Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Way Through

My life consists of nothing but miracles. That is what it means to believe, when we clear our hearts of all obstructions to His workings, let go of our pride of acheivement, to make way for His glory. That is the proper ending and the goal, the moral of the story.

You still have yet to hear the story itself. In a nutshell, here is my path to the miracle.

During the night, I woke up with an attack of my peculiar health issue, a very scary episode. I was terrified. I was praying. It doesn't seem right to me to associate faith and panic, so I was propelled by the dichotomy into a search for the spiritual meaning there, as The Lord knew I would be. I have found, from past experience, that there will be fire and flood before deliverance.

In a performance and production based world, failure is made personal. Someone must be blamed. From this view, pain is but just punishment for missing the requirements. If we are hurting, then logically, we must deserve it. The trauma of the experiences are strongholds of satanic forces. Never believe the voices, even our own, which say we are the only ones responsible for our suffering, that we must take control, we must make it go away ourselves.

God's children must reject these labels, must speak what is true and not fear. There will be pain, but be confident that it is not God doing the hurting. He only allows pain to bring us to something better, to shape us. By it, we inherit a deeper strength.

When there is no escape from the fear, it is the opportunity to be stronger. When death seems to be staring me in the face, I must not let myself be distracted or let myself accept the lie being forced on me. It's not about me at all, not about what I should have, could have, done better. There is no condemnation to my suffering. It is idolatry to think myself so powerful, to focus on methods and disciplines, instead of going to, and resting in, the Source Himself.

Isn't the Absolute Lord the one who paid our pardon? Freed from my burden of shame and blame, I can but rejoice to find that He is at work in me! The greatest miracle of all, is the one He does in me!

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