Monday, January 28, 2013


Recent videos posted online had claims of divine revelation confirming Obama is the Antichrist. Now, I have no doubts that he is OF antichrist, but it remains to be seen whether he will be the one to put his authority behind a seven year treaty with Israel. (Daniel 9) I did get the overwhelming conviction in my soul, of "something wicked this way comes," when he was elected the first time around. His ascension, however, was but a culmination of more than two hundred years of sordid American history.

I am thoroughly convinced that the vast majority of our founding fathers were not christians (even though they obviously acknowledged how invaluable was the Bible to governance). They were far too steeped in paganism, and considered themselves too cultured and educated to hold with such "superstitions." The halls of power in Washington DC are built upon Greek systems of thought and are facsimiles of, and decorated as, temples to the gods. A long time ago, I read a sermon by a gentleman pastor who preached in the mid 1800s, blasting the nation called America for its obvious idolatry. The preacher considered it a partner in crime to Rome (Roman Catholic Church) in it's deception. He considered the RCC to be the Beast of Revelation, and his conclusion about America is one that I now agree with.

Mind you, I don't agree that Rome is the whole of the beast, although it has plenty of Babylon about it (Remember the statue in Daniel had two legs). I believe that Islam is it's other half, even more militantly antichrist in it's denial of the incarnation of our Deliverer. Islam's primacy in these midnight hours is the fulfillment of the conglomerate creature that rises from the sea. These maniacal barbarians hordes, I believe, are the sudden destruction promised to the unbelievers of the western world, to apostate Ephraim.

Just recently, I have become aware, because of the mass of information available to us in our modern world, that this country's dream of freedom and liberty, has all along been a carefully constructed sham, a facade (but of course, used by God, and allowed by Him.) I believe the founders thought to incubate an ancient prophesy, to bring about the return of the "Light Bringer" (who would break the chains of our "servitude" to God and makes us gods) and a new world order. The symbolism is everywhere. Americans are slaves of their own government financial system. The socialist elite spend our money and we work to pay for it. We are owned by foreign powers, who use our industry and work ethic to finance their elitist, warring systems. They are parasites on the capitalist system.

Obama's role in this now seems clear cut. He acts subservient to foreign powers. In all of the countries he visits, who are adverse to us, he is welcomed with open arms. As he said in his speech in Egypt (untranslated and unreported in America) "I am one of you." Obama is not american, he is arab. Obama seems intent on midwifing the birth of radical extremist governments in the middle east. He is aiding the bloodthirsty predator beast in gaining worldwide dominion.

So, although most people believe america is not mentioned in Bible prophesy, I agree with the conclusion of the long ago preacher who believed that America is the second beast of the book of Revelation. Consider this: If beasts are kingdoms (and anyone who studies prophesies knows they are) and the horns are the individuals who rule or govern them, then Obama and Biden are the twin horns of a so called "Christian" nation (like a lamb), which never the less partakes of the full nature of the dragon. That would make Obama the false prophet. Remember how the false prophet has the power to call down fire from heaven on those who refuse to worship the beast? Remember how Obama sends drones for strategic strikes against America's enemies?

The beast system existed long before america. It's last king will be it's most evil. In the old testament he is called the King of Egypt, the King of Babylon, and the Assyrian. The "Idol" Shepard has a withered right arm and eye due to a deadly head wound (which Revelation says is healed). Obama's wildest dreams of Chicago style thuggery will soon be eclipsed by a global flowering of the mass murder which is so common and normal for Islam.

1 comment:

bvaliant4him said...

Zechariah 11:17
King James Version (KJV)
17 Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.