Friday, March 27, 2020

Walking With HIM

We are always endlessly searching for access, for justification, for the final achievement which would place us in a secure and unassailable location, so that we can rest. Nothing here, of the impermanence which surrounds us, can supply this need. In Matt 13, Jesus tells us a tale of a sower, which is Himself, planting the Word into our hearts. Those hearts which have been prepared ahead, by God, with affliction, are the soil which is receptive. Yet, there are some who cannot receive this Word, because the issues of life crowd out, or leave no room for, the growth of the life giving seed in the heart. They are the soil which is not broken open.

The opposition’s attempt to keep us from knowing HIM (who is our God), is to make His Name (who is our God) into a lie, and, and is the effort to make His promises (of HIM who is our God)  worthless, but.....HE is worthy of all this, for the affliction will serve to unveil to us, will PROVE to us, His inestimable value. He WILL break through, in fact, already has. No amount of pain is more important to us than this knowledge. Once we know Him, that knowledge cannot be taken from us. Once we see his face, and understand who He IS, we cannot be shaken loose, for we are in His hand. In Matt 11:27-30, Jesus says that “No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father, except the Son, and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him, “ and flowing from this He also says “Come to me and find rest.” On the Rock of this knowledge is our rest, and if we are built on the Foundation, no storm of peril can sweep us away.

This is the reason we pray for His kingdom to come, so we will live in His rest and peace. We are asking for His Sabbath, when HE alone is the One who works good for us, and for our peace (Matt 12:8 The Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath). The strength of our rest and peace(Jesus) has been there waiting for us this whole time. Israel, lift up your head, and see your Salvation coming like a beautiful sunrise!

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