do not harden your hearts as at Meribah,
as on that day at Massah in the wilderness
where your fathers tested Me;
they tried Me, though they had seen what I did.
10 For 40 years I was disgusted with that generation;
I said, “They are a people whose hearts go astray;
they do not know My ways.”
11 So I swore in My anger,
“They will not enter My rest.”

These comment sections seem to draw vocally defensive atheist Jews. But as the great Rabbi Meir Kahane pointed out to Alan Dershowitz in a debate decades ago, without the religion of Judaism, Jews can only survive through racism. R. Kahane asked Dershowitz if he wanted his children to marry Jews. Dershowitz replied, yes. R. Kahane asked: Why, if not for religious reasons? The only other possible justification would be racist. Dershowitz was left sputtering.
The truth is that everyone on earth is religious. The difference is that some of us believe in God; others pour the spiritual imperative into politics, where they kill tens of millions of people.

The article....

Friday, July 3, 2020

A Watchman Warning.....

A brother on YouTube said he had a dream where he saw air force one coming down in flames, like it had been shot down with a missile. The rabbis in Israel were saying that the Fourth of July blood moon means one of the pagan kings of the earth will die as a judgement from the Lord. Lastly, as in this is the third witness, a political analyst was saying that China has declared a “people’s war” against America, with the virus being the first round, staging riots the second, and third, he says there will be “targeted assassinations”.  I also had read where China has deployed a beam weapon in Mexico (I don’t remember what kind of technology it was...maybe a EMP type?) and has brought down several of our military planes.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Idolatry of Victimhood

A definition of what is a victim would be a timely addition to the discourse of our times.

A victim is someone who has no choices. Victims are only aware of their own narrative, and are oblivious of any other (because pain overwhelms reason, so we are told). Victims are entitled, and their victimhood takes precedence over any so-called rights or feelings that another might have. A victim wants someone else to pay, wants to exploit, and take, in vengeance. A victim must not forgive, to make sure justice is extracted. Victims have “earned” this preeminence. Victims have sold themselves as slaves to this thought pattern, as slaves, to repay, their “benefactor” that gives them their “status”. Victims cannot be blamed for their actions, are immune from charges of hypocrisy. The ”gospel” of victimhood, is the preaching of judgement and condemnation. Perpetual victimhood is a method, of forcing all it’s benefits to accrue, to the account of him, who is it’s object of worship. 

Never the less, actual abuse inflicted is only a question towards our character. Suffering reveals who we are, only shines a light on the material being worked with. What will you choose? Do we realize, with a grateful heart, that the wall of separation between brethren, has been torn down, in HIS flesh? Do we acknowledge that HE is the only one worthy of worship? Do we forgive, as we have been forgiven?

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Outer Darkness

The change that is coming will leave many bereft, unmoored, and in extreme anguish of spirit. Those who knew, who had been told, but refused to believe, will be the most heartbroken. They could have done it right, up front, and not been left as a spoil. It is not the end, yet, but there will be horror to live through first, that was foretold millennia ago.

Those who already believe, are experiencing their maximum allowed grief, right now. I am crying every day as I read the news, listen to the callous indifference, and justification for evil. I can understand that the spirits, in the background, unseen, are making their sinister play for ultimate power. What good does it do to keep warning, as I only keep repeating myself. I am laughed at.

Christians are the front line of resistance, are the most persecuted of all peoples, by far. All the genuine children of THE Savior and Redeemer, are grateful to sacrifice and give all, just to be a light and a witness, of Him. He is worthy of all this and more.

Children of Israel, wake up! Once the Christians (the actual ones, that you have been jealous of) are gone, you are next in line for the attentions of our mutual enemies! The Lord will fight for you, if you  follow Him, but do not retain your rage towards your brother, the Christian. If you do, you will not understand that he is the Elijah that was to come, that has restored all things. His backing has made possible the defeat of the nazis, the stability of the nation of Israel, and the recognition of Jerusalem, the Golan, and the settlements. Do not teach your children and neighbors that Christianity is the source of antisemitism, for how can you see your empowerment if you have already sold yourself as a victim? This very victimhood, is evil’s power over you, to blind you from your inheritance. A victim has no discernment to make wise, affirming choices, but is led by emotions (that have become lies).

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ascension Time!

