Friday, October 14, 2011

Keep Watch!

Luke 21:34-36
King James Version (KJV)

34And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
35For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
36Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Do not be fooled by the wiles of a world without Christ. Care and circumstance conspire to draw our time and attention away from Him, and that is no coincidence. The only way for mortals to prevail, in a spiritual battle, is to pray for the Lord's will to be done. His will must be our focus, because only He is strong enough to win.

What is it that the enemy seeks to distract us from that is the will of God concerning us? To believe and then to tell others His good news! These are the tasks appointed to us!

A famous evangelist once voiced the opinion that so called christians who do not give voice to the faith by telling others, are not so much christians as they are frauds. What is a watchman good for, except to warn others of the coming judgement and give them the information they need to escape it? If others do not believe, then their destruction is on their own heads, but the one told to watch would be guilty of an even greater crime in failing to warn them. This watchman is quite obviously not convinced of the truth or urgency of the message! He has not kept watch as instructed!

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Form of Godliness......

"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but…"

First you must study the authentic before you will know what is counterfeited. What does godliness look like? Obviously, as the name itself implies, it is having God's character. God is love. Love is trusting, giving, sharing, supporting, empowering. It is self sacrifice. Even bruised, battered and bloody, love is forever unconquered but conquering. Love returns good for evil and the truth for a lie. Love maintains gentleness in the face of mistreatment. Love is the ultimate in patience, waiting for reciprocation as an occasion for celebration.

How is it possible to falsify such profoundly beautific character? What could possibly manifest the outward signs of godliness, yet be corrupt, hateful, and unloving at it's core? What has deceived supposed christians into falling into line to achieve it's goals?

Tolerance is the catchword of today's society, the sole principal upon which is built all that has the appearance of morals, yet remember, tolerance means how much pain you can stand and how well you can hide your hatred. It speaks of how we must allow the evil, no matter how murderous, to remain beside us, permitting it's pride to stay intact. This is not love, where we conform to other's expectations out of fear. It is not love to keep silent while death and destruction work their whims. Look closely and see that tolerance is only an empty shell, loudly proclaiming a worthless, fruitless mimicry of the gold standard which is the character of God.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What Have You Done!

The anger has taken over. It has seized a life all it's own.
A harvest of bitterness, for selfish seeds we have sown.
A litany of accusations, follow us into our dreams
when weariness is no longer the refuge, from reality, that it seems.
For our collective failures, none of us want the blame.
We seek to defer, to others, the misery of our shame.
So, willfulness, or self expression, by any other name,
the excruciating results of them remain the same.
This morass of condemnation has no escape and no way past.
"Who would even choose to be a part of it?" incredulously asked!
If we could but lift our eyes, we could see, His sympathy and sorrow,
in the eyes of the One, whose image we have borrowed.
The first thing we see, is that He, is familiar with shame and condemnation.
His rejection and His sacrifice, in history, was done.
He voluntarily suffered the ultimate in pain
to which we cry "What have you done? What did you hope to gain?"
THIS is the logical conclusion, of our choice, made stark and bare.
It was the death, of God Himself, that He accomplished there!
So grim our loss, of the Source, of all love and gentleness!
If we can, or will, survive His ending, is anybody's guess!
But how else could such Mighty Majesty descend to the depths of our hell?
Burst open the doors of our prison, with the good news, of our deliverance, to tell?
A destiny of death and dark despair are all that we have lost!
When He showed disdain to count our shame and rained contempt on anger's cost!
This is a God without barriers. save the will of His loves object!
He can change the foulest violator, if he is but willing, HIS love and mercy to reflect!
By which we cry, "Most Precious One! Look what You've done!
Our darkest destiny, exchanged, for the inheritance of favored sons!"

Monday, August 1, 2011

Winning by Weakness

I was touched recently, by a song by Guns N Roses. I felt the man's pain and sadness when he pleaded, "Look at the world we're killing, look at the blood we're spilling, just like we've always done before." Unfortunately, his conclusion and answer to the dilemma was simply "I don't need your civil war!" Did he think that there would be no dying if he did not fight? Does he think that evil will not fill any vacuum left by cowardice? Violence always reigns supreme in this world, this culture, and this mind set of entitlement. It will attempt to swallow up, and still not be satisfied, anything not already committed to God. Fear and anger seek to overwhelm rational thought and be our primary motivators. They demand our obedience!

