Sunday, September 20, 2020

Joseph’s Two Sevens

Joseph interpreted the dream of the most powerful king of his time. There were two periods of seven years in the dream. First there was the seven years of abundance and great harvest, then came the seven years of drought and famine. Joseph is a foreshadowed type of Jesus, with the great king a type of the Father. Joseph’s gentile bride is the representation of the called out ones from the goyim, taken into the house Jesus has prepared for her, some time before the second seven years. The Bride has inherited a part in the covenant of Abraham, through her husband.

The two sevens started in the spring of 2014, with the first blood moon, and the blood moons that year were on the holy days, as signs to the people, of the coming spiritual fulfillment. 2015 had blood moons on the appointed times, also. 2016 was the year of spiritual midnight, and the beginning of a new millennium, with an eclipse beginning the year. In 2017, we had the great American eclipse in August, with the great sign in the heavens occurring in September, again on the high holy days. This was the Revelation twelve sign, written in the stars. The warnings were given as promised.

Joseph is also a picture of the end times because of his dream of the sun, moon, and stars bowing down to him. The imagery of the dream is verified by Jacob when he relates it to Joseph’s mother and Jacob, himself, and those stars bowing to Joseph, in the dream, are also his brothers. This is the interpretation and tie in between Genesis and Revelation. In the first book of the a bible, we are told that the heavens are for signs and seasons (seasons of the harvest year), the harvest festivals being prophetic of the times God comes to us. In Revelation, the great sign in heaven uses the sun, moon, and stars to explain end time events, by referencing the imagery already explained in Genesis.

In Ezekiel 37, we see “The stick of Joseph”. It speaks also of the stick of Judah. These are the “staffs” of a Shepard king, a sign of authority. Both of these rods are Messiah. In this passage, God speaks of combining the two into one. There is only one Lord.

This year, 2020, has been a roller coaster ride of prophesy, after a two years of relative peace, prophecy wise. Everyone in the Christian world assumes this is the year Christ returns, but the last four years are spoken of by Jesus in a parable of a fig tree. In Luke 13:6, Jesus said a man went to look for fruit on his fig tree, but found none. (Who is the fig tree?) The man complained to his gardener, that he had looked for three years, and told the gardener to cut it down. The gardener said to give it one more year, and if then, he found no fruit, the gardener would cut it down. Right now is the time that God is looking for fruit on his fig tree. Will there be fruit by next year from HIS fig tree?

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