The ascension of the body of Christ is the day of the Jubilee’s beginning! Shavuot, or Pentecost, is the day after the sabbath, but the day after the seventh sabbath, counted from the first sabbath (official day one) after Passover! Pentecost is fifty days after the resurrection of the Lord, which is, of course a Sunday, so that makes Shavuot on a Sunday! It is a day of Revelation and the marriage of the Lamb! She will be found at the feet of the Groom!

The harvest festivals are the Lord’s appointments with us, when He comes to us, His plans written in the cycles of the earth’s harvests. His first feast is when He first appeared to us. He announced Himself to us, on the tenth day of the first month. Passover is the slaying of the Lamb, and when the death angel passed over us when he saw the marks of the blood on the doorposts of our house.

Then begins the journey into the wilderness, on the way to the promised land. During the traveling in the desert, He brought the wanderers back, the ones carrying the dead body of messiah, to be under the covenant of the Lamb that was slain, as well.

It was the third month that Israel came to mount Sinai. Here, Israel vowed a covenant to God, at the foot of he mountain. God said it was a marriage. This was the time of Revelation, of the change of status, a fifty day jubilee, and a time of the transfer of authority, a change of dispensations. The bride gives over her mantle of authority.

The messenger Malakai is the last prophet to speak before the transfer of authority. He speaks of the coming of Elijah, who restores all things, as his very last words passed down to us. My grandson Malakai (an unexpected name) was just born, and the messenger’s arrival means that the sign of Elijah is upon us. Elijah has already restored dominion to Israel, by recognizing her legitimacy as a nation, her capital as Jerusalem, and her authority over her own lands (because Trump’s power is in the evangelicals who are his base). Now Elijah must ascend as a sign to Israel.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Who is Mystery Babylon?

Mount Sinai is in Arabia, (from the first covenant). It says that in Galatians. Islam took the false parts of the traditions of Judaism and  Christianity and made them into Baal worship......the Arabs also claim descent from Abraham. Mecca is in the desert and sits on seven hills, also. Islam is one leg, the eastern half, of the statue in Nebacanezar's dream. Islam has killed more christians than any system in history.The wine of her adulteries is OIL, the instrument of her economic power, and the reason the kings of the earth commit adultery with her. A whore is the opposite of a married woman. Babylon said, "I will never be a widow" because she was never married, had no covenant of her own with God. Arabic is even a brother language, but the biblical word, in hebrew, for curse, is allah.

This Babylon will be completely destroyed. The Bible never calls Jerusalem a whore, only an unfaithful wife. The Bible is the tale of two cities, as Chuck Missler used to say.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Timing is the Lord’s

Nothing can prevent the healing. Nothing can hold back the victory! It is already accomplished! Redemption was finished 2000 years ago, but the the final action, pronouncement, judgement, and separation waits for the Word of the Lord! The moment is in His Hands.

For they said, “If He is the messiah, let Him save Himself, if this is God’s chosen One!” However, Jesus refused to follow their decrees, to work according to their will and dictates, as He turns away from those who insist it be done as they will it. Jesus does not force, but declines to empower or endorse the way of death.

First is the rapture. It comes in the spring, as The Song of Songs, His Song of Love. It is the Second Passover, a feast with the King. Then there will be an interlude of a year.

While we are hidden, what will happen is the Gog, Magog war (Ezk 37-39).  Saudi Arabia will question the Persian and Turkish invaders as to what they are doing, but God will destroy the Shia branch of Islam, leaving opportunity for the Sunni Muslim Antichrist, the one America nurtured, to sell himself as a peacemaker. He is no such thing. It is a delusion.

When the season of HIS Passover returns at the end of the year, He will open the seals. The 144,000 will be sealed by Pentecost, as first fruits of Israel. Then, at the end of the year, at the Feast of Trumpets, the Beast will consent to the false peace, and even add to the covenant by agreeing to let the third temple be built. This is the start of the seven years.

So far, the future has been laid out here, but before this, in the world, there have been many signs in the heavens. There have been the blood moons. There was seen the Great Sign of the Woman giving birth to the man child, in the stars. There was the great American eclipse, dividing America in half, and darkening the sky directly over seven cities called Salem. We were warned.