There is something, not of this world, that is stronger and more compelling than both. Faith is our desire for, and trust in, Jesus. It endures, no matter the test, for His love is our motivation. Love is not something that can be forced. It surrenders willingly that which is needful for the sake of another. That is what Jesus meant when He said, "No man can take my life. I lay it down willingly." The greatest courage of all is demonstrated when we turn away, by our free choice, from self gratification to choose giving up to His love. It may cost us everything, even our life, but it will proven to be worth it!

Choosing to face fear with meekness and vulnerability just seems so counter intuitive, but everyone has had the experience of the "lump in the throat" because of a demonstratively genuine gift of love. (DO NOT try this without God's help!)
I have seen true love, proven through self sacrifice, and have had that reaction of identifying with the giver and receiver. So it is that we will conquer, if we humble ourselves and become weak, to surrender to Love!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crossing the Line

There are so very many ways of expressing the concept of what it takes to become a christian. The label is, of course, inadequate representation of what exits inside of a person(and is used as a default label). There is a line that must be crossed, a change that is made, an acceptance (and action) upon certain truths. Jesus called the change being "born again", when His richness has reached all the way down to our foundation to conceive that new life in us which is our down payment on eternal life.It is called "believing in Him" that dawning realization of the absolute veracity of who He is and what He has said. The change is being saved from the destruction of our prior path, saved from being condemned to the second death, called hell. Jesus also called it "entering by the gate", such gate which is Christ Jesus. He said there is no other entrance for He is the Truth, the Way, and the Life.

How can you tell when you have crossed over the line, the demarcation that makes the difference, between life and death? Regrets and remorse are not the magic ticket to the movie called heaven. The next progression, the desire to change, to do better, is still not sufficient to push us over the edge into freedom. Everyone goes through these sorts of things. The effort to improve ourselves is (literally) a dead end road. That point where we see our overwhelming need and also our helplessness to effect a change is where our spiritual transformation begins.

"In that day, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." It is when we are so far down into the hole that we throw up our hands in surrender, and plead with Jesus to fix it, that the salvation of our God seizes hold of us and generates the seed of the image of Him within us. His likeness grows and flowers within us through His guidance.

Symptoms manifest themselves of this permanent and incurable condition (of new life in Christ). The first sign of it is that we call Him our Lord to His face and in the presence of others. We feel a compelling love of Him that places His will and desire above our own. His gentle benevolence is revealed in our character so that we, amazingly, love our brother, enough so that we want good for him, even in the face of his abuse. We are willingly and eagerly obedient to His commands out of gratitude for His goodness. He has become, for us, the God of the gap, overcoming and conquering even the gulf which separates us from Him, and making our sin of no effect. He is not beyond our reach anymore. He is just a prayer away.

There are many in this day and age who call themselves Christians. Our Lord said many would use His name who do not know Him. The greatest tragedy in this world is those who do not make the transition from knowing about Him to knowing Him personally.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

From Sinner to Saint (In 3.2 seconds)

The difference between free will and predestination is only the measure of the gap between our understanding and His. They are the same thing, just seen from opposite ends of the spectrum. God already has the game planned. The course is plotted and laid in. Time is but the gage of how long it takes us, to be brought up to speed, on what He will have us understand. If we were already perfect, we wouldn't need the time to learn the game. To "wait on the Lord" is to keep the heart faithful during that period our version of reality is catching up with His ultimate reality.

This is HIM of whom there is none and nothing greater. This is HE who's reach extends to the lowest hell. The hardened will of the sinner is broken "without hand" by the featherlight touch of grace and mercy. The crushing results of criminal activity is what strips away his resistance. Granted, we are vessels which do not have the capacity for submission to the Divine prerogative, but this fact only underscores the miracle of His grace. What a work of artistry are the gifts of His salvation and sanctification! These gifts are only given to the willing! He creates the willingness, Himself! He develops His wisdom in us for the purpose of turning selfish rebellion into obedience, honored with the privilege of serving His cause. This is the serene security of knowing all His will is accomplished and the joyful gratitude of realizing His unqualified acceptance and our freedom of choice in being delivered from our slavery.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What makes YOU so right?

What one good thing do you wish that you could accomplish in this world? And what is holding you back from doing it? "The cost of our vitality (ability to live life to the fullest) is the sum of all our fears." Our lack of faith holds life itself hostage. By keeping ourselves safe, we lose all of what is most precious.

Life is not about us. The Lord is attempting to teach us to not hoard our treasures for ourselves. In God's workings, what we wish to keep must be given away. The Lord develops our "leadership" by using us to serve and to give. It's what His authority is.

