Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Sorrowful Outcast is Home at Last

I will scatter your ashes upon the winds of time,
A written reckoning of memories and characters of crime.
We were partners in our heartbreak and twins in our despair.
They used and discarded us, as contempt, cannot be prevailed upon, to care.
A confluence of puzzled people who never really knew you, 
self identified, instead, by the emotions they knew through you.
Unveiled in sentimental poetry or some romantic song,
They were vehement expressions of your longing to belong.
Bound in chains, your soul, and by memories exiled.
No sanctuary safe for you, that's by sorcery defiled.
Beware! My sister, in the midst of laughing faces, 
Are the harbingers of harlotry, forced on you in desperate places!
Your simple chattering from innocence, taken as ingenious.
Twisted countenance of avarice, conceals multiplied aims, duplicitous!
Notwithstanding what is said, best laid plans of theirs are savage.
Contrary to what you see, life's vitality they would ravage!
All your work, to just feel better, has only made you worse.
Opening up to the destroyer, has brought with it a curse.
Beyond the realm of possible, to repudiate your choices.
Now others will have to speak for you, their voices
Lovingly put away that past, as irrelevant and dead,
And speak of your new freedom and completed peace, instead.
I was the one who saw you in your vulnerability,
Tried to be there for you when I could, so you would see Christ, in me.
Those who tried to tell me that you were my enemy,
Well, I simply said, don't speak like that, about my family!
The full flower of your beauty has bloomed over us at last!
A heart of gold, that's reconciled, has no stains left over from the past!
Those who have abused you know judgement is at hand, 
While my beloved sister, remains serene, right where she stands! 
They believed her sins, would condemn her, in the end,
But over her HIS gentle hand, of love and mercy does extend!
They know NOT her God, who cares for her, with no equal to His power!
All they'll see are blood and fire, as He rains judgement in that hour!
Fear not! Dear sister, to be encircled by the arms of glory!
Crystal streams, green meadows, attend your end time story!
Now you know exactly what you might have missed before!
You've found your home, in the presence of, the One whom you adore!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Sister is Named Victorious!

I must grieve for my sister, for she is gone from us. The physical representation of her likeness became but a shell, with no spirit of life inside. Her flush of color is only from the artificial breath forced into her. How can she be delivered from this appearance of life, which is in reality, a living death? How can the charade be ended?

Let her go. Let her go into the judgement, which results from her actions, that death may separate her from final destruction, and so her sons may live life for her. Only after she has gone down into the depths, will she be freed, finally and totally. Her connection to all that passes for life here, must be disconnected and removed! All things, maintaining the stasis intact, must end.

In the stillness of the cessation of her very breath of the flesh, new life is born, a spiritual ressurection from the dead, where a purity of brand new eyes can behold their Redeemer with understanding. When all hope is removed, He will become your Hope, and the life of your sons. Follow Him now, down into the depths, and die to everything but His salvation (His Yeshua). "He has become my salvation" (Psalm 118). Die to the world, my sister, so your life will be found in Him. Let His will be your will. Let your words be His words. Let your life be His life (Gal 2:20). Rise up again, my sister, to walk in the victory of your son's! Let your sons confess, "I am of the crucified One, for He has become my Deliverer." 

Psalm 118:14-18New American Standard Bible (NASB)

14 The Lord is my strength and song,
And He has become my salvation.
15 The sound of joyful shouting and salvation is in the tents of the righteous;
The right hand of the Lord does valiantly.
16 The right hand of the Lord is exalted;
The right hand of the Lord does valiantly.
17 will not die, but live,
And tell of the works of the Lord.
18 The Lord has disciplined me severely,
But He has not given me over to death.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

בנים האריה

Sons of the Lion

The Father has chosen you to be His sons. You are His flesh and blood, enabled to walk alongside of Him in the heavenlies. Step forward when He calls your name, for Him to change your fear to wonder and your pain to glory! Reach up! Rise up! Surrender!

