Who would have thought, that a profession, that was supposedly one of caring and compassion, could be wrested away from, and perverted from, the purpose it was put to by the church? I am speaking, of course, of medicine, whose path was diverted to serve and care for others, during the timespan of the church era. Of course, in our allegedly “modern” era, a byword for “science” is evolution. Science has become a religion in it’s own right. This religion of medicine has its own faith confessions and dogmas, which we are told to follow, and if you do not subscribe, you are labeled uneducated and described as intrinsically evil. And suddenly, this field has produced something “new” that was, nevertheless, foretold in Revelation and the book of Daniel. Man, created in the image of God, has been instructed, by men, to submit to having that same image altered, has been told, that he must let his dna be reprogrammed, because the “facts” have shown it to be necessary. “Science” has decreed it, so it must be so. Sounds just like the iron and clay toes of the “image” in Daniel’s book. It also calls to mind the “sorcery” (pharmakia just like pharmacist) of Mystery Babylon (that city and world religious system), by which she DECEIVES the world (whom I believe is the U.S., also known as the virgin daughter of Babylon and the second beast of Revelation, whose ruler is the false prophet).
These events have set me thinking. It occurred to me that the beast, the man of sin, could be a doctor, or be associated closely with them, when he is “raised from the dead” (or appears to be) according to the Bible. Doctors, in my experience, consider themselves to have a godlike authority, as we have witnessed with the man called Fauci. The angel in Daniel does say that a “despicable person” will be the one to rise to power by deception, not by being given a kingship. He will not be asked to rule. He will assume the rule by his own will. That sounds like some doctors I have talked to. I also believe he will come from an islamic background, as these areas are the ones discussed when the Bible teaches on the last days. That mindset is also self entitled, like that of doctors.
I believe those who have already accepted the needle, are a ticking time bomb. I believe that they will die within the prescribed amount of time, as planned by their betters, unless they are administered a “cure”. Thus, the false prophet causes the world to receive a mark (to be cured you must worship the beast) or perish. They do not need internment camps. They do not need bullets. They call the mass of humanity “useless eaters”. They care nothing for those whom they consider to be using resources rightfully owned by themselves.
Now, for a timely word from Amos chapter five. The Lord has a lamentation for Israel because of the day of the Lord.
She has fallen, she will not rise again—
The virgin Israel.
She lies unnoticed on her land;
There is no one to raise her up.
For those who turn justice into wormwood,
And [e]throw righteousness to the earth.”
They hate him who rebukes in the [g]gate,
And they despise him who speaks with integrity.
Therefore at [k]such a time the prudent person keeps quiet, because it is an evil time
(Now, the word silent is literally number six in the concordance. And are we not, now, silenced by big tech for “misinformation “?)
You also carried along Sikkuth your king and Kiyyun, your images, the star of your gods which you made for yourselves.
(The star god is Saturn, the sixth planet in the solar system. Is there not an image, in Israel, now, of a six sided star?)
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