Monday, December 20, 2021

A hidden Message

 The Lord gave me an insight into the mysterious story in John, chapter twenty one. The drama played out by the Sea of Tiberias is definitely an end times resurrection prophecy, as a foreshadowing of things to come. It has no complicated cast of characters, but it does have many seemingly unnecessary details.

Now the disciples had seemingly gone back to normal life, and to what they had been doing when they met Jesus. It might have been because these prophetic things just seem to take so long to happen, and they needed some work to occupy them. Only after the long dark night (as we see now, happening) and a fruitless seeming effort, does Jesus show up, and tell them to try one more time. It is only because the Lord rewarded their work, that they were able to have any results. The Lord is the one who brings the harvest, as the end times are called.

What came to my notice, was the fruits of their labor came as a gracious gift from the Lord. When He rewards, He does so in abundance. When the disciples came “ashore” they came “dragging the net full of fish”. I see those fish as those we have prayed so earnestly for, for their salvation. Jesus tells them to “bring some of the fish you have caught”. And it says, “even though there were so many, the net was not torn.” When He blesses (and our work at the harvest He WILL bless with increase) He makes sure none of our efforts are wasted by losing what He has blessed us with! We will bring our blessed inheritance, the souls of those we have cared enough about to witness to (even through their resistance) to the feast that He has prepared for us! The number of fish in that net…....153….. is the number of the Victor, times the number of resurrection, twice, because it’s been two “days” between His rising and our soon coming One.

The Arm of the Lord

 In John’s gospel, John clearly states that the Isaiah 53 title of “the Arm of the Lord” is referring to Jesus. Jesus is the visible manifestation of the invisible God, His Arm which does the great deeds of the Father. John says this in John 13:38, that the Arm of the Lord is revealed to those who teach His message.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Prophetic Ponderings

Who would have thought, that a profession, that was supposedly one of caring and compassion, could be wrested away from, and perverted from, the purpose it was put to by the church? I am speaking, of course, of medicine, whose path was diverted to serve and care for others, during the timespan of the church era. Of course, in our allegedly “modern” era, a byword for “science” is evolution. Science has become a religion in it’s own right. This religion of medicine has its own faith confessions and dogmas, which we are told to follow, and if you do not subscribe, you are labeled uneducated and described as intrinsically evil. And suddenly, this field has produced something “new” that was, nevertheless, foretold in Revelation and the book of Daniel. Man, created in the image of God, has been instructed, by men, to submit to having that same image altered, has been told, that he must let his dna be reprogrammed, because the “facts” have shown it to be necessary. “Science” has decreed it, so it must be so. Sounds just like the iron and clay toes of the “image” in Daniel’s book. It also calls to mind the “sorcery” (pharmakia just like pharmacist) of Mystery Babylon (that city and world religious system), by which she DECEIVES the world (whom I believe is the U.S., also known as the virgin daughter of Babylon and the second beast of Revelation, whose ruler is the false prophet).

These events have set me thinking. It occurred to me that the beast, the man of sin, could be a doctor, or be associated closely with them, when he is “raised from the dead” (or appears to be) according to the Bible. Doctors, in my experience, consider themselves to have a godlike authority, as we have witnessed with the man called Fauci. The angel in Daniel does say that a “despicable person” will be the one to rise to power by deception, not by being given a kingship. He will not be asked to rule. He will assume the rule by his own will. That sounds like some doctors I have talked to. I also believe he will come from an islamic background, as these areas are the ones discussed when the Bible teaches on the last days. That mindset is also self entitled, like that of doctors.

I believe those who have already accepted the needle, are a ticking time bomb. I believe that they will die within the prescribed amount of time, as planned by their betters, unless they are administered a “cure”. Thus, the false prophet causes the world to receive a mark (to be cured you must worship the beast) or perish. They do not need internment camps. They do not need bullets. They call the mass of humanity “useless eaters”. They care nothing for those whom they consider to be using resources rightfully owned by themselves.