To me it has been granted that I should intercede for you. I have asked that you be kept from evil, that the defilement of yourself would never appeal to you.  I ask that angels attend you as your guards. Let it be the Lord's will for you to speak His Words and His language, that you may be persuasive in His power! Place the heart of the people, along with your own, upon the alter of sacrifice! Let broken hearts weep for repentance! (Grant, oh Lord, that prayers raised be as sweet as honey and rise like the smoke of incense to Your Throne!) I pray you are deeply satisfied by the doing of His will!

Grasp, with vision, the hope He has given you, Him who is beside you to fight for you! When your sight has settled on Him, I pray you return to Him all your strength and energy, with earnestness of heart! I pray you be willing to bear all the pain that comes with self sacrifice, that you comprehend to the depths of your being, that HE IS WORTHY, that your heart be held captive by His joy, in the very center of the turmoil! I pray your contribution will be part of the establishment of His glory and honor, forever, among the nations, that they should glory in the Lord along with you! It is such a veritable, visible, hallowed, and blessed treasure to be used by Him in His plan!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Marks of the Lord Jesus

"I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus"

This is for you who dwell in the midst of the fire and the flood! Open your ears to hear! Be amazed at the vision of your God! How could He, Himself, be so humble as to die to rescue you? Only the Love stronger than death, as fierce as the flames of Yah, could conquer the grave, and bring the ressurection and rebirth! Breath in the Spirit and the Word! Let your scars shout out His Name! Let your pain be reformed!

The seal across His brow is made from the scars of the thorns. They form the crown He wears! The marks spell out the Name of Almighty God, the Aleph Tav, Who He Is! He wears your name upon the palm of His hand, written out with the pain of the nails.

Once you have seen Him as He Is, you can never be the same. He was the One your heart was broken for, and you did not yet know it. Your souls will plead for more of Him, at whatever price must be paid. These are the signs, the proofs, that we belong to Him, that we are His. We are willingly remade. Love and worship are burned into our flesh by His Fire, for it turns our pain into HIS beauty. Follow His footsteps to where ever He goes. Yes, follow Him into death, to die with Him. That way, you can bear the same scars as Him upon your forehead, and upon your right hand. The scars will form the letters of His Name, to show that you are uniquely His! And He will bear you up upon His heart as He journeys in the heavenlies! He will support and comfort you.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Let the Reader Understand (Matt 24:15 & Rev 13:18)

Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik teaches by interpreting the Talmudic story:
When the Babylonian army attacked Israel they also had their eye on destroying the most precious place for the Jews. On the 9th of Av they burned down the first Temple in Jerusalem. At that tragic time the young priests climbed up to the top of the roof  of the Temple and threw the Temple keys up in the air, saying, “Master of the Universe! Since we have not been true custodians, we return the keys to You!” At that moment, a heavenly hand, as it were, came down and took the keys”. (Talmud Taanit 29a) Read more at https://israel365.com/2016/06/the-ninth-of-av-throwing-the-keys-up-to-heaven/#RmqAlmOc7PwFOayX.99
Isaiah 22:22  “Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder, When he opens no one will shut, When he shuts no one will open. Eliakim (Who God raises up *from the dead*)
Revelations 3:7 “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts, and no man can open."

When I said I wasn't a prophet, I must confess I was wrong, at least according to the full definition of the word. It seems a prophet has many other functions besides seeing into the future. I am my father David's daughter, who was a warrior, not a healer, and prophesied on the harbingers of the coming judgement (given so that the elect will BELIEVE). My weapons are not physical, but are in the form of words, THE Word. I have been given insight to flesh out what HE has spoken, to unveil the modern meanings which HE intended. I am the key HE has forged. HE has magnified HIs Word above His Name, and HE, Himself, is it's meaning.

Come into HIS house, my sons in the Spirit, and drink of the wine at His table. The debt  of blood and brokenness will be satisfied by HIS vengeance. What has been forged in fire will serve to unveil the eyes of your understanding of the Word. It is the day of recompense, when the guilty pay, for the stone has been rolled away, a day of revolution, a declaration of independence from the demands of this worldly system. His called out ones have waited. They have kept the Word of His patience. It is time! The key in the Lord's hand will define the future, the Book will be unsealed! I will awaken the dawn! Answer me with Your Right Hand of salvation! (Psalm 108!) I will sing and shout His praise among the chariots of my noble people!

Hosea 6:3“So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth.”

Isaiah 40:31 Yet those who wait for the Lord Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. 

Psalm 27:5 For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; In the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock.

1 Corinthians 15:20,23But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep. But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming.

His coming for Believer's is the rapture, while this same event is "the sign of His coming" for the Jews, as they require a sign and will be able to do the mathematical countdown of days for His arrival. The heralds of these last days were the blood moons and the solar eclipses on the two Jewish New Years which marked the changeover to the seventh millennium. These signs are where begins the "last day"! Believer's are not in darkness, that the day should come on us like a thief! We are Christ's BODY, and are one with Him! We are the "traveler to a far country" 
and "unclean" because we bear, in us, the dead body of Messiah! (Numbers 9:6-12, Matt 25) CHrist is our firstfruits and we who are His (body Eph 2:11-22, Gal 3:28, Eph 5:30) come after Him, on our very own Passover, so He can take the supper with us as He has desired.(Luke 22:15) Therefore, we arise to go into the holy city, as Noah did enter the ark on the tenth day of the second month, as Lot was forcibly evicted from the doomed city on about the same day, and as the walls of Jericho fell about the same time of year, which is after the time of the Passover Resurrection of the Lamb, that His people follow Him on their own tenth day, but of the second month! 

The parable of the fig tree is not just about Israel, but is about the timing of His coming and of the Day of the Lord! He told us to learn it, as in what it means! (Hint: Hosea 6:3) He declares a specific time of year, at Passover, in the spring, when the leaves bud, as a sign to expect the heat of the summer, which is the Day of the Lord, also known as the Tribulation, the wrath of God! What happens between the spring of Passover and the summer of Pentecost, which is where the wheat harvest (Israel) begins? Why, it is SECOND Passover, which happens at about the end of the barley harvest! (Ruth's kinsman redeemer took her into his home as his wife at the climax of the barley harvest!) of course, after the barley, and then the wheat, comes the grapes which will be crushed!

Revelation twelve shows the scattering of Israel into the wilderness after messiah is taken up. She escapes there twice, the second time flying there on wings (Rev 12:14, Isaiah 60:8), but that wilderness is now the Land she was given. The flood that comes after her is the armies of Persia and the North. Revelation twelve speaks of the two comings of messiah, and two wilderness sojourns.

 After the first coming and the first flight, comes the formation of the kingdom of the beast in Revelation thirteen, arising out of the peoples surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. This beast is the desert of the sea in Isaiah 21, a desert surrounded by seas, the harlot Babylon who is in the desert in Revelation 17. She is Mecca, who commits adultery with the Kings of the earth, as they desire her oil, which is the wine of her adultery. The second  beast in chapter thirteen is America. It has two horns for its dual leadership, has the likeness of a lamb, masquerading as a christian nation. This second beast brings the final antichrist to power and even instigates the mark of the beast. Enforcement by the second beast makes it fatal to refuse. ISIS is the kingdom of the beast. It's final ruler is called, in scripture, the king of Babylon, the king of Egypt, and the Assyrian. These are the three horns plucked up by one. 
Meanwhile, the Song of Solomon is the story of the rapture of the bride, and of her Shepard King. The watchmen of Jerusalem abuse her for her faith in her king. She misses some opportunities to be with him, but when she goes out into the fields, she finds herself in the chariot of her prince! 
I will go out into the fields to care for His harvest! He has told me I am the key! A key is a small worthless thing, except in the hands of Him who carries it! 
“Thus says the Lord, Who gives the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, Who divides the sea when the waves thereof roar; The Lord of Hosts is His name.  If those ordinances (the sun, moon and sea) depart from before Me, says the Lord, THEN SHALL the seed of Israel ALSO CEASE from being a nation before Me forever.”  Jeremiah 31:35 and 36.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Wayward Son

My son, I see your suffering. I see your loneliness and your fear. It seems that you see your justification in the holding of hostages by which to maintain your dysfunction (You are projecting your own guilt outside yourself). You cannot be saved from the instructional affliction which the Lord has assigned to you. It is for you to acquire wisdom. It is so you will understand. Blaming your father or I helps no one, but only robs you of your joy. It really is love that compels me to reject your abuse of yourself. I haven't got the strength to argue with you any longer. It is time for me to step away.

