Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Suffering's Reward

He endured the cross, despising the shame.
For the joy set before Him, He took my blame.

So, what, exactly, is this, joy of my Lord?
What made it worth it, as His reward?

What is the nature, of what Christ endured?
What is His character, in which we stand secure?

By Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things,
Yet He "learned obedience" through suffering.

We are a part, of this fellowship,
By suffering with Him, He will equip,

Us, with the glory, of His crystalline image,
Of reconciliation, a gulf spanning bridge.

Our soul is stretched larger, when we feel pain.
What we give up for him, we eternally gain.

So is expanded our largess
When we, with grace, injustice address.

This sanctifying process, through which He takes us,
Makes us into what is, like Him, most precious.

We know we've finally got a glimpse of His heart,
When we'll pay any cost, to be of Him, a part.

After the trials have burned away fear,
All that's left is the joy, of Him we hold dear.

Through Christ's suffering, we became heirs.
In this same joy, as His, a great authority we bear!

No need to shrink back, from love's imperative call!
With love, from Christ Jesus, we inherit it all!

So ask all the questions, and cry all the tears,
So as to cherish the meaning, branded by fire, of love most sincere!


Anonymous said...
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bvaliant4him said...

Sorry, don't know much about computers!