Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Virgin Daughter of Babylon

America is destroyed! She has perished and gone the way of the pagan nations! She has been exposed and taken into captivity. No one works, because of covid. The ones entrusted to shepherd her have stolen all her wealth and left her naked to the world, by reason and method of the so called stimulus. They have also silenced her churches and muzzled her, where she wears a mask as a sign of submission. The churches are mostly voiceless, empty and abandoned, so the enemy can burn the buildings to the ground. Her slavery is the lockdown, the mask, and the vaccine. The enforcers are the mindless robots, called protesters, by whom you will be attacked for being of the wrong color, if you are an advocate of free thought, or even for being maskless. The worst transgression, to them, is defending yourself. Having a gun is thought of as a crime and a sign of mental illness.

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