Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In the Face of the Evidence

Richard Dawkins made a statement. He said that faith is when someone believes into the face of the evidence. Some of you may know that Mr. Dawkins is a militant atheist, and this is his "polite" way of saying that the simple minded are rebelling against the party line. I am sure that Mr. Dawkins will be vastly disappointed not to mention humiliated, when he is brought to account for this very denial of reality that he accuses others of.

The reasons for faith are varied, depending on the person having the belief, but belief, by it's very nature, is based on reason, not in spite of it. There are just some people whom God creates more reasonable than others. These are diligent to investigate the path the facts follow, instead of just following fantasy and inclination. Then there are the others who want what they want no matter who or what logic must pay the price. The second group constructs an elaborate hierarchy of smoke and mirrors to conceal the truth from themselves and by extension, from others. There are the "scientific" theories carefully compiled to provide alternative explanations for the revealed arm of the Lord. Never mind that they really make no sense in the light of the evidence. Then there are the "experts", "scholars" meticulously schooled to speak and teach these theories, regardless of what they might actually think of them. There is the withering scorn reserved for anyone who steps out of line, a contemptuous superiority directed towards anything godly. So much hatred can only come from one source, the fear and terror which must be repressed at all costs. Denying the truth is supposed to make it go away.

I submit to you, that this faith that God requires from us is the only reasonable response to Him after all that He has shown us and done for us. It is the demand for the obedience of belief, from a sovereign Creator. If we cannot give Him this modicum of trust, then we are useless to Him in accomplishing His good purposes.

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