This is the question of a child, seeking answers from the parent. My asking of this self same question caused Him to point out to me that the answer has been with me all along, surrounded, as I have been, with the number 17, and it’s accompanying meaning. Now, Jesus said to look to the days of Noah to see the pattern and it’s ending (for us) and to know the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord is only a surprise to those who have not been watching, and it will come in like a flood. However, Elijah knew when he would be leaving, and kept walking with the Lord.
It seems the door to the ark was shut on the 17th of the month, and God broke up the fountains of the deep, and opened up the floodgates of heaven, on that selfsame day. Noah had a week to bring in the animals and then God shut the door (Gen. 7). That same door of heaven is in the power of the Redeemer who holds it’s key (Rev 3:7, 4:1 and Is. 22:22). The church of Philadelphia is told that they will have this door placed in front of them. Not to worry, little flock, because only HE can shut it!
Those left behind have been cast into outer darkness, the place of hypocrites, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. These are the five foolish handmaids, the Laodicean church, and the wicked, lazy servants. They have been “vomited” out into the Tribulation, these who have heard but do not believe. You see, the surprise day is the Day of the Lord, not the rapture, for those who are faithless! That Day comes as a thief in the night for them, but Enoch is long gone when this Day arrives! They will long for one of the days of “The Son of Man”, as it says in Luke 17, but will not see them (The Son of Man is Jesus, Lord, right now, of a mostly gentile church). They will long to have gone up with Elijah!
For the final days, the prophesies do speak of America, but as the second beast, the daughter of Babylon, which instigates the mark of the beast. There are two end time gentile powers, the beast and his prophet. After marriage and the “honeymoon” for the bride, the next Passover season comes round again, after a year has passed, with the thief in the night. Judas betrayed the Lord as a thief in the night on Passover, so this is the prelude, where the seals are opened (and also the time of the sealing of the 144,000),to enable the antichrist to set up his reign, first, by deceit, in the vacuum of power left by the Gog, Magog war (provoked by annexation, Psalm 108) and by the man of sin finally agreeing to the Trump peace plan. This “Deal of the Century”, allows the man of sin to set up his palace between “the holy mountain and the seas”, as it says in Daniel, where there are three cities in a triangle, of “Palestinian” settlements (mentioned specifically in the Trump deal as part of the new “state of Palestine”.) He will build the temple of Kabalah for Israel, just as the Jews have planned, thus sealing his reputation as “messiah”, with them.
The Song of Songs is about the rapture (As Eph. 5 marriage advice is about Christ and the church). Remember how the “watchmen” on the walls of Jerusalem take away her “shawl “? They deny who this gentile woman is, take away her mark of Jewishness as His bride, and wound her to deny her Messiah.
I have watched with delight the coverage, during the season of Passover, this headline saying “Let My People Go!” How appropriate that the deliverance from slavery begins with His people crying out because of the severity of their oppression! And how fitting is this confinement (of undeclared martial law) before the onset of the birth pangs! These sorrows and pains begin before the birth of the born again Israel! “She cried out in pain to be delivered”!
Right now, I am asking The Judge to avenge me of my adversary. (Luke 18:3,7) God’s Throne is established on justice and righteousness, so I ask Him to make things right, as He has promised! Our prayers ascend to His Throne, from His people, and He judges the world accordingly, for HE will answer every prayer! (Rev. 8:1-5 and 7:17!)
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