This day is the dawn of year 6000 since creation, according to . Year 6000 is a sabbatical year, the one out of seven in which the land rests. It will be the seventh such since the last year of jubilee, making jewish year 6001 also a year of jubilee, the year in which all debts are forgiven, all property is returned to its rightful owner, and all slaves are freed. In year 6001 begins the reign of Messiah. The seventh "day" will be the "sabbath" of the children of God, the thousand years of the reign of Messiah, a rest from the wicked one and his works. Counting the number of years of jubilee since creation adds up to a total of 120 years, as long as God said that He would strive with man. Genesis 6:3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
This year of Jubilee will coincide with the 50th year of my life. It will be my, as it says in the Greek, pentecost. Rebecca (which is also my name), is the bride of Messiah, and has her year of jubilee, the fiftieth year, start just before the start of year 6001, which is the dawn of the 7th day. Rebecca has gone through her four year test, and has been vindicated by her Savior and His blood paid price. Now comes the wedding celebration. The bride will forever be with her kinsman and groom, to rule at his side (Psalm 45). Her sibling and sister, Israel, will be cared for by the bride.
The world must go through it's own test. A stock market crash, nuclear war, and the incursion of the "bringers of the dawn" who are no such thing. America is the daughter of Babylon spoken of in Isaiah 47, brought low to the status of captured slaves. She is the kingdom of the false prophet who will force all the world to worship at the image of the beast.
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