Now, for a timely word from Amos chapter five. The Lord has a lamentation for Israel because of the day of the Lord.

She has fallen, she will not rise again—
The virgin Israel.
She lies unnoticed on her land;
There is no one to raise her up. 

For those who turn justice into wormwood, 

And [e]throw righteousness to the earth.”

They hate him who rebukes in the [g]gate,

And they despise him who speaks with integrity.

Therefore at [k]such a time the prudent person keeps quiet, because it is an evil time

(Now, the word silent is literally number six in the concordance. And are we not, now, silenced by big tech for “misinformation “?) 

You also carried along Sikkuth your king and Kiyyun, your images, the star of your gods which you made for yourselves.

(The star god is Saturn, the sixth planet in the solar system. Is there not an image, in Israel, now, of a six sided star?)

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

All About Family

I have a little story to tell, that was given to me as a gift of grace, by a benevolent Abba, the One who wishes joy on His children. It’s an idealogical reference to the meaning of security, and the comfort of family.

One busy workday, which just so happened to be my birthday, I walked out towards my car after the long day was over. There were three young men waiting for me outside, who told me to get in their car, instead, because they were taking me somewhere, and I had no choice in the matter. I was being “kid”napped (literally!) I was happy to do so, because, you see, these three wonderful and handsome youngsters were my sons, coming to take me on a birthday adventure (in their dad’s car, which they took over for the occasion, since the dad was far, far away, at the time!) It was an unplanned and happy diversion and satisfying to this mother of men. This is a very joyful memory, a bright and shining point of time, which I have stored away in my heart.

The Lord brought this beautifully arranged gift from Him (because who else could give so great and perfect a gift?) back into my mind, recently, as an answer to a prayer. I had been pondering our upcoming change of location, which will be unplanned by us, but has had it’s appointed time since the beginning. I was wondering what it would be like, since my nature is of the kind that is afraid of change and wants to be able to control circumstances. He brought back this precious memory as an answer to my question. Our Father doesn’t give us the ticket until it’s time to leave, and now HE has given me enough understanding to look forward, with great love, to the next great adventure!

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The First and Second Child of Zion

 Hosea 9:10-12

I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your forefathers as the earliest fruit on the fig tree in its first seasonBut they came to Baal-peor and devoted themselves to [a]shame, And they became as detestable as that which they loved. As for Ephraim, their glory will fly away like a bird—No birth, no pregnancy, and no conception! Though they bring up their children, Yet I will bereave them of their children [b]until not a person is left.Yes, woe to them indeed when I depart from them!

Isaiah 66:7-9 “Before she was in labor, she delivered; Before her pain came, she gave birth to a boy. Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be [a]born in one day? Can a nation be given birth all at once? As soon as Zion was in labor, she also delivered her sons. Shall I bring to the point of birth but not give delivery?” says the Lord“Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb?” says your God.

Revelation 12 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; and she was pregnant and she *cried out, being in labor and in pain to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven crowns. And his tail *swept away a third of the stars of heaven and hurled them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her Child.And she gave birth to a Son, a male, who is going to [a]rule all the [b]nations with a rod of iron; and her Child was caught up to God and to His throne.

The first child….and now, the second when she is in the wilderness during her pain and labor…..

 Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she *had a place prepared by God, so that there [c]she would be nourished for 1,260 days. 17 So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her [g]children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

New Understandings

I’ve had to change my mind. I have said that the rapture is foreshadowed in the feasts of Israel. I have always been persuaded that second Passover is the time to scrutinize for the redemption of His Body of believers. So that part hasn’t changed. What has become obvious, is that those “bridesmaids” who do not have the oil of the Word called the New Testament, are the ones who are foolish in their lack of understanding, and will not recognize the time of His arrival. The proper calendar could have solved all that. I had said it must be on the publicly acknowledged and scheduled day, so they would realize right away where their errors were. That’s where I was wrong. The time has passed and all the heavens are practically screaming about May 26th as a singular day and exceptionally important, because of an extra month being added (However, blood moons, as the one that will be on this 26th, are signs of judgement on the gentile nations, as Nineveh experienced, before the prophet arrived announcing judgement. Maybe that’s what the heavens are saying.) The Lord DID say He would come as a thief to those who were not watching. I expect we who HAVE been watching, with all of our concentration, will know by the 20th of May whether this day our hope will be fulfilled, as Noah was told a week before. (Is THIS when the pres will pass?) I, for one, will not be sleeping the night of the 25th (provided I’m still around) going on into morning of the 26th, or, should I say, into the morning of the endless day?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

There is a Bridge Between

Some very personal revelations to me from my Abba these past couple of days. These different little gifts of understanding come together to make for a very satisfying story: My own, because of how much HE values me for His own sake, and because of just how compassionate and faithful He is.

The end is the beginning, where I just read a rabbi’s joyful and loving analysis of the story of Ruth. He said that Ruth offered her presence and service to someone who had lost everything: Land, husband, and children. What words could not do, she accomplished by not abandoning the one who had been abandoned by everyone else, supposedly even God. Ruth became her only family. Now, what the rabbi could not realize, is that Ruth is the modern day church, standing with her adopted mother, and showing her a kindness she could not have foreseen. We stand with Israel. Her God is ours. Ruth is my very much one of my mothers, as David is my father.

I was also shown this morning, that the Mazzaroth (what we mistakenly call the Zodiac) in telling the gospel in the stars, has a symbol for this very same body of believers. These are very well named as “the called out ones”, the ecklasia, for they shall soon be called out of this world by their loving bridegroom, to be with Him forever. The symbol for this group is the fish called Pisces. Funny thing about this little fish, is that it is also my birth sign, and I’ve always wondered why my birth date would be such a weird and random day! Doesn’t HE control every detail of our lives, so as to be a sign to us and to others? Now it seems as if I represent His church, as a person, to the nation of Israel, who is also my family. I am always here to support my family.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Still on Watch

Every year is a repeat of the run up, of expectancy and wonder, in contemplating our immediate departure. This year, most watchmen agree, that it is the most likely of years, and spring the most likeliest of seasons. We understand more, now, than we ever have, for HE has revealed it to us little by by little. We understand the types and inferences, the connections and patterns. The clock has wound down on the counting of the years of a generation. This is the year of shifting between the two sevens of Joseph, where HE (Yeshua) will become the owner (for the glory of the Father) of the land, the livestock, and the people. 

The Feasts of God......are for the redemption of Israel, but our departure is still “THE sign of His coming.” It must come on a day that Israel will understand it’s significance, and see that it was written in the scriptures from the beginning (because the LORD never does anything for us that He hasn’t fully documented beforehand). He said that this generation WILL NOT PASS until all these things are fulfilled! That means that this next seven years (of famine, sorrow and trouble) must be completed BEFORE Israel reaches the completion of her 80th year, at her 80th birthday. (Israel, do not stir up Love before it is time!) Also, 2021 to 2028 is a shemita cycle, with the proper counting of the months. In addition, the two calves with the number seven on their heads were born in spring 2014.

The Departure seems to be hinted at in the in the account of the Second Passover given in the 30th chapter of the book of 2 Chronicles. There was so much joy in the observance of the covenant feast, that the people celebrated from the 14th day of the second month, for two whole weeks! The enthusiasm lasted until the 28th day of the second month! This would be the very DAY of the Ascension of Jesus from the sight of His disciples. Since He Rose from the dead on the 17th (the day of victory!), then He was with His disciples for 40 days, He ascended on the 43rd day after Passover! 