People hide behind their fear and anger, wishing that things could be different. It is only an excuse when they say that what little they could give would not make a difference. There is no peace in this hoarding of grudges. They are trying to wrest some control out of the situation, hoping to salvage it.

We were never in control. Only God is. He uses our emotions to propel us and motivate us. Only God can give the increase and a harvest from our sacrifices. So again I ask, what good would you do, if you could? Faith throws the bread upon the waters. It will return to HIM exactly how He wants it to! So what have we got to lose?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Faith AND Doubt?

I am not a big fan of this new confession that faith and doubt can coexist in a healthy christian belief. Sure, it's normal to be sceptical, but when it comes to our commitment to Jesus, the book of James clearly tells us that the doubter is an unstable person. Doubt is the opposite of the belief and faith we called to have! The enemy is the one who would have us fear that God is not good, just, and powerful.

I read in the LA Times an essay, by a rabbi, who said that "faith is in the questioning." Not having understanding is not the same thing as doubt. (Compare the stories of Mary and Zacharias when they were both told they would have a son. Mary asked the angel how it would work, and the priest asked for a sign.) Exploring and learning about God and how He works means we will have questions. These questions will not be answered in our time, but in God's, for His ultimate glory. If our desire to understand drives us to, and keeps us on, our knees in prayer, then we will be strengthened in our endurance, maintained by Him in our decision to be obedient in belief, and will be gifted with His patience in hope. These are the character traits that will be revealed, as a reflection of His glory, when the heavens open and the Righteous One is revealed to the whole world.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Unanswered Prayer?

What's with that? I protest the terminology! Those two words should be mutually exclusive. They do not belong together. Jesus will refuse His children no good thing (or He will MAKE it good) and that includes those things which are hard to hear or accept. In answering prayer, He utilizes one of three responses: "Yes", "Wait", or, "I have something better in mind". So we observe that prayer either changes things, or it changes us!

God desires this dialog for the purpose of "growing us up". It is how we "wrestle" with God. We are the ones who are developing our agility and stamina in spiritual matters. We are building up our internal strength and toughness in faith. I have learned from combining prayer with my dilemmas. God and I have come to an agreement. I ask for His will to be done and He gives me whatever I ask for.

I have one simple discipline to advocate as an answer to this issue of "unanswered" prayer. Keep a prayer journal. Make sure you keep track of exactly what you've asked Him for. My own journal started out as a list, every day, of what I wanted from Him. Once I saw that He actually answers, the journal then seemed to degenerate into a pathetic, whiny list of complaints about my life. I don't think, when we are in trouble, that we realize our prayers sound this way. It sure was emphasized in a big way when I had to search through page after dreary, angry, pleading, page to put down His answers. It was just too painful reading that stuff. I resolved to use the journal as a vehicle of praise for Him. I asked Him to help me do it. Now some of my best material starts in those pages. I have also learned how exquisite is the pleasure of giving honor and glory to Him!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Keeping Up Appearances

In the neighborhood I frequent every day, I see Jehovah's Witnesses parading around in their "Sunday best" for all to see. The selling point of their religion seems to be how together and righteous they appear to be. Who wouldn't want to be perfect in and of themselves? The real meaning of the gospel (good news) seems to have escaped them entirely. Anyone who is an actual sinner doesn't stand a chance in their organization. At least that"s what their family members tell me. Anyone who can't "fly straight" need not apply.

This is not to pick on them specifically. (But if they impress you, we need to talk some more.) I am pointing out our own tendency to indulge in the behaviors that tell others, without words, that we, ourselves, have arrived. There is no difference between "us" and "them". We are not to think of ourselves as better than others. If we are thinking this, we are disowning part of ourselves. Evil unacknowledged becomes stronger within us, and inaccessible to grace and forgiveness.

Our actions are only symptoms of the real problem. If we do not confess (fess up) to our actual motivations, we cannot be healed of our disease. Honesty before the Savior is a part of salvation. The good news is that, yes, we are broken, but God knows all about it! That's why there is grace! That's why grace is free for the asking! We are all on the same level of absolute poverty in this matter of rightness before God. Just for the asking, He will attribute to us the perfection He requires from us! (Because of the Son.) Now, if you think that you don't need God, as Jesus, then you're still just keeping up appearances......

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

God, Where Are You?

