Friday, May 11, 2018


Today, I was struck with the revelation of the word “Glory”! It is our home, a city called Zion, built by God. How does He fashion it’s pillars and mortar? How does He make its walls unshakeable?

First, Jesus is it’s cornerstone, it’s straight plumb line, and it’s foundation! We are the living stones of it’s structure, as Christ loved us enough to give His life for us so we would be reconciled. This kind of love is the mortar, found only in Him, and is as pure and impassioned as “the flames of Yah”, inspiring longing to surrender! His is the only love which can withstand the Flame, because it is of the same nature! Beautiful jewels are created by extreme pressure and then by the cutting away of the dull excess, which reveals the reflective faucets shining back the light that surrounds them! Perfume is made by crushing a material to bring out its scent, releasing a fragrant aroma. Delicious food is prepared for the use of the body by exposing it to transforming heat, thus making it’s nutrients available. This is why the Master told us that him who wants to follow Him must also take up his cross, as did our Lord. We are told to rejoice when we are persecuted for His Name’s sake.

When we enter Glory, we will understand that it’s joy is the forever heights of rejoicing reflected from the depths of sacrifice, proceeding from the Love which inspired it. He shares His joy. It’s only when we are home, that we will fully enjoy what so much was sacrificed for, making us unshakeable!

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