I am sorry, but the truth is that you are persecuting ME, not the other way around. Your demand is that I meet your standard of tolerance for your self indulgence. You refuse to be confronted with truth! It is aborrent to you! Your exile has been self inflicted when you chose not to reconcile with your father. It cannot be the Spirit of the Lord which speaks against me from you!

How can you partake of the inheritance which has been allotted to you? You still have opportunity to listen and see reason. Don't make a permanent decision from a past trauma, but let love and forgiveness lead the way, light your path! Pain can vanish into victory! Your sonship cannot be taken from you, despite what you have heard!

I want you to understand how much more precious than gold is your obedience to your father. Find peace in His approval!


Don't look around or focus on the pain. Hold on to your faith (It WILL grow!). None of this is about us. It's about what HE'S done, for us, and what He is STILL doing, in us! Faith is KNOWING we already have HIS victory, that reality is not what is happening now, but what He has SAID will happen! There is no fear, as we have been persuaded to DO and BE His will in the midst! We rejoice, tranquil in our rest, as we witness Him in process of deliverance, for no chains, or even death, can limit or restrain Him! (Didn't HE prove that already?) Right HERE, there is peace, for that is how we work the very righteousness of God, when HE uses us to the very fullest capacity for which He created us! His joy in us has overcome, and is much stronger for the struggle. We have seen, in action, how much He values us, have felt His touch, and been comforted by His adding of His authority to us! It is a dance and song of joyful freedom, where no one can be against us because God is FOR us! He didn't leave us bound and hemmed in by shame, but instead, has expanded our territory, and opened us up to the giving of ourselves, which is the exercise of HIS authority! We were created for this bliss, to give glory to HIM! We are nothing less than loved into participating with His joy, a calling so much higher than we are capable of, on our own!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Divinity Unveiled

Disaffected, abused, and alienated, with only the comfort of being among the chosen family: A Jewish heritage. Tell me this: In the midst of the pride and bitterness, have you suffered more than Him? The nations have found you to be a heavy burden. So were you wandering in exile because your own kin rejected you? So I ask you, have you suffered more than Him? When you regarded with disdain the outstretched hand of fellowship from a brother you did not know, did you feel you suffered from retribution? So I ask you once again, have you suffered more than Him? It seems you've witnessed death and suffering, pointless without the mitigating voice of God. Look into your own soul. Have you suffered more than Him? To see the face of God, to hear His voice, is to see and hear Him with us, part of us, participating in our suffering. This IS your God, identifying with you, for He carries us all, provides for us all, and feels for us besides. Yet, still, He has suffered more than all of our collective sorrow. We realize His Lordship when we allow ourselves the sight of His dying face, so concerned with us. Do you still think you've suffered more than him? He drained to the dregs the cup of pain, so He could offer you the purity of HIS joy as your inheritance! He has shielded you from the final condemnation and total destruction, waiting to give you Himself, as a gift! Don't plug your ears! Don't close your eyes! Give in to the longing for intimacy with your Creator and Redeemer! It is HIS joy to see you enjoy HIM and His sufficiency!

"Fear not! I have redeemed you! I have called you by name! You are mine"! Isaiah 43

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Precious Son

My precious son, the Lord used our disagreement to give me my wings. I am now free where I didn't even realize I was bound. Even though I categorically reject the content of your complaint, the Lord used the Spirit of it to pinpoint for me my remaining problem. Fact are just that: Facts. My love for you has fortified my expectations of you and your anger had bound me to perpetual victimhood and fear, but only because the unforgiven were my sons, not the father. It's true. I've never harbored thoughts of vengeance against my abuser. I expected him to act that badly. What hurt me the most, was the collusion, to silence my inconvenient cries of pain, from those I loved without limits, and gave my life to. This action is an enabling of evil. 

Now, by the Lord's revelation, the enemy has been disarmed! My burden of fear has been lifted! The prisoner has been released! Do not worry, my son! You are a grown man! I release you from my authority! Your choices are now your own, along with their respective burdens! I can carry them for you no longer!