When I told You I wanted to serve You,
I was welcoming Your authority in my life too.
In Your name, I've spoken to other's hearts,
Shielded the longing where courage starts.
I never knew my own strength would give out.
Knowing Your mercy,You're gonna hear me shout!
Lord, please just show me where You are now!
I know that You care, and I want to see how:
What You do for me when I can't go on?
Change my sighs and tears into a victory song?
When the sun torments me with it's heat,
Sucks out my life so that I feel beat,
the luminosity of the clouds cover me,
Your visible hand for all to see.
Satan's neighborhood makes music an assault.
If I ask for peace, then their anger's my fault.
While I still ask, Your answer's on the way.
It's no longer their home, so they cannot stay.
Who could ever admit a child is a burden?
Protecting him from the hurt of where he's been?
Now he will see Your provision and power,
Be bold with the gospel, in this the last hour.
Symptoms of sickness bring terror and pain
and loss of hope to ever be strong again.
By the buffeting messenger, I learn spiritual warfare.
By God's grace I can fight him, so I'm no longer scared!
In weakness, I know, that I'm not worth much,
Except, I know He uses me to encourage and such!
I find relief in a compassionate spouse.
His kindness makes a refuge, out of my house.
So in my daily life the evidence proves true.
Almighty God, it seems clear, that compassion is what You do!
Obvious is Your signature, written on my walls.
Obvious is the beckoning siren song, of love for me, that calls!
Abundant tender mercies shield me from harm.
The attacks of the enemy, but chase me, into Your arms!
How can fear touch me when all I see is You?
Holding tightly, to me always, so I know I'll make it through!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Interlude (or you could say, what's happnin when nothin's happnin!)

My heart is consumed by restlessness.
There's got to be more to life than this!
I'm in a race for power and things,
Yet no satisfaction do they bring.
I know I'm worth more than these!
Searching for meaning past material disease.
They judge my worth by what I own,
but I need something more than a heart of stone.
The message which resonates to my core
is sacrificial love that makes me more
a part of HIS plan which is so much higher
than anything else to which I could ever aspire.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lest We Forget

Exaltation Experienced.
Memory of love to carry hence.
Released (for a time) from His embrace.
Sanctifying suffering to face.
Grip fast the image of Savior seen!
Hold tight to the truth of where you've been!
Brave the battle fierce!
The heavy darkness pierce!
Hostile opaque clouds dispersed.
Leaps high the flame of courage nursed!
Consummation of the soul
Who's been rescued and made whole.
Privileged to be so blessed!
Paying our love's cost assessed.
Cherish the memory of His face.
Features protectiveness firmly placed.
Flaming deliverance plucking us
From enemies grip nonplussed.
Soon the sacred war is won
When is sighted Savior and Son
Giving blessed peace and rest
On the other side of the test.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

For Such A Faith As This

The devil is gonna try and talk you out of it. Oh, maybe he won't use words. Maybe he will oppress you in some other way. Then again, words are sharper than swords. Ideologies will always be expressed in words, those containers of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

The enemy is around for the express purpose of testing your resolve. The Lord does not want any in His camp who are not sure of where their loyalties should lie. Ample opportunity is provided to defect. It is always, ultimately, our own choice.

He will give you the strength to endure, if that is your desire. He is faithful to us while we work through our issues. Remember that what is at stake is our trust in Him, nothing else. We are saved by our hope in Him. (James 1:12)

If we set aside our hearts for Him, what a beauty of love and grace He develops in us! Grace will have it's full expression in us who choose to belong to Him. By simple faith, we inherit His likeness and glory. Once we have endured our test, we will wear the crown He won the right for us to wear. (Romans 8:24)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Gentle Turning

If I do not acknowledge the darkness within me,
I am walled away from the light by my will.
The wall is built of my own unbelief.
The darkness is only the choice to eschew faith.
To admit to myself of the truth
of evil"s presence within me,
is to disarm it and take away it's only weapon.
Evil's only power is in lies and deceit,
it's only strength is my decision to disown it.
What a paradox exists in embracing and acceptance,
then laying it at Your feet.
You have given me permission to forgive myself
through the demonstration of Your great love.
Only in submission am I freed.
Only in humility freely offered
am I lifted up to You.
Of such great strength is faith
born of blood and darkness,
fading into comfort and light.
Ignorance proclaims faith gullible
only from lack of knowledge of it's
bedrock sincerity and reliance on the evidence.
Faith in the Only True is born from understanding,
and given birth by discernment.
If I close my eyes and ears to Life,
there will be nothing left and no strength to guide me.
Only in Your hands is my evil turned into glory
shining out Your image for all to see.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

10 Godly Reasons for My Pain

1. This is the exercise of my faith that makes it stronger. The strongest trees with the most character are the ones that grow in the wind.

