I'll say it one more time for any who have not been listening. I am not a prophet. Our Master, Himself said, "The law and the prophets were until John". We have the Holy Spirit to teach us now. Let me share with you, at this late hour, those things which I believe He has unveiled to me, what I believe He wants you to know, so you will believe, because He told you before it happened. It's there, in His Word.
The unbelieving world teeters on the edge of a precipice, about to be plunged into the most horrific time in history. The Lord will come out of His place to judge the inhabitants of the earth, on the Day of The Lord. Just before the sudden destruction is the day of the watchmen. There are those who take seriously the admonition of the Lord, where He says, "If you will not keep watch, I will come on you like a thief." Those watchmen, who are the Philadelphia end times church, have an open door placed in front of them ( see Rev. 4:1), that no man can shut (the naysayers of the Rapture). The Master says it is because they have kept "the Word of His patience". They have kept up their eager anticipation, their continual searching of the scriptures, and their warnings to the world of the signs at hand, and all of this despite being "proven wrong" and called "a false prophet". The signs are written about, there in His Word. They have endured because of the hope that HE has placed within them. By the study of His Word, they have acquired this patience.
Romans 15:4 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.
1 John 3:2-3 Dear friends, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him because we will see Him as He is and everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself just as He is pure. (What is our hope, but The Master, Himself?) Titus 2:13 while we wait for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
It is plain that the scriptures reveal to us the plan of the Master, and that our diligence in seeking Him will reveal the Face of our hope. He shows us what is to happen, through the knowledge of His Word. The Holy Spirit opens the up the true meanings of the words, gives understanding, to those who pay attention. The end times are taking shape before our very eyes, yet are not heeded by the world. But then, Dan. 12:10 says only "the wise will understand".
The Song of Solomon shows us the rapture of the Body of Christ.(Ephesians 5:23, I Corinthians 12:27) She is the "gentile" woman searching and watching for her beloved. She begins at a place of ambivalence (chapter 5) which later changes to soul aching passion and longing (lovesick) as she seeks Him throughout the city from which He reigns. This book is eloquent of how HE enhances her longing for Him, speaks lovingly to her of how much He desires her, and then puts her "among the chariots of my noble people" (which is the same exclamation of Elisha, when witnessing the rapture of Elijah). She speaks of the resurrection when she observes how "love is stronger than death, and fiercer than the flames of Yah" (Song of Solomon 8, the flames are a reference to hell).
Israel is our prophetic timepiece. It is important to keep meticulous track of what is transpiring with her so we may know the time of the redemption of our bodies. May 14th is the 70th anniversary of the birth of Israel (remember the phrase "this generation shall not pass"?). There is much agitation amongst her neighbors, those riots and hate mongers at her borders, where those who hate her seek to enter her from the north for her destruction, seek to provoke wrath and sympathy for themselves. The pressure is building for other nations to make intervention. Russia and Iran are already there in Syria, with many troops and bases. Because of this, Israel bombs her neighbor to the north, seeking to protect her security, but unfortunately, she works with the sunni side of islam to do this. There is total deception in that cult. How can she but lose to trust them? Discernment tells me that the recent gas attack was staged by the isis rebels, to make it possible for the U.S. to bomb in Syria on behalf of their creation, isis. Israel and the U.S. are being pitted against Russia and Iran by the two sides of the sunni and shia schism of islam! When the Restrainer is taken out of the way, which is the Spirit in the church, Russia and Iran (and Turkey, which is where the sarin gas has been coming from, into Syria) will attack from their staging area in Syria. This is clear from the foreshadowing in the account of the rapture of Elijah. Elijah is a type of the church, and Elisha is a type of Israel. When the "40 youths" revile Elisha, because his benefactor is taken from him, but he is left behind, he curses them. As a result, bears come out to ravage these "youths". The bear is a symbol of the kingdom of Persia, now called Iran (as is seen in the visions of the beasts in the book of Daniel).
The rapture is also a sign to Israel, of the identity of the true king and messiah, the one they did not recognize in time because they did not have the "oil" in their lamp, which is the light of His Word, the New Testament. Israel must believe Jesus is who He said He is (when they say "blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord) before she can enter the time of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, the time of His reign. Jesus said this Kingdom of Heaven is like the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom, but only five went into the wedding, like a man going on a long journey to receive a kingdom ( I believe a reference to second Passover as explained below), who leaves his servants in charge of his business, like a king who gives a wedding feast for his son, but none of the invited guests deign to attend, so he invites everyone else. (Those "everyone else" are the "gentile" church, which has been grafted into the covenant by the blood of Christ.)
The Word interprets the Word. It says that God works on a time schedule. "In the fullness of time" is an oft repeated phrase when the Word speaks of prophetic fulfillment. In the fullness of time, God sent His Son, on the fourth "day of creation" the Sun (Son) was revealed. Hosea 6:3 says, " HE shall come to us as the former and latter rains unto the earth", the winter and spring rains causing the two grain harvests (referencing the Feasts of The Lord observed in Israel), Passover in spring, before the heat of summer and it's second kind of grain, then comes the grape harvest (which is the winepress of the wrath of the Almighty). Passover and it's Feast of Firstfruits revealed to us the nature of His first coming, where He would become the sacrificial Lamb. The Feast of Trumpets reveals the nature of His second coming (and His wrath on unbelievers), that of the conquering King, who saves Israel from war and then judges them. He must come to Israel on the "dawn of the seventh day" if He is to be their Sabbath rest. The father of John the Baptist said, "He will come to us like the dawn." The seventh "day" has already begun! Six "days" have been completed since creation! It has also been two "days" since He was here for His first coming.
Hosea 6:2 says, "After
two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight."
As to TIMING, take note how the "called out ones" are the body of Christ, while HE is our head (Ephesians 5:23). We "carry" the dead body of Messiah in us, as did the men who carried the body of Joseph, who was a prototype of the Messiah. These men had their Passover in the SECOND month. As the King was resurrected just after the slaughter of the lamb on Passover, so shall we be during our own Passover, which is appointed to us in Numbers 9:6,10,11, where the Word speaks of the Second Passover. This is the very same week that Noah entered into the ark ("as it was in the days of Noah so shall the coming of the Son of Man be" which happened in the second month, the first month being appointed in Ex 12:2). This is the same week that Joshua had the armies parade around the city of Jericho ( and I believe the same week we've been speaking of) after they had observed the Passover (We have a strong city. Open the gates for the righteous nation to enter in" in Isaiah 26). It is also the same time of year that Sodom and Gomorrah where destroyed, and only righteous Lot, with his family, was saved, by being forcibly taken out. Lot is the prototype of the church ("As in the days of Lot" says the Master). Another source of this timing is in the book of Ruth, that famous tale of the Kinsman Redeemer. Notice that the marriage takes place about the time of the end of the barley harvest, for she is laying at His feet on the threshing floor at the end of the harvest. She had uncovered his feet to ask for His protection. The Song of Solomon also makes it clear that when the beloved is taken into the "chariot", is when she had gone out to see the fresh plants in the valley, to check the starting growth of the harvest. This is spring being pictured.
The 17th of April starts the second month. Are you ready? Are you His, and is He, yours? "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine."