Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Real Source of the Conflict

When I was in Israel, I heard our guide at Yad Vashem say, “Christianity is the source of antisemitism.” Knowing the Word, I can state that antisemitics are liars, that they do not know The Lord. (Not to be confused with legitimate criticism.) So I was shocked to hear this. Now, antisemitism has always been a thing, but if those who act violently towards the holy people do not know or understand the Redeemer, then so also, are without understanding, those who would insult the very Name that is Holy, taking His Name in vain, claiming to represent Him so as to justify their hatred and violence towards those He died for.

I see this playing out in politics. There are three main groups struggling for power and control: Christianity, Islam, and the Jewish ethnicity. Jews are clearly ambivalent about their God, Christianity has taken up His case, and Islam is the stepchild, unloved and resentful. Jewishness is angry against the God that started as their very own God, cries out to Him because of their suffering. They try, again and again, to keep the laws He gave them, so as to establish their own power, on their own terms, by their own efforts, and are offended by the offering of Christians, which is their Christ (I am using the goyim names.)

 Jews will defend Muslims before they will defend Christians, with whom they have shared their God. When Jews drove the fledgling church from their bosom, their mutual savior conquered the hearts of the goyim. When the church marched out to free Jerusalem from the pagan Muslims, the Jews fought for the pagans. Even now, most Jews support any which oppose Christianity. It is a rare Jew which sees a Christian as a comrade in arms.

The conflict breaking out around the world, is the jewishness awareness trying, still, to save the world (tikkun olam), by using their own awareness of what is right, without the transcendent standard which is the Spirit of God. Christianity is, to them, nothing more than a rebellion to be put down, in the name of their victimhood. This is calling the other a hater.....and then hating them for it. It is calling the other prejudiced and a bigot, and by that, being prejudiced and a bigot, yourself. It is being an enabler of the evil that hates what is good, so that when it comes for your neighbor, you can appear virtuous and they will not consume you, too.

You have been through this before, but you are not recognizing it yet again. Christianity is the most persecuted of any group, by far, and yet you give your power to the Muslims, to both persecute Christians and yourself, so as not to give in to this love which chases you. Why are you so angry, you who are destined to rule the world? I say, that it is your GOD which you still reject. If you will not fight against the oppression, on behalf of The Beloved, then this very same oppression will overtake you and consume you, because by hating your God, you really are only hating yourself.

Do not harden your hearts as at Meribah,
as on that day at Massah in the wilderness
where your fathers tested Me;
they tried Me, though they had seen what I did.
10 For 40 years I was disgusted with that generation;
I said, “They are a people whose hearts go astray;
they do not know My ways.”
11 So I swore in My anger,
“They will not enter My rest.”

These comment sections seem to draw vocally defensive atheist Jews. But as the great Rabbi Meir Kahane pointed out to Alan Dershowitz in a debate decades ago, without the religion of Judaism, Jews can only survive through racism. R. Kahane asked Dershowitz if he wanted his children to marry Jews. Dershowitz replied, yes. R. Kahane asked: Why, if not for religious reasons? The only other possible justification would be racist. Dershowitz was left sputtering.
The truth is that everyone on earth is religious. The difference is that some of us believe in God; others pour the spiritual imperative into politics, where they kill tens of millions of people.

The article....

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