The ecklasia (the called out ones) are called the body of Christ. The two witnesses of His Ascension told the disciples that He would return in the same manner He was taken up! The clouds received Him out of their sight, and Paul tells us we will meet HIM in the clouds. The Bride of Christ is one body with Him, so does the imagery of Revelation 12, where the man child is snatched up to heaven, also predict the date of our own ascension? Is HIS Ascension, also our own, in identification and date, but separated by two “days” (two thousand years), because just seven days later is the Feast of Shavuot, when is the changing of the guard (the dispensation, or God’s way of dealing with mankind)?

We shall see.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Do You Know Him?

 Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you will succeed, and you will refute any accusation raised against you in court. This is the heritage of the Lord’s servants, and their righteousness is from Me.” This is the Lord’s declaration.

Isaiah 52:6 Therefore My people will know My name; therefore they will know on that day that I am He who says:Here I am.

Psalm 91:14 Because he is lovingly devoted to Me, I will deliver him; Iwill protect him because he knows My name.

Hosea 2:16 In that day—this is the Lord’s declaration—you will call Me, “My husband,” and no longer call Me, “My Baal.”

John 17:6, 11. I have revealed Your name to the men You gave Me from the world. They were Yours, You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word. I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father, protect them by Your name that You have given Me, so that they may be one as We are one.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Keeping Up With Current Events

I was thinking, that sometimes, it takes seeing things in a whole new light, with a fresh and more complete perspective, to realize that Bible prophesies are being fulfilled in front of us, with ourselves oblivious to what is really going on. When Jesus came the first time, His disciples didn’t fully understand until He was gone (because the Spirit is the One who teaches us). What helps us, in the modern times, to see the Hand of our Father in our circumstances, is a huge helping of study and Bible reading. The Revelation of Jesus Christ is edging out into the physical world, and is beginning to manifest to our senses, so even beings who are prone to spiritual blindness are starting to catch on!

I have said before that I believe that Obummer is the false prophet (and the U.S. the second beast), and this “administration “ is Obum 2.0, with our alleged president his acting avatar! Still, I believe what is next, is that the B, will be taken out, will “fall” in his departure. The very fact that Trump could so obviously win the election, and not be allowed to assume the reins of power, means, I believe, that the O is still in power. The unreported riots of the “peaceful protests” are the paid minions of the nazi, fascist, democrat party, helped on by the useless cowards on the other side of the isle. This is at the same time that unarmed and polite patriots are hunted down, jailed, and kept in solitary confinement, just for being on the capital grounds on the 6th of Jan! 

The gutting of the rights of the people is an utter astonishment, coming as it does because of a non pandemic. Who could have foreseen that the medical establishment, founded as it was by the church, would be an accessory to such an all encompassing crime of fraud and extortion? I can see the foreshadowing of the white horse (because colors have MEANINGS in scripture) in the tyranny of the white coats! They are not kings! We know that famine cannot be far behind, and war will soon overtake the world! 

The most recent and horrific manifestation of evil, in my mind, is the va**ines. They are “experimental “ so anyone receiving one is being experimented on like an animal. (The actual animal experiments had all the animals die.) I believe something that I read, said that these “va**ines” weren’t developed for cov*d, but cov*d was developed to push the va**ines. (I believe that anyone who has received one of these has a six to nine month life expectancy.) I also believe that the agenda behind them is to begin the transition to transhumanism, to eliminate most of the world’s population, and to require a “cure” to be administered, which would require, as a payment, taking the mark of the beast, so as to be forever controlled, afterwards.  This “mark” is satan’s way of holding the world hostage, of taking over God’s creation, and making it his own. (Satan thinks he’s clever!) 

One thing that will be first on the adversary’s to do list, will be the elimination of Israel. (Thank GOD they are keen on survival skills!) The whole Iran, Russia, China axis will kick into high gear. This is the Gog, Magog war, who I see as responding to the total destruction of Damascus! The obvious Hand of God will be the only thing that saves tiny Israel.

