Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Work Towards Hope

To those who try to motivate with shame and blame, who try to force righteous behavior on others, through prescribed actions, don’t you see that this is what the LAW is? This is what the lazy servant in the parable of the talents thought of God, that He is a hard master, and because of that, the servant operated from fear, but John said that there is no fear in love, because fear has to do with “torment”. The demons are law obsessed and performance focused, but they also have no hope.That same king, who was so slandered by his servant, handed the servant over to the tormentors (the demons), because the servant chose them over the graciousness of his lord. The servant loved his own righteousness more than his lord!

When we are redeemed from shame, we are set free!(Because freedom is A person!)

Lord, what have I learned from the obnoxious behavior of watchmen who set dates, and yet look down on other watchmen and judge them? I have learned that it is necessary to be humble, especially when on fire by means of revelation from You, as is fitting for the servant of the Lord. It is SO gratifying to be used by You, the One who is THE authority from on high (because let God be true and every man a liar!) We must watch, but not be disrespectful of our brother whom we are no better than!

The one who is in love with his own righteousness will not show grace towards his brother, or forgive him, because he tells himself his righteousness has standing before God, and is why God is gracious to him. Thinking anything good of himself clearly indicates he does not understand! (Didn’t the Lord tell us to call ourselves unworthy servants? That he who exalts himself will be brought low? That in submission to GOD is our exaltation?) Your’s is truly the narrow path and the narrow gate! YOU, alone, will be exalted in that day!

Because I am a task oriented person, all of this is very counter intuitive for me. By nature, I want to do all things well (talk about denying myself and taking up HIS cross!) Also, in practice, my health and mental well being is so very dependent on what I eat, and my diet, also, so as to be free of pain. I am, literally, “punished,” each time I consume anything out of