Tuesday, August 6, 2013

(How to) Be a Watchman for The Lord!

Too many people put hope and trust into too many things, people, and organizations. Only one thing saves: The applied blood of Jesus Christ! How are they to know this, those who have no care but for their own life's business? They are not to be left to go about in blissful ignorance of the harsh fate that awaits.

Make no mistake, The judgement is coming, greatly heralded and preannounced by the specified signs. All of this is spoken of in the Word.

A watcher must first have his own eyes opened, must be able to discern the Voice of his King. He must study for himself, not leave this important knowledge to others. Only deep contemplation, bathed in fervent prayer and an obedient heart, will enable him to detect the warning alarms occuring all around him. Conversely, it is the one who does not care, who will simply brush it all off. Better to light a fire of motivation which comes from knowing what is going to happen.

Here are some of the signs due to be fulfilled. I have seen these through the lense of His Word:

There are blood moons just on the horizon, in 2014 and 2015, as spoken of in Revelations 6 and Matthew 24. Mystery Babylon, the great whore, is the religion of Islam. The regions monopolized by this religion are being brought to power by the second beast, the false prophet, who I name as Obama.  This religion will contol, for a time, the terrible beast of the kingdom of "antichrist." The bismallah will be his mark. The prince that shall come shall come from the ancient nation of Assyria, from just east of Greece. After the rapture, "on the same day" as Jesus said, the horse of war will be released. Damascus will disappear, Egypt will be in civil war, and a Russian-Iran alliance will attack Israel.

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