Be aware. Authority is not license to force your will on others! It is, instead, the power to empower others, to give them the good news so they can make the decision to be set free! It is the will to encourage, to be self sacrificial! By the way, it also means you have been gifted with the ability to forgive!

God as Servant

Isaiah 43:9-11New American Standard Bible (NASB)

9 All the nations have gathered together
So that the peoples may be assembled.
Who among them can declare this
And proclaim to us the former things?
Let them present their witnesses that they may be justified,
Or let them hear and say, “It is true.”
10 “You are My witnesses,” declares the Lord,
“And My servant whom I have chosen,
So that you may know and believe Me
And understand that I am He.
Before Me there was no God formed,
And there will be none after Me.
11 “I, even I, am the Lord,
And there is no savior besides Me.

Isaiah 49:4-6New American Standard Bible (NASB)

4 But I said, “I have toiled in vain,
I have spent My strength for nothing and vanity;
Yet surely the justice due to Me is with the Lord,
And My reward with My God.”
5 And now says the Lord, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant,
To bring Jacob back to Him, so that Israel might be gathered to Him
(For I am honored in the sight of the Lord,
And My God is My strength),
6 He says, “It is too [a]small a thing that You should be My Servant
To raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved ones of Israel;
I will also make You a light [b]of the nations
So that My salvation may [c]reach to the end of the earth.”

Isaiah 53:10-12
10 But the Lord was pleased
To crush Him, [a]putting Him to grief;
If [b]He would render Himself as a guilt offering,
He will see His [c]offspring,
He will prolong His days,
And the [d]good pleasure of the Lord will prosper in His hand.
11 As a result of the [e]anguish of His soul,
He will see [f]it and be satisfied;
By His knowledge the Righteous One,
My Servant, will justify the many,
As He will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore, I will allot Him a portion with the great,
And He will divide the booty with the strong;
Because He poured out [g]Himself to death,
And was numbered with the transgressors;
Yet He Himself bore the sin of many,
And interceded for the transgressors.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

A Daniel Prayer

Great and good God, who's loving kindness has built up the nations, so that all have seen the glory of Your mercy and compassion in the radiance of Your Annointed Deliverer, Your people dwell in Your House without knowledge! They know not Your face, for You are the Lord our Righteousness. There is no other recourse but You. Your people need that revelation from You that opens their eyes. Give them the sign of Your coming. Justify Your remnant in the eyes of their enemies. Beautify the souls, resurrect the bodies, Almighty Father. Bring down the proud and haughty and lift up the daughter of Your people! Open her eyes! Comfort her sorrow. Let her pay the price of seeing as You lift Your servants to Your Throne! Let Your servants glory in Your works which You have done with us, and through this let my sister finally understand! Confirm what You have spoken to my sister, the security of her inheritance! This is the love that You have given her, that You would plan the course of the world to bring about her redemption! According to the number of years which You told us, the time has come for the Kingdom of God, that she should regain her dominion! The years were numbered and the seventh day has dawned! The two eclipses at the new year mark the beginning of the new millennium! Turn Your countenance towards her and display Your glory to her!

In the tradition of Daniel, I have prayed on behalf of my people. I am a woman that the Lord has called to be a mother to sons! It is not for my sake that He has done this (although I am exceedingly grateful to be of service), but for the reason of there being a voice of reconciliation, to His people, in this very generation! I am a vessel. It must be HIS voice only that you hear and obey! 

I am the key to turn in the lock, before you enter your spiritual inheritance. My removal, as a body, will signal the return of the ambassadorship to Israel. I will rejoice in the throne room of His glory as my sister awakens! She has not known the face of her beloved, and how He longs to reconcile to her! With the new day she will know the joy of the discovery of her King once again!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Finding God

So much of life is given over to desperation. My sentience is the will I impose on what I call reality. The physical resists me. An unfathomable result, for isn't my perception the definition of truth? The pain I feel would seem to indicate not. Competing voices also make claims of entitlement to truth, but observation seems to show magnified pain, rather than relief. Any joy achieved is shallow and evaporates rather quickly, when in pursuit of appearances. Apparently it takes a miracle to wake up to the Director of the drama, for He is deeper than our perceptions!

