The anger has taken over. It has seized a life all it's own.
A harvest of bitterness, for selfish seeds we have sown.
A litany of accusations, follow us into our dreams
when weariness is no longer the refuge, from reality, that it seems.
For our collective failures, none of us want the blame.
We seek to defer, to others, the misery of our shame.
So, willfulness, or self expression, by any other name,
the excruciating results of them remain the same.
This morass of condemnation has no escape and no way past.
"Who would even choose to be a part of it?" incredulously asked!
If we could but lift our eyes, we could see, His sympathy and sorrow,
in the eyes of the One, whose image we have borrowed.
The first thing we see, is that He, is familiar with shame and condemnation.
His rejection and His sacrifice, in history, was done.
He voluntarily suffered the ultimate in pain
to which we cry "What have you done? What did you hope to gain?"
THIS is the logical conclusion, of our choice, made stark and bare.
It was the death, of God Himself, that He accomplished there!
So grim our loss, of the Source, of all love and gentleness!
If we can, or will, survive His ending, is anybody's guess!
But how else could such Mighty Majesty descend to the depths of our hell?
Burst open the doors of our prison, with the good news, of our deliverance, to tell?
A destiny of death and dark despair are all that we have lost!
When He showed disdain to count our shame and rained contempt on anger's cost!
This is a God without barriers. save the will of His loves object!
He can change the foulest violator, if he is but willing, HIS love and mercy to reflect!
By which we cry, "Most Precious One! Look what You've done!
Our darkest destiny, exchanged, for the inheritance of favored sons!"
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