2. Even if they themselves do not realize it, those others who don't believe, are watching me to see how I handle this.

3. He's already told me He won't let go of me. God keeps His promises.

4. When I am humanly weak, then I am spiritually strong and filled with God's power through submission to Him.

6. I get to see Him in action. This is what breaks my bondage to fear.

7. I'm starting to see things like He does, and to understand why His will is always for the best.

8. I have found out He is the only true comfort, and now I can share that insight with others.

9 I guess I really have been clinging too tightly to some things in this world. I have a chance to reassess my priorities so that He comes out on top.

10. The best reason of all is that I am sharing the fellowship of His suffering. I realize that I am dying daily on His cross with Him, and so experiencing, in my daily life, the redemptive power of His death. I am no longer just reading stories about Him, I am touching Him.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Don't Apologize for God, I Just Explain

Every believer is called to preach the gospel (the good news). Not only that, but in speaking of Him, believers speak with the authority of Christ himself (remember that the authority of Christ is that of a servant). The adversary cannot stop the spreading of the Word.

In the effort to communicate this ultimate rationality and sanity, which is the nature of His love, the duly designated representative of His message should not succumb to anger. "The wrath of man does not work the works of God." Sad as it is, those who reject Christ do so for emotional reasons. The amount of anger present is indicative of the measure of the indefensibility of the position taken when someone is "confronted" with the gentleness of love. Do not follow them down the same road.

As an example, a modern excuse is the taking of exception to Christ's claim of exclusivity. "All religions are equal" is the reasoning. It sounds altruistic, but is just an alibi for the true intent. A more truthful translation would be "God, how dare you not accept me on my own terms!"

Facts are just that: Facts. God has left believers here to be a witness to what is. Do not be distracted by appeal to emotion. If someone has already made up their mind, then we can at least give them food for thought, the solid meat of fact for the mind to chew on. Who knows what God might bring out of it?

The Real Appeal of My God

God is greater than all others. As overwhelming as His strength is, it is not the most impressive of His skills. His perception is also unsurpassed in the deep matters of the heart. His instruction manual has laid bare, and has perceived, the thoughts and intentions of the inner man. As corrupt as it is, the only barrier which separates the sinner from the perfect God, is the yet lack of a humble request for His mercy and compassion. The only disconnect from His love is a willful turning away. God has destroyed any and all other barriers which could keep us from His presence.

What is to be found in the presence of the King? Rationality, the foundation of sanity, is based on the bedrock of His unchanging character. He is not capricious, He will always respond with forgiveness when we seek Him to change our unprofitable ways. Overflowing joy comes from realizing how great is the work He has done on our behalf! Every good thing we have comes from His provision. Wisdom is the application of His knowledge which He generously shares through the process of educating His children.

One factor overrides them all, and is the motivating force behind all the wonderful acts God has initiated toward us. His love pours down like cool water in a dry and thirsty land. To know His love, His consuming passion, is the only thing that is truly fulfilling in this life, and in this cold world. Only He can fill the void with meaning.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

"Yea, hath God said?" This was the question from the adversary that opened the proverbial can of worms, the pandora's box of evil for humanity. Satan was calling God a liar. He was putting God on trial. Who was really on trial here, and who was, really, using whom?

Imagine the adversary's state of mind entering the "scene of the crime". Initially, he had been the top guy in all of creation, who had unlimited access to the throne of the Almighty. He had been the the most brilliant and beautiful one. That's when he decided he was smarter than God. Maybe he got tired of all the bowing and scraping, and didn't feel all his energy should go towards honoring God and serving others. He felt he was powerful enough to be God, himself. God knew what satan was thinking, and satan was thrown out of paradise.

Satan sees this new creature that God has created, and thinks that man is physically weak, not nearly as smart as himself, and not nearly as beautiful by half. Satan becomes a door to door salesman and picks the more emotional woman to sell the idea to, that each person can actually be a god unto themselves. It wasn't about a piece of fruit. It was about choosing God's way, or satan's way. He induced them to follow the error he started, and by extension, to following himself. Now man is experiencing all of the terrors of the consequences of "the knowledge of good and evil." Man drinks the dregs of the pain and ugliness of relying on something less loving and giving than the God who made him.