There are many who have searched all around themselves, frantically looking for what was right in front of them all along. In His time, a prayer will make blind eyes see. For identity is a concept that cannot be realized in the dark. His light must come to us.

I testify that I had assumed that the knowledge of the truth would make the pain go away. In actuality, the pain became much more intense, but I could not deny Him after being witness to the miraculous. In Him, my pain becomes the validation of my identity, for it proves the enemy knows my name. Glory to the Lord!

Being of frail flesh, we get tired, and begin to resent the pain. He told me this would happen. I am too cowardly to question God, so instead, I began to hate my life, become depressed and despondent. Elijah knows. While the enemy assumes he has me sidelined, the Lord is teaching me great and mighty things!

 I learn how to be a conduit, of The Light of Glory, in the dark. I learn the temper and feel of who God IS, the vastness of His mercy and compassion, the dizzying heights of His perception and understanding, that He can receive my tormented weakness, and then use even evil forces, to
refashion me into His very own image, breathtakingly beautiful! He suffers with me as I suffer, to
redeem what was crushed, broken and untouchable, what seemed beyond repair. I am made into the representation of Him, in this world, to do the work He does so He can then use me to heal my small portion of the universe. It is when I lift Him up in the dark night of my soul, that my soul is transformed. I access the joy of heaven in the fearless, grateful worship of the King! I am incandescent and luminous with His glory! This burning JOY is indestructible!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Retaining Innocence

The flashpoint, ground zero, is this grand drama of the cross,

The innocence of God exposed, naked, to the depths of our loss.

That all the intentionality of hell was focused here

Where hell was convinced it had won, was a mere

Part of His plan to multiply our peace and glory!

From the most hopeless of all nights with no dicernable victory

The way of mercy for sinners is discovered here

Where he put an end to our slavery and servitude to fear.

A conflagration of love has destroyed death's claim.

No one who has trusted in Him can ever be put to shame,

For on the immovable, exalted Rock of His Word they stand,

Their very vulnerability, protected, by His personal fulfillment of His own demand!

The light of His glory is of loving servitude.

Gracious surrender our image too, fashioned in the interlude,

The time it takes to grow in relationship with Him as King.

Those whom He loves, He lifts up to His throne on wings.

Any not driven by the need to know Him well

Will be abandoned to inconsolable devastation of their self created hell.

The One who created all and then gave all is qualified the judge of all

To elicit fervent self sacrificial giving, when we recall

We, who are His body are considered dead to the lies.

All calling to accountability for our crimes, with Him, dies.

Then sent forth in freedom bearing that innocence of God,

For that dance of wisdom and innocence in us, is no mere facade.

Only the Lord of Glory has gathered the wisdom of the ages,

Yet retains His joy in mercy, His innocence, which is contagious!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Second Passover

