Saturday, August 13, 2016


Don't look around or focus on the pain. Hold on to your faith (It WILL grow!). None of this is about us. It's about what HE'S done, for us, and what He is STILL doing, in us! Faith is KNOWING we already have HIS victory, that reality is not what is happening now, but what He has SAID will happen! There is no fear, as we have been persuaded to DO and BE His will in the midst! We rejoice, tranquil in our rest, as we witness Him in process of deliverance, for no chains, or even death, can limit or restrain Him! (Didn't HE prove that already?) Right HERE, there is peace, for that is how we work the very righteousness of God, when HE uses us to the very fullest capacity for which He created us! His joy in us has overcome, and is much stronger for the struggle. We have seen, in action, how much He values us, have felt His touch, and been comforted by His adding of His authority to us! It is a dance and song of joyful freedom, where no one can be against us because God is FOR us! He didn't leave us bound and hemmed in by shame, but instead, has expanded our territory, and opened us up to the giving of ourselves, which is the exercise of HIS authority! We were created for this bliss, to give glory to HIM! We are nothing less than loved into participating with His joy, a calling so much higher than we are capable of, on our own!

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