In His coming for us, it is HIS peace, well-being, and the sense of accomplishment and completion, that are multiplied by His presence, and at the foot of His Throne. It is the rest of tasks completed in love, as a good and faithful servant. The servant has been a demonstration of the enduring Light which is the character of God, shining through the veil of flesh. This is what His work in us creates and completes, our peace.

Friday, May 8, 2020


“Yahweh”, The One Who Was, and Is, and Who Is to Come (who Christians label the “trinity”), but who is only ONE Person, the IS part being the veil of the flesh of Jesus, consecrated as a revelation of God the Father, this revelation of the person of God (“who, being the express image of His PERSON”), born into spacetime, the angel of His Presence, this is who He is! “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God almighty, who Was, and Is and Is to Come!”

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Eschatology of the Door

Luke 12:36 You must be like people waiting for their master to return[a] from the wedding banquet so that when he comes and knocks, they can open the door for him at once.

Revelation 3:20 Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me.

That last written to the church of Laodicea, which is the last, end times church.

Luke 13:24-28 24 “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because I tell you, many will try to enter and won’t be able 25 once the homeowner gets up and shuts the door. Then you will stand[a] outside and knock on the door, saying, ‘Lord, open up for us!’ He will answer you, ‘I don’t know you or where you’re from.’ 26 Then you will say,[b] ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets!’ 27 But He will say, ‘I tell you, I don’t know you or where you’re from. Get away from Me, all you workers of unrighteousness!’ 28 There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth in that place, when you see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but yourselves thrown out. 

Psalm 24
Lift up your heads, you gates!
Rise up, ancient doors!
Then the King of glory will come in.
Who is this King of glory?
The Lord, strong and mighty,
the Lord, mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, you gates!
Rise up, ancient doors!
Then the King of glory will come in.
10 Who is He, this King of glory?
The Lord of Hosts,
He is the King of glory!

Psalm 118:19-22
Open the gates of righteousness for me;
I will enter through them
and give thanks to the Lord.
20 This is the gate of the Lord;
the righteous will enter through it.
21 I will give thanks to You
because You have answered me
and have become my salvation.
22 The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone!

Luke 13:35 See, your house[a] is abandoned to you. And I tell you, you will not see Me until the time comes when you say, ‘He who comes in the name of the Lord is the blessed One’!”

Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Lord is a Mighty Warrior

Chief among the captains, is the Lord of Hosts,
A conqueror unparalleled, the only one in whom I boast

For hate gave not a thought, to my own barriers,
Sought to neutralize all hope, by awful bloody murders.

Hate viewed MY claims, with arrogant contempt,
Sought, by provocation, to position me exempt,

From resting in the beauty, of my identity,
The name bestowed upon me, by divine decree.

Fear sought to bury me, on a unmarked hill, Redeemer was there before me, and stands beside me still.

Upon that hill, the enemy built, a monument to fear,
Transformed, instead, to piercing hope, because of Love drawn near.

The Lord of Love, came where I was, to engage the enemy.
Upon that hill, HE, HIMSELF, made sure my victory!

Now I am branded with scars like Him, the same,
By which He has lifted up my head and hand, the ones which bear His Name.

He has unbound, and set on fire, the fullness of my rejoicing,
So that my voice will be heard, among worshipping angels wings.

I am worshipping and praising Him, in the midst of blackest night,
Now that I’ve seen what HE can do, in adding knowledge to my sight.

All my desire and hope I place, in this One I name the Victor,
This inheritance, that comes from Him, means to me, far more,

For it comes from the heart, of the great I AM!
Who went fearlessly to battle for us, as the sacrificial Lamb!

The hope and promise of His Name, was all I ever needed.
I found that He was there with me, even as I pleaded.

No fear can even touch me, where, revealed to me,
That in Your Name, love’s glorious rule, is perfect liberty!

His Love has only emphasized, His preimmanence of place,
This grace which makes me stronger, when gazing on His Face!

He gave me opportunity to trust in all He IS!
Stand beside Him, He my victory, my defender, I am His!

Without opposition, there can be no victory, without suffering, no reign.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Are We There Yet?

This is the question of a child, seeking answers from the parent. My asking of this self same question caused Him to point out to me that the answer has been with me all along, surrounded, as I have been, with the number 17, and it’s accompanying meaning. Now, Jesus said to look to the days of Noah to see the pattern and it’s ending (for us) and to know the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord is only a surprise to those who have not been watching, and it will come in like a flood. However, Elijah knew when he would be leaving, and kept walking with the Lord.