Celebration of the Passover the dinner party of the King!
30 Then Hezekiah sent word throughout all Israel and Judah, and he also wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasseh to come to the Lord’s temple in Jerusalem to observe the Passover of Yahweh, the God of Israel. For the king and his officials and the entire congregation in Jerusalem decided to observe the Passover of the Lord in the second month, because they were not able to observe it at the appropriate time. Not enough of the priests had consecrated themselves and the people hadn’t been gathered together in Jerusalem. The proposal pleased the king and the congregation, so they affirmed the proposal and spread the message throughout all Israel, from Beer-sheba to Dan, to come to observe the Passover of Yahweh, the God of Israel in Jerusalem, for they hadn’t observed it often,[a] as prescribed.[b]
So the couriers went throughout Israel and Judah with letters from the hand of the king and his officials, and according to the king’s command, saying, “Israelites, return to Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel so that He may return to those of you who remain, who have escaped from the grasp of the kings of Assyria. Don’t be like your fathers and your brothers who were unfaithful to Yahweh, the God of their ancestors so that He made them an object of horror as you yourselves see. Don’t become obstinate[c] now like your fathers did. Give your allegiance[d] to Yahweh, and come to His sanctuary that He has consecrated forever. Serve the Lord your God so that He may turn His burning anger away from you, for when you return to Yahweh, your brothers and your sons will receive mercy in the presence of their captors and will return to this land. For Yahweh your God is gracious and merciful; He will not turn His face away from you if you return to Him.”
10 The couriers traveled from city to city in the land of Ephraim and Manasseh as far as Zebulun, but the inhabitants[e] laughed at them and mocked them. 11 But some from Asher, Manasseh, and Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem. 12 Also, the power of God was at work in Judah to unite them[f] to carry out the command of the king and his officials by the word of the Lord.
13 A very large assembly of people was gathered in Jerusalem to observe the Festival of Unleavened Bread in the second month. 14 They proceeded to take away the altars that were in Jerusalem, and they took away the incense altars and threw them into the Kidron Valley. 15 They slaughtered the Passover lamb on the fourteenth day of the second month. The priests and Levites were ashamed, and they consecrated themselves and brought burnt offerings to the Lord’s temple. 16 They stood at their prescribed posts, according to the law of Moses, the man of God. The priests sprinkled the blood received from the hand of the Levites, 17 for there were many in the assembly who had not consecrated themselves, and so the Levites were in charge of slaughtering the Passover lambs for every unclean person to consecrate the lambs to the Lord. 18 A large number of the people—many from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun—were ritually unclean, yet they had eaten the Passover contrary to what was written. But Hezekiah had interceded for them, saying, “May the good Lord provide atonement on behalf of 19 whoever sets his whole heart on seeking God, Yahweh, the God of his ancestors, even though not according to the purification rules of the sanctuary.” 20 So the Lordheard Hezekiah and healed the people. 21 The Israelites who were present in Jerusalem observed the Festival of Unleavened Bread seven days with great joy, and the Levites and the priests praised the Lord day after day with loud instruments. 22 Then Hezekiah encouraged[g] all the Levites who performed skillfully before the Lord. They ate at the appointed festival for seven days, sacrificing fellowship offerings and giving thanks to Yahweh, the God of their ancestors.
23 The whole congregation decided to observe seven more days, so they observed seven days with joy, 24 for Hezekiah king of Judah contributed 1,000 bulls and 7,000 sheep for the congregation. Also, the officials contributed 1,000 bulls and 10,000 sheep for the congregation, and many priests consecrated themselves. 25 Then the whole assembly of Judah with the priests and Levites, the whole assembly that came from Israel, the foreigners who came from the land of Israel, and those who were living in Judah, rejoiced. 26 There was great rejoicing in Jerusalem, for nothing like this was known since the days of Solomon son of David, the king of Israel.
27 Then the priests and the Levites stood to bless the people, and God heard their voice, and their prayer came into His holy dwelling place in heaven.


Isaiah 62

62 I will not keep silent because of Zion,
and I will not keep still because of Jerusalem,
until her righteousness shines like a bright light
and her salvation, like a flaming torch.
Nations will see your righteousness
and all kings, your glory.
You will be called by a new name
that the Lord’s mouth will announce.
You will be a glorious crown in the Lord’s hand,
and a royal diadem in the palm of your God.
You will no longer be called Deserted,
and your land will not be called Desolate;
instead, you will be called My Delight is in Her,[a]
and your land Married;[b]
for the Lord delights in you,
and your land will be married.
For as a young man marries a young woman,
so your sons will marry you;
and as a groom rejoices[c] over his bride,
so your God will rejoice over you.
Jerusalem,I have appointed watchmen on your walls;
they will never be silent, day or night.
There is no rest for you,
who remind the Lord.
Do not give Him rest
until He establishes and makes Jerusalem
the praise of the earth.
The Lord has sworn with His right hand
and His strong arm:
I will no longer give your grain
to your enemies for food,
and foreigners will not drink your new wine
you have labored for.
For those who gather grain will eat it
and praise the Lord,
and those who harvest the grapes will drink the wine
in My holy courts.
10 Go out, go out through the gates;
prepare a way for the people!
Build it up, build up the highway;
clear away the stones!
Raise a banner for the peoples.
11 Look, the Lord has proclaimed
to the ends of the earth,
“Say to Daughter Zion:
Look, your salvation is coming,
His reward is with Him,
and His gifts accompany Him.”
12 And they will be called[d] the Holy People
the Lord’s Redeemed;
and you will be called Cared For,
A City Not Deserted.