Monday, April 12, 2021

The Heart of God

While reading through the Scriptures in the Song of Solomon, it occurred to me that the center, the heart, if you will, of the Bible, is not in the Psalms, it’s the Song of Songs. First, the general understanding of this little book is that it’s about love and marriage, but the New Testament is clear that marriage is but a model for the relationship between God and His people. There is a lot of poetic language, here, which seems to be used in a dualistic fashion, letting us know that something of deeper meaning and significance is just waiting for us to dig in.

Enigmatic wordplays show the relationship of the Great King with His Bride, who are His people. The first example, that I’d like to expand on, is where the young woman of the relationship seeks to extract a promise from the women of Jerusalem “by the gazelles and wild does of the field” to not “stir up love until the appropriate time.” Gazelles is “Tseva’oth” the same as “hosts” in Lord of hosts, and wild does is “ayloth hasedah”, which is very similar to “El Shaddai.” Who is she really referring to, here? Another more striking example, of this dualism, is where the young man says that his darling is as “awe inspiring” as “an army with banners”, also translatable as “bannered hosts”. These same bannered hosts are used in 6:10, and developed even more, by saying she “shines like the dawn” is as “ beautiful as the moon, bright as the sun” and, again “as the bannered hosts of heaven.” (He is telling her He sees stars in her eyes!) This story of love is in the middle of His book.

The sun, moon, and stars, is a theme retrieved from Genesis (the beginning), from Joseph’s dream, and Joseph’s father, Jacob (now known as Israel) is very clear that the heavenly bodies, in the dream, refer to him, his wife, and his other sons. Clearly, the nation, which is Israel, is the people of the Great King! He is known, as a husband is to his wife, by those who know His Name (Psalm 91), are called by Him, and are called by His Name!

The last book to invoke the image of the woman, who is “clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars”, is Revelation, which is the Revelation of JESUS CHRIST! (The end). This same woman, of the great sign in heaven, gives birth to a son which is whisked up to heaven! The son is to rule the earth with an iron scepter.

But wait! There’s more! The otherworldly language continues, and gets deeper!

In this romantic story, which is the Song, the young woman and lover of the King, is a separate character from the “young women of Jerusalem” and even the “guards who go about the city”. They call her the “Shulammite.” She is of “indiscriminate “ heritage, and dark skinned, not of Israeli blood. Thus the comment to the women of Jerusalem, “Why are you looking at the Shulamitte, as you look at the dance of the two camps?” The two camps is “Mahanaim” and is where Jacob and Esau’s reconciliation took place, but in this story, the reconciliation comes after one important event, that being her being whisked away, first, in the chariot of her prince, and among “the chariots of my noble people.”

She speaks of her King like this, “I belong to my love, and His desire is for me.” (7:10) This same phrasing is used in Psalm 45, of the great King, who is also God, as advice to the bride. Along with her, there are the presence of the “honored women”, king’s daughters and concubines, in both passages. She says, of Him, to the daughters of Jerusalem, “The Voice of my Beloved! He is coming! He calls me to come away!” (2:7-10)

These phrases and linguistic dances, speak of a wedding and a prior “theft” of the bride, where the promised bridegroom steals his bride away to her new home, only to re-emerge later, to the “dance and music” of the two parties of the wedding celebration! The Song of Songs is about the Rapture and the grand reconciliation of the two peoples of the King! To “not stir up love until the appropriate time” means not to bring The Great King back until the appointed time! The Great King has appointed times for His appearances with His people.


Sunday, April 11, 2021

The End of an Era

The children are now in charge of the store.

We’re not calling this America, anymore.

What was meant to be founded, as a Christian nation,

must be known for it’s injustice, and be undone.

“Those people” who thought that they were free,

are now called terrorists (and put in jail), you see.

Because the government they actually voted for,

must not be allowed, to have power, any more.

With the aide of the theatre, of paid for protests,

is installed, instead, this “grandpa knows best.”

The highest morality MUST be tribal family,

because morals is only, all about identity.

