Saturday, May 14, 2016

Retaining Innocence

The flashpoint, ground zero, is this grand drama of the cross,

The innocence of God exposed, naked, to the depths of our loss.

That all the intentionality of hell was focused here

Where hell was convinced it had won, was a mere

Part of His plan to multiply our peace and glory!

From the most hopeless of all nights with no dicernable victory

The way of mercy for sinners is discovered here

Where he put an end to our slavery and servitude to fear.

A conflagration of love has destroyed death's claim.

No one who has trusted in Him can ever be put to shame,

For on the immovable, exalted Rock of His Word they stand,

Their very vulnerability, protected, by His personal fulfillment of His own demand!

The light of His glory is of loving servitude.

Gracious surrender our image too, fashioned in the interlude,

The time it takes to grow in relationship with Him as King.

Those whom He loves, He lifts up to His throne on wings.

Any not driven by the need to know Him well

Will be abandoned to inconsolable devastation of their self created hell.

The One who created all and then gave all is qualified the judge of all

To elicit fervent self sacrificial giving, when we recall

We, who are His body are considered dead to the lies.

All calling to accountability for our crimes, with Him, dies.

Then sent forth in freedom bearing that innocence of God,

For that dance of wisdom and innocence in us, is no mere facade.

Only the Lord of Glory has gathered the wisdom of the ages,

Yet retains His joy in mercy, His innocence, which is contagious!

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