Some very personal revelations to me from my Abba these past couple of days. These different little gifts of understanding come together to make for a very satisfying story: My own, because of how much HE values me for His own sake, and because of just how compassionate and faithful He is.
The end is the beginning, where I just read a rabbi’s joyful and loving analysis of the story of Ruth. He said that Ruth offered her presence and service to someone who had lost everything: Land, husband, and children. What words could not do, she accomplished by not abandoning the one who had been abandoned by everyone else, supposedly even God. Ruth became her only family. Now, what the rabbi could not realize, is that Ruth is the modern day church, standing with her adopted mother, and showing her a kindness she could not have foreseen. We stand with Israel. Her God is ours. Ruth is my very much one of my mothers, as David is my father.
I was also shown this morning, that the Mazzaroth (what we mistakenly call the Zodiac) in telling the gospel in the stars, has a symbol for this very same body of believers. These are very well named as “the called out ones”, the ecklasia, for they shall soon be called out of this world by their loving bridegroom, to be with Him forever. The symbol for this group is the fish called Pisces. Funny thing about this little fish, is that it is also my birth sign, and I’ve always wondered why my birth date would be such a weird and random day! Doesn’t HE control every detail of our lives, so as to be a sign to us and to others? Now it seems as if I represent His church, as a person, to the nation of Israel, who is also my family. I am always here to support my family.
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