Love’s ardent sacrifice is now labeled hate,

Juxtaposing good and evil, to open the gate.

For a merciless enemy, will see the open door,

And will have no pity, whether for rich or for poor.

So while you look down your nose, with contempt 

please understand, you, are not exempt,

From this beast you’ve enabled, for your dirty work,

(the one crying “victim”) with rage gone berserk,

Is the curse (the “allah”) that, to you, was promised,

and to those who follow, and in error, persist.

Elijah is coming, to stand in the way!

Please listen, to what, he has to say!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Be an Elijah

Isn’t that what we are supposed to do, stand in for him until he arrives? At least, that’s what the rabbis advise. Personally, I can totally see myself as an Elijah, not because I ask Abba for miracles to astound an audience, but the because of the traits of coming in as an outsider, to the nation of Israel, inelegant, awkward, and construed as hostile, without mother, father, or family. Elijah seemed to have trouble comprehending what “should be” normal. 

The rabbi I watched last week said that God was trying to tell Elijah, that he was being too harsh with the Israelis, that the miracles without God in them, were to counterbalance Elijah’s anger, and insistence on great events (that went against the natural order of things.) The rabbi also said, that Elijah was not listening, when God reasoned with him, so that is why he is then sent to find his own replacement. Elijah’s strictness was not the issue, because Elijah will be much more harsh the second time around. It was Elijah’s fear and his broken heart which the Lord sought to assuage. Elijah was clearly not expecting any resistance or doubt after the people had seen such spectacular and supernatural events. That is why he said he was no better than his fathers (the prophets before him.) That’s why he became afraid.

God knew something that Elijah did not. He knew that those who rebel against the still small voice of God, who reject HIS PERSON, would also not be able to set aside their ambition, even into the face of a display of raw power. It is true that The Lord prefers the gentle and quiet intimacy of long time friends, as the way to communicate with us, but Elijah was the awkward social type. Even though Israel had been seduced into idolatry, they were not quite bad enough to judge just yet. God still had some that were on HIS side! 

God decided to give Elijah another assignment, where his taste for dramatic flair could be indulged, on an uncooperative Israel, but first, HE took Elijah to be HIS personal witness, to show Elijah that there was NO need to fear! He became witness to the whole plan of God, to each event of the whole plan of redemption, as one of God’s two witnesses!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

So Much for Tolerance

We are witnesses, are watching, the excruciating death of an idea, that a nation could be founded, could exist, built on the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s a slow motion repudiation of the bonds of the grace of God and His Messiah. No matter. What our “leaders” have chosen for themselves, they will reap in abundance, for themselves. But, I have tears running down my face for the passing of an era. I believe the Almighty weeps with me, for He has brought the moaning wind and storm again. America’s demise is nothing less than an expose of the cynical pride of those, even the very ones who live within her, that view her with contempt, who think themselves the master of their fate, and better than the faith motivated, better than those honored to be servants of the Most High. Right now hate calls them Trump supporters, the ultimate in gullibility (and everything evil, according to them). I’ve seen rumors of more sinister names, such as terrorists, suggestions that they need to be deprogrammed, to have their children taken from them. I just call them Christians. Silencing their voices has started on media, but has already moved into the realm of murder. I don’t cry for Trump supporters. I mourn for their persecutors: Beauty, faith, and wonder has died in them. Is it any wonder that Grace has abandoned them to their folly, and calls for judgement to be executed against them by the very standards they themselves have chosen?

James 5:6, NLT: "You have condemned and killed innocent people, who do not resist you." 

I will say it here right now. This leader about to be installed against the express wishes of the people, will pass from this world before too long. I have seen it in the Word. His passing (by falling from the heights) will be the sign of the immediate rapture of the faithful. Then the glory of the Lord will be seen over the whole earth. Yes, LORD, bring on the satisfaction of YOUR will and works! We all know this tolerance thing is a sham, anyway.