I don't know about anyone else, but I am looking UP! We've had the four watches of the night, which were the four blood moons. We've had the two solar eclipses on either end of the year that is spiritual midnight, after which dawns the seventh day. We've seen the great sign in the heavens where the virgin gives birth to the male child, which is then snatched up into heaven. In two more weeks, we will have the seventy year anniversary of the birth of Israel. When thinking of that, I cannot help but refer back to that generational marker that is spoken of in psalms 90:10, where it says, "The days of our years are threescore and ten, and if by reason of strength, they be fourscore years, yet is there labor and sorrow, for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." The Master said, "This generation shall not pass, until all these things be fulfilled." I believe the Lord has told me that at Shavuot, the calling and revelation shall be returned to Israel, but before that`, He must remove His body, the "called out ones", soon to be the "hidden ones" away from(apostasia) the "earth dwellers, before He can bestow His mantle elsewhere.
As Israel was forty years in the wilderness before she entered Zion, as Christ was tested forty days in the wilderness (and we are His body), as He lingered for forty days after His bodily ressurection, culminating in His bodily ascension, so His body, the church, as been held over for forty jubilees. It is her time to acsend to the courts of her King and Bridegroom.
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