It seems the door to the ark was shut on the 17th of the month, and God broke up the fountains of the deep, and opened up the floodgates of heaven, on that selfsame day. Noah had a week to bring in the animals and then God shut the door (Gen. 7). That same door of heaven is in the power of the Redeemer who holds it’s key (Rev 3:7, 4:1 and Is. 22:22). The church of Philadelphia is told that they will have this door placed in front of them. Not to worry, little flock, because only HE can shut it!

Those left behind have been cast into outer darkness, the place of hypocrites, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. These are the five foolish handmaids, the Laodicean church, and the wicked, lazy servants. They have been “vomited” out into the Tribulation, these who have heard but do not believe. You see, the surprise day is the Day of the Lord, not the rapture, for those who are faithless! That Day comes as a thief in the night for them, but Enoch is long gone when this Day arrives! They will long for one of the days of “The Son of Man”, as it says in Luke 17, but will not see them (The Son of Man is Jesus, Lord, right now, of a mostly gentile church). They will long to have gone up with Elijah!

For the final days, the prophesies do speak of America, but as the second beast, the daughter of Babylon, which instigates the mark of the beast. There are two end time gentile powers, the beast and his prophet. After marriage and the “honeymoon” for the bride, the next Passover season comes round again, after a year has passed, with the thief in the night. Judas betrayed the Lord as a thief in the night on Passover, so this is the prelude, where the seals are opened (and also the time of the sealing of the 144,000),to enable the antichrist to set up his reign, first, by deceit, in the vacuum of power left by the Gog, Magog war (provoked by annexation, Psalm 108) and by the man of sin finally agreeing to the Trump peace plan. This “Deal of the Century”, allows the man of sin to set up his palace between “the holy mountain and the seas”, as it says in Daniel, where there are three cities in a triangle, of “Palestinian” settlements (mentioned specifically in the Trump deal as part of the new “state of Palestine”.) He will build the temple of Kabalah for Israel, just as the Jews have planned, thus sealing his reputation as “messiah”, with them.

The Song of Songs is about the rapture (As Eph. 5 marriage advice is about Christ and the church). Remember how the “watchmen” on the walls of Jerusalem take away her “shawl “? They deny who this gentile woman is, take away her mark of Jewishness as His bride, and wound her to deny her Messiah.

I have watched with delight the coverage, during the season of Passover, this headline saying “Let My People Go!” How appropriate that the deliverance from slavery begins with His people crying out because of the severity of their oppression! And how fitting is this confinement (of undeclared martial law) before the onset of the birth pangs! These sorrows and pains begin before the birth of the born again Israel! “She cried out in pain to be delivered”!

Right now, I am asking The Judge to avenge me of my adversary. (Luke 18:3,7) God’s Throne is established on justice and righteousness, so I ask Him to make things right, as He has promised! Our prayers ascend to His Throne, from His people, and He judges the world accordingly, for HE will answer every prayer! (Rev. 8:1-5 and 7:17!)

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Choice Set Before Believers

I used to think that anger was the strongest motivator that competes with love, but now I am seeing that it is fear. Now I can see why He is always telling us to not fear, for fear, in the flesh, will absorb our focus. Fear will distract us from the awesomeness of what He has waiting for us. As John said “There is no fear in love” and “fear has to do with punishment.” So when we make a decision from anger (and when you suffer, you WILL have anger), it is, in reality, a lack of forgiveness, and then of course we have been subjected to the spirit of fear by assuming our justice is in our own hands. Fear is how the enemy controls us, sows violence and disease into our lives! Fear is the chain in our soul, which binds us to defeat and failure.

All of this is a totally separate path from His, which consists of mercy and grace. We must put aside childish, fleshly things, as believers, and put on the mind of Christ, who could face suffering and death because He had the same goal as His Father! His eye was on what His Father wanted, instead of temporary pain!

I understand THIS, that if He is not sufficient IN all and FOR all, then He is not sufficient AT ALL! Therefore, I affirm You are sufficient for me (in all things and at all times)! My endurance through pain and sickness has sharpened my focus and my hope, and my bond with You! I am victorious because I trust in You! Peace comes from this realization! The light of Your justice will come! I will be justified, in the presence of my enemies, and I will be satisfied to be found in YOUR likeness in Glory!

I choose to reject fear and all its exhaustion, refuse to be distracted from the Face of Jesus! Instead of fear, I choose trust! So, while I still walk in this land of shadows, I carry only my joy and praise of Him with me! I choose to be grateful for what He has ALREADY accomplished!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Mystery of the Person of God

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 1 Tim 3:16

Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. Hebrews 1:3

God made a visit to this world, in the same manner that the rest of the race of mankind, but this more than Man took on a temporary tent of flesh, stepped down into four dimensions, became His own Messenger (called an “angel”), to create a way, a narrow gate (which is in His Flesh and Spirit), back to the Throne of The Father. The Tetragrammaton expresses the multidimensional nature of His person, of a mind which fills up the sum of existence. This is The God who was, and is, and is to come, as expressed by the Seraphim in Isaiah 6:3, and from His Own Mouth, in Revelations 4:

I have revealed Your name
to the men You gave Me from the world.
They were Yours, You gave them to Me,
and they have kept Your word. John 17:6

I am no longer in the world,
but they are in the world,
and I am coming to You.
Holy Father,
protect[c] them by Your name
that You have given Me,
so that they may be one as We are one.
While I was with them,
I was protecting them by Your name
that You have given Me.
I guarded them and not one of them is lost,
except the son of destruction,[d]
so that the Scripture may be fulfilled. John 17:11-12 Christian Holman

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Resurrection Revelation

I turned a new page in my calendar to see a new picture of the holy land, a depiction of an ancient olive tree that just might have seen the face of Jesus. In this photo, the light of dawn streams through it’s branches, coloring it, and the ground around it, a translucent gold. How appropriate that we should see the light of the world shining through the olive tree and it’s branches, as they represent the law and the prophets, and also, the law and prophets speak of Jesus to us. He is coming to us as the dawn, He is the Light of the world, and only He can inform us on the meanings of scripture.

This was the sight greeting me as I turned to read the next chapter of the book of Matthew, chapter 17, the number that means resurrection revelation. This gospel was written to the Jews. On the day of the resurrection of the body of Christ, the light shown will come from Him and His white clothing that He also gives to us. We will see His glory because we will be like HIM! He will also, by snatching away His Elijah, and taking him to the top of the mountain, be revealing His identity to the Jews, at least those capable of seeing or hearing, who might not have taken to heart His first resurrection.

The chapter starts out with the words “after six days”. Here, there is no preceding event, to link to the six days, so as to be able to answer the obvious question, “ six days after WHAT?”  The six days, then, are the six days of creation, letting us know when the son of man will be revealed to believers, those who are His Body. He had taken them up on the mountain to reveal Himself.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Walking With HIM

We are always endlessly searching for access, for justification, for the final achievement which would place us in a secure and unassailable location, so that we can rest. Nothing here, of the impermanence which surrounds us, can supply this need. In Matt 13, Jesus tells us a tale of a sower, which is Himself, planting the Word into our hearts. Those hearts which have been prepared ahead, by God, with affliction, are the soil which is receptive. Yet, there are some who cannot receive this Word, because the issues of life crowd out, or leave no room for, the growth of the life giving seed in the heart. They are the soil which is not broken open.

The opposition’s attempt to keep us from knowing HIM (who is our God), is to make His Name (who is our God) into a lie, and, and is the effort to make His promises (of HIM who is our God)  worthless, but.....HE is worthy of all this, for the affliction will serve to unveil to us, will PROVE to us, His inestimable value. He WILL break through, in fact, already has. No amount of pain is more important to us than this knowledge. Once we know Him, that knowledge cannot be taken from us. Once we see his face, and understand who He IS, we cannot be shaken loose, for we are in His hand. In Matt 11:27-30, Jesus says that “No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father, except the Son, and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him, “ and flowing from this He also says “Come to me and find rest.” On the Rock of this knowledge is our rest, and if we are built on the Foundation, no storm of peril can sweep us away.

This is the reason we pray for His kingdom to come, so we will live in His rest and peace. We are asking for His Sabbath, when HE alone is the One who works good for us, and for our peace (Matt 12:8 The Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath). The strength of our rest and peace(Jesus) has been there waiting for us this whole time. Israel, lift up your head, and see your Salvation coming like a beautiful sunrise!