Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Our culture has made the middle of the night a time of changes, not only by the line which separates two days, but also of the transferring of what is old to the new, a reality shift of dispelled illusions.

In Jewish thought it would be arbitrary to use the darkness for much of anything at all. The change of light to dark is the divide between the days. During the night, there is merely the waiting for the dawn to do the work, so the darkness is only the period which precedes the light. The night is yet a veil over these eyes. The dawn is almost here.

The Lord's timing is perfect. The Lord's timing is sure. We are close, very close, to the apex of the hill, where time (and history) change directions at His behest. The dawning of the seventh millennium is inaugurated with a blackened sun. The four horsemen, those political ideas of men which govern our societies, shall be released all at once, to wreak havoc on a global scale. Unleashed in the same order as their most recent appearance on the historical scene, come the white horse of the papacy, the red horse of communism, the black horse of modern corporate capitalism, and the green horse of sharia governed islam. The papacy will give the pagan political anointing and empowerment to the final ruler of the heathen beast government, and the daughter of Babylon (the USA) will provide the military might and technology which accomplish the signs and wonders of the strong delusion, by order of it's leader, the false prophet.

Before the coming of the man who governs the beast, there is a wedding party called to attendance. The groom has been delayed past the previously announced time of His arrival. The only ones allowed in, are the ones wearing the spotless garments provided by the gracious host. Only half of the  participants will be ready. The others have yet to change their garments and fill their lamps with oil (to be a light to the world). The wedding will start without them. The groom has delayed long enough.

Those who attend the feast will be starting their eternal jubilee, while the Lord prepares the Earth for His reign. Their time of testing and refinement (forty jubilee years) is at an end, and the time of enjoying the fruits of their harvest will have just begun.

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