Malachi 4:4 “Remember the instruction of Moses My servant, the statutes and ordinances I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel. 5 Look, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome Day of the Lord comes. 6 [c]And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land[d] with a curse.” (Elijah went to Horeb too!)
This marxist supremacy marching through the streets of America, is the milita of the democratic socialists, a reincarnation of the KKK, sent out to intimidate the constituents. They lay claim to a morality superior to that of Christian America, and ignore any evidence to the contrary. After all, this is the religion of politics, with it’s own saints and dogma. Dissension will NOT be tolerated, You will be canceled! America is now the battered woman, still believing that she can change her abuser’s mind, that she, somehow, still can control the narrative, of her own culpability, by doing “better”! She keeps tolerating her accusers and their violence!
There is strong liberal jewish sympathy and support, even financially, for these so called “victims” of “systemic racism”! Don’t jews know what it is to be the most persecuted of all peoples? Aren’t the Christians, in this beleaguered mentality, the source of all their woes? And seemingly logically deduced from there, hasn’t the success of western culture, been at the expense of “minorities”? Isn’t the success of the west rotten at it’s core? So Israel is persuaded that the blame is not her own. Her defense had become to blame others for her sins. Christians have now become the scapegoat!
Anger at Israel is the only option, because Elijah has done battle with the prophets of Baal (islame) and defeated them, but Israel is unpersuaded! She has NOT turned back from her folly! Her enemy is not Christians, it is her God! Will she spit in the face of the one who would rescue her? Everything that happens to her comes from God, for the sinful decisions of God’s enemies cannot succeed unless God has determined that they will stand!
And this is the story of Elijah (a gentile!), after he had all the prophets of Baal killed, he went into the wilderness, sustained by the Angel of the Lord, the very person of God, and then went to commune with God on a mountain (Horeb). After the mountain, Israel of God is appointed Elijah’s successor. Right after, the king of Israel makes a covenant with the defeated, and cursed one, to give the adversary his freedom. Then comes the misappropriation of the land and vineyard of Israel, by a deluded king. So the king dies in battle and Elijah leaves this world supernaturally. THEN, Israel is attacked by Persia....
Jeremiah 6:16-19 This is what the Lord says: Stand by the roadways and look. Ask about the ancient paths: Which is the way to what is good? Then take it and find rest for yourselves. But they protested, “We won’t!” I appointed watchmen over you and said: Listen for the sound of the ram’s horn. But they protested, “We won’t listen!” Therefore listen, you nations and you witnesses, learn what the charge is against them. Listen, earth! I am about to bring disaster on these people, the fruit of their own plotting, for they have paid no attention to My word. They have rejected My instruction.
Jeremiah 6:16-19 This is what the Lord says: Stand by the roadways and look. Ask about the ancient paths: Which is the way to what is good? Then take it and find rest for yourselves. But they protested, “We won’t!” I appointed watchmen over you and said: Listen for the sound of the ram’s horn. But they protested, “We won’t listen!” Therefore listen, you nations and you witnesses, learn what the charge is against them. Listen, earth! I am about to bring disaster on these people, the fruit of their own plotting, for they have paid no attention to My word. They have rejected My instruction.
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