Satan already knows his own ending. God is simply using satan in the meantime to teach those, who do want to follow God, the wisdom of knowing God, and the folly and destruction brought on those who refuse Him. In abject weakness and through dependence on Christ, christians defeat the incredibly powerful and cunning adversary.

Monday, March 28, 2011

When Will I See Him?

He has lit the home fires of my shining city on the hill of night.
Yet still I long, for the sight, of my Beloved's steadfast light.

He has taught me of endurance as I tread under the black miles.
Yet still I long, for the sight, of my Beloved's tender smiles.

I have braved the often lonely vigil of His calling to compassion.
But I long to look into His eyes as I thank Him for what HE'S done.

In my journey over troubled waters I've paid consequences for each choice.
Still I long to hear Him tell me I've done well, in His soothing voice.

Here, my heart is renewed in brokenness when I see each needy face.
Yet I long to forget my sorrow in the comfort of His embrace.

As I administer authority for those He came to save,
I desire to rejoice forever in consideration of what He gave.

Because He's asked me, I will learn, the wisdom and cost of hope.
Unveiled to see, with my naked eyes, my Love of limitless scope.

No matter what my task, I will not be complete.
Till all my longings are fulfilled when I sit contented at His feet.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Post Script

You are closer to belief than you know. If you are aware of the weight of your sin, then you also know that it needs to be forgiven. It would be arrogance to assume otherwise. Please do not hold tightly to sin, thinking it must be who you are. Do not be content to settle for the miserable comforts of this world.

Do not let satan convince you that you would be surrendering your intellectual integrity by putting faith in God instead of something less worthy (see prior blog entitled "The Problem With Faith", posted Feb. 15, 2009). This is not about checking your brain at the door. It is about not ignoring facts. When I mention the ambiguity of the evidence, I do not mean that it is not conclusive for those with the eyes and will to see clearly (Not talking ourselves out of where plain logic would lead because we did not get the answer we wanted). Those who want God to work in plain sight do not realize that if He did, then He must needs judge us immediately for our lack of obedience (and He will shortly initiate that sort of method). Instead, He gives us the freedom of choice between abandoning ourselves to love, or saving our "love" for ourselves. (Remember, we cannot save ourselves.) He chooses to woo us with the proofs of His love. The proofs I speak of are His awesome creation, the testimonies of believers, and the eyewitness accounts of His miracles and ressurection (the Bible, which also predicted His life and told us who He is). So, as the Bible says, "Anyone who seeks to know God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." If we feel compelled by His love, we will be saying "I want that" and respond with submission to Him. After we are obedient, then is when He will provide us with "many convincing proofs", as the Bible says it. (I will share some of my own experiences to any who ask.)

I feel I must also clarify the statement that I made that God "will take care of us and take away our problems." True, that, but an oversimplification. While christians live on this earth, He cares for us in the midst of our problems. As a matter of fact, Jesus said, "a servant is no better than his master. The world has hated me, it will also hate you." He also said we are to be "exceedingly glad" when we suffer persectuion for His name's sake, because "great is your reward in Heaven." He has uses for the christians's troubles and pains in this life, just as the suffering and death of Jesus accomplished His plan.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Believe? What is Belief?

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." This well known verse is the quintessential encapsulation of the gospel, the good news. It expresses the enduring truth of God's nature and gift to humanity.

In our jaded society, His love is more applicable than ever, but we have lost sight of some of the significance of what God is saying He expects from us here. We see this verse and think, yes, God is the one who is there to take care of us and remove all of our problems. Of course He will, but His truth goes much deeper than that. In a first century society of many gods, the one chosen to serve was the master, the controller of fate. The one who received the loyalty also had the authority of life and death over the follower.

The Lord clearly expects us to change our allegiance. He wants us to turn our backs (repent) on following anything but Him. For those who choose to, it is clear that God has done everything else necessary to keep our souls safe in Him. We are totally inadequate to effect our own salvation. So when we believe, we change who and what we pursue and follow after, and trust in Him to do what needs to be done.

A modern definition would say that we are convinced of the truth of what we believe in. However, the Lord has left just enough ambiguity in the most apparent of the facts so that we must make believing Him an act of our will. We must choose to follow Him. (Satan had all the facts yet chose to disobey.) Also our actions result from what we believe. As an example, if a check was found with a large value and written out to "whosoever wills", any following actions in relation to said check would be indicative of whether we thought the check was any good and there were enough "funds" to cover it. (A poverty stricken person would be much more likely to try out the truth of the promissory note. So the greater sinner is much closer to being saved because he needs it more.)

