When we want to do things our own way, it can get very dark indeed. We bring on the proverbial clouds ourselves....... At the same time that I was in pain from my illness, I read a christian book that said it was okay to doubt God, that doubt was an important component of the search for truth. The influence of both sets of circumstance created a crisis of faith in me. After all, pain and trust are difficult to harmonize, and belief is where our salvation begins. How could I know I was truly saved? Enter the calvary (pun intended) of Calvanism!
Calvanism is that doctrine which says that God has selected us from the beginning. We had nothing to do with it, because we could do nothing ourselves. We were too weak. We are saved only by His effort and we are maintained, in our salvation, only by Him! In other words, "Not me, but Christ in me!"
Are we chosen by God, or is He our own choice? Is it Predestination or free will? I believe in both! The doctrines of predestination and free will work together the same way that truth does with the mind of man. The mind of man does not create or invent truth, but rather discovers what is already there for the finding. So too does freedom of choice learn of and accommodate itself to that salvation which He has prepared since before time began!
Now the precipitation of our disobedience and the cloud cover of our bad attitude cannot circumvent the established will or plan of the Lord! These clouds are, in fact, just tools of His artistry! The friction between His absolute power and our sinful disobedience is what shapes us into His likeness. Infinite understanding shines a healing light on darkest depravity. It is beyond our grasp to see how he can be totally sovereign to use even our weaknesses to His purpose. God's power cannot be reduced by our freedom! Instead, His authority is increased by reason of the abundant grace and mercy He has made available to cover our error! God's promises can never be denied fulfillment! He will accomplish everything He has determined to do, including fulfilling His promise in us!