A victim is someone who has no choices. Victims are only aware of their own narrative, and are oblivious of any other (because pain overwhelms reason, so we are told). Victims are entitled, and their victimhood takes precedence over any so-called rights or feelings that another might have. A victim wants someone else to pay, wants to exploit, and take, in vengeance. A victim must not forgive, to make sure justice is extracted. Victims have “earned” this preeminence. Victims have sold themselves as slaves to this thought pattern, as slaves, to repay, their “benefactor” that gives them their “status”. Victims cannot be blamed for their actions, are immune from charges of hypocrisy. The ”gospel” of victimhood, is the preaching of judgement and condemnation. Perpetual victimhood is a method, of forcing all it’s benefits to accrue, to the account of him, who is it’s object of worship.
Never the less, actual abuse inflicted is only a question towards our character. Suffering reveals who we are, only shines a light on the material being worked with. What will you choose? Do we realize, with a grateful heart, that the wall of separation between brethren, has been torn down, in HIS flesh? Do we acknowledge that HE is the only one worthy of worship? Do we forgive, as we have been forgiven?
This article is very insightful, and well said. It's scope covers so many levels of our human existence, and I would wish this truth would be far more greatly understood. (IMHO)
God bless you, sister!
Thank you, Shiloah!!!
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