Tuesday, October 30, 2012

His Peace is Now!

Blood flowed from beneath the thorns,
on His precious, benevolent brow.

His peace is now!

He gave it all so He could draw us
to the safety of His arms, somehow.

His peace is now!

His grace encompassed it all!
Even this, with beauty, He did endow!

His peace is now!

He will never waiver from His
strength of purpose, He has avowed!

His peace is now!

To rewrite the meaning of your own
humiliation, let Him show you how!

His peace is now!

Our conquered hearts now conquering,
is what His forgiveness will allow!

His peace is now!

He is our peace, our security,
this Rock to whom we bow!

His peace is now!

I will find the strength to praise Him
one again, I vow!
For I have learned, that the time
to experience His peace, is now!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Breaking Dawn

Could this be the day,
that I see His face?
The sight of which will,
my sorrows, erase?
Could that be His light,
breaking over the hills?
To redeem us from death,
as He said He will?
My heart is joyful
with anticipation!
for this inheritance,
realized, in the Son.
The call of my heart
will be answered!
HIS hope materialized,
which, had been, deferred!
I will have shed,
shame, like a garment.
Fitted with renewed innocence,
with His consent!
He has me put on
His illustrious glory.
A radiant covering,
His gift to me.
His creation keeps
retelling the same story,
Life reborn from the dead,
What His children will be.
Revelation, of the strength
He supplies here!
Fruits that were formed,
from tests most severe!
Glorious Sonlight,
coming over the trees!
Raises me, like my heart,
unfettered and free!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Suffering's Reward

He endured the cross, despising the shame.
For the joy set before Him, He took my blame.

So, what, exactly, is this, joy of my Lord?
What made it worth it, as His reward?

What is the nature, of what Christ endured?
What is His character, in which we stand secure?

By Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things,
Yet He "learned obedience" through suffering.

We are a part, of this fellowship,
By suffering with Him, He will equip,

Us, with the glory, of His crystalline image,
Of reconciliation, a gulf spanning bridge.

Our soul is stretched larger, when we feel pain.
What we give up for him, we eternally gain.

So is expanded our largess
When we, with grace, injustice address.

This sanctifying process, through which He takes us,
Makes us into what is, like Him, most precious.

We know we've finally got a glimpse of His heart,
When we'll pay any cost, to be of Him, a part.

After the trials have burned away fear,
All that's left is the joy, of Him we hold dear.

Through Christ's suffering, we became heirs.
In this same joy, as His, a great authority we bear!

No need to shrink back, from love's imperative call!
With love, from Christ Jesus, we inherit it all!

So ask all the questions, and cry all the tears,
So as to cherish the meaning, branded by fire, of love most sincere!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Heritage of Ashes

I was thinking to offer you some sympathy.
Your eyes held a memory of agony.
You've made up your mind, it's plain to see.
Apparently, anger has it's own legacy.

Information and wisdom are not the same.
Our passions are also, mixed into the game.
I am sure that the truth, was your only aim.
When you came to realize, you were not to blame.

The hurt child within you is on a campaign
to put an end to the evil, by force restrain
access, to the scene, of heart's bloodstain,
some vestige of innocence, to retain.

Can't you see that the anger, that you contain
is the very same one, of which you complain?
Auditory evidence of your disdain,
used against others, for personal gain.

The anger that rallies, to our self defense
is made the reason, a blanket license.
If you decline to spread the offense,
(those who are fearful, by love convince)

You'll not let rage, be the torch you pass on.
Why bestow on others, the same victim-hood obsession?
Satisfying is, the new day's dawn,
When all of the vitriol and anguish is gone.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Christian Anger Management

Satan is real. Evil is real. The realities of spiritual warfare dictate that there will be collateral damage. There will be no eternal gains without temporary losses. One weapon which the devil distorts to his use is our own anger. Evil seeks to provoke us. In anger, there is no discretion or discernment, only vulnerability to manipulation. Evil will drive us to "defend" ourselves. James 1:20 " for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God." Rage is a "stronghold" of evil. Ephesians 4:26-27 “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."

Ironically, anger is a gift from God, to mobilize strength and energy and to banish fear. It helps us to get things done. How do we deny the thief who would steal our victory? How do we wrest control from a cunning enemy who seeks control? How can we change the focus from reactive to proactive?

Obviously, we must have faith and love first. 1 John 5:4 "for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith." As I have said before, love is our motivation. (1 Corinthians 13)  A little sidebar here: Love is a two edged sword. The more love, the more hurt. The more hurt, the more anger. Love is not just the feel good, warm fuzzy. Love is subverting our own interests, in favor of another, even if they do not return the favor.

So, because of love, our own soul becomes the battleground. How is it that we can retain clarity, sanity even, in the face of provocation? First, remember that we are not here to advance our own interests, but the will of the Lord.  Romans 12:21 "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Second, He has given us a couple strategies to overcome by. One is to keep our conscience clean with our brother. If we cannot work out our differences, then we must stay away. Love draws the line so a brother cannot condemn himself by abusing us. Two, and most important, we snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by thanking God for the very thing causing challenge. We pronounce a blessing over our spiritual growth, in essence saying, "Thank you, Lord, for this wisdom I am about to receive!" Tell satan to leave by reminding him he has no authority over you. Remind him Who has declared you innocent!