What was accomplished on the cross was that God, as Jesus, swallowed up death and corruption and absorbed it back into Himself, on behalf of those who wish to follow Him. He carried the load that we could not carry so that we could be reconciled to Him. Where else can we find someone willing to die for us? Who else is powerful enough to be sufficient to cancel the effects of sin and the grave? For salvation, we must let ourselves realize just exactly who He is and what He has done!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

This Victory is His!

Through the darkness that flows and surrounds me,
constrained by powerlessness, nevertheless, I can see,
The overwhelming waves of Your endless compassion,
Their sound moves to the beat of the heart of the Son.
Without words to express the exaltation of worshiping You,
Struck dumb by the wonder, I raise heart and hands too.
So where is the fear that dares challenge faith now?
The enemy that flees when by Your praises cowed?
Naught can contain the tsunami of Your power,
When the faith of Your children, in Your presence, does flower!
Your people are singing as heaven's gates rejoice,
won through the fire and flood of sacrifice, by choice.
The music of gladness and gratitude swells!
It's the story of Your mercy and faithfullness, that it tells!
Exposed are the lies told by violence and fear,
that evil is stronger than our weakness and tears.
Through trials and suffering Your kingdom is won.
Your people, through humbleness exalted, along with, and because of, the Son.


What have we found in Christ? If we have found life and victory in the midst of our pain, others will see. If any have been driven beyond their own strength, and found enough mercy to share, it will affect all. A life obsessed with longing for Him, will be transformed, and by extension, will change the lives of others. By living a life in pursuit of Him, we have empowered others to follow the same calling. If we carry Him with us always, then we will always have a precious gift that gives to others, the glow of His glory which He so generously imparts to us.

Those who are found in Christ no longer belong to themselves, but have found a new master. A new love directs their hearts and actions. The influence will be obvious. We can make a difference with our lives as ambassadors of the Living Cornerstone. Is this a mission you would like to undertake? There is nothing else that we do, or are, that can matter as much as this one thing.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Freedom's Child

When I think of you, why do I feel such pain?
When the image I'm seeing of you, is your dancing eyes laughing at the rain?
Is that joy, expressed in exuberance, as if you haven't got a care?
As you throw off heavy chains of obedience, hurtling them to empty air?
Are your calm, tranquil eyes symptomatic of your innocence?
Or are they simply contemplative of the rightness of your defense?
You've realized what seems authoritative-is really only supposition,
The will of hurtful law enforced-a merely human imposition.
Your heart's unleashed, your mind flies free, to explore the universe,
Glorying in power and beauty, before destruction catches up with you, and exerts it's curse.
I wish that somehow, some way, I could keep you in that moment,
Before the agony of consequences hits you, and all your joy is spent.
Alas! These are but memories, for we each must have our choice,
To submit to God's greater plan or follow our own solo (progressively more nonsensical) voice.
Perhaps now you can understand, this enigma that is freedom,
Of which principals, of grace, love, and power, are only some.
I hope you've seen in your own life that love is not forced by laws.
Only a free heart can choose to give, the same love that is it's cause.
The onerous burdens of responsibility are freely taken up by love,
Shoulders the servanthood, of the same God, love desires to be part of.
I'm sure you've heard the saying that freedom isn't free.
Someone has to (and did) make the sacrifice for you and me.
He paid the price so we could rise from the ashes of our shame,
To find renewed integrity in the freedom that is His name.
He conquered death and humiliation so we could follow that path too.
Our righteousness then by faith in Him, and not by what we do.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

You're Making It Too Difficult

I am very familiar with the power and allure of putting things off. The fear of effort, change, and failure is a terrible obstacle to any kind of breakthrough in life. After all, it feels like a legitimate reason not to do anything at all! This way you can sit the conflict out, without making the huge emotional investment only to be told you did it wrong. Something good might still come out of it for you without all the strain.

While it is true that living itself requires a great deal of effort, and that is where we learn our avoidance techniques, there is always ONE thing that requires little contribution from us. Our salvation, what makes the difference between eternal joy and eternal anguish, is simply our belief in Him. He told us to trust Him. He is the One who did the difficult part and made the all out sacrifice to invest in us.

Give up the control. Give it to Him. Don't wait until you're doing better. If you wait till then (and if it happens) then you will assume that you don't need Him. Don't pretend that He can be bought off with ritual or sacrifice on your part. All of our labor is but tawdry ugliness and will not satisfy Him. He has told us that His own hard work on our behalf is sufficient. Can our own efforts accomplish more than His? You see, whether we put Him off because we think we're not good enough, or because we think we can do enough to qualify to be good enough, either way we are making it too difficult. Salvation is a free gift for the accepting, and He is not willing that any should perish. May His will be done.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In the Face of the Evidence

Richard Dawkins made a statement. He said that faith is when someone believes into the face of the evidence. Some of you may know that Mr. Dawkins is a militant atheist, and this is his "polite" way of saying that the simple minded are rebelling against the party line. I am sure that Mr. Dawkins will be vastly disappointed not to mention humiliated, when he is brought to account for this very denial of reality that he accuses others of.

The reasons for faith are varied, depending on the person having the belief, but belief, by it's very nature, is based on reason, not in spite of it. There are just some people whom God creates more reasonable than others. These are diligent to investigate the path the facts follow, instead of just following fantasy and inclination. Then there are the others who want what they want no matter who or what logic must pay the price. The second group constructs an elaborate hierarchy of smoke and mirrors to conceal the truth from themselves and by extension, from others. There are the "scientific" theories carefully compiled to provide alternative explanations for the revealed arm of the Lord. Never mind that they really make no sense in the light of the evidence. Then there are the "experts", "scholars" meticulously schooled to speak and teach these theories, regardless of what they might actually think of them. There is the withering scorn reserved for anyone who steps out of line, a contemptuous superiority directed towards anything godly. So much hatred can only come from one source, the fear and terror which must be repressed at all costs. Denying the truth is supposed to make it go away.

I submit to you, that this faith that God requires from us is the only reasonable response to Him after all that He has shown us and done for us. It is the demand for the obedience of belief, from a sovereign Creator. If we cannot give Him this modicum of trust, then we are useless to Him in accomplishing His good purposes.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Day

Awakened from the darkness in which I was sleeping

Through which moved dreams of sorrow and weeping.

What I perceive has changed from gloom into light

When I opened my eyes, forever passed was the night.

Here is no time, spring that eternal moment

Outside of the bounds of where evil's anger is spent.

Things are aglow and no shadow is found

Sings all creation with melodious, harmonic, sound.

The breeze, the blue sky, the flowers, speak peace.

Overwhelmed by tranquility that I know will never cease.

Once dull physical senses are unhindered, acute.

Wisdom and intellect dance together as partners, astute.

A surfeit of indulgence in justice and truth

Far from the presence of violence method's uncouth.

Free now to understand Love's grand reason why

He wants me here with Him, Him who's uncontained by the sky.

I've been recreated a worthy temple, His child.

I am His jewel, shining with joy undefiled.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Grow Up in Such a Way That Others Can Grow Up Too!

In a christian's struggle to progress in the likeness of Christ, there comes a plateau of maturity, where seeming contradictions must be reconciled, where waring needs must be brought to a harmonious balance. After all, didn't Jesus say, "The poor you have with you always" to take care of, and chose to allow himself to be ministered to?

When you begin your journey away from selfishness, and submit your will to Him, there will be those who are quick to take advantage. A diabolical mindset sees humility as a weakness to be exploited. Their needs will flower and expand outward to absorb all that time and energy you had freed up to devote to Him.

In all such situations, be alert, engaged, and learning. He will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able to handle, so use all such things to advance in sanctification. Be choosy of the battles you take on, applying strength and knowledge to increase, in others, righteousness and the glory of the Lord. Our will and strength should be exerted in the resistance of evil, over that which compels us to put anything before God in our hearts. It is not because what we want is wrong, of itself. It is because what God wants is better and for the best.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wash Your Hands

We heard that phrase from our mother. She was the one who existed to nurture us, whose purpose was fulfilled in our well being, and now imparts wisdom to the structure of our life. After all, cleanliness must be attended to before anything can be put to proper use. Without purification, ugly hues and illnesses will soon start invading the rest of our lives. Corruption will spread if it is not evicted early on.

God has used the exact same admonition in His Word, and then tells us it's spiritual equivalent. "Wash your hands, you sinners. Purify your hearts, you double-minded." James 4:8 A mother knows that hands should not be used unless they are first cleaned. So the Lord tells us we are not His, nor can we be used of Him, unless we first avail ourselves of His purification work accomplished at the cross. This is the principal, the foundation, upon which all of our subsequent actions must be built, in order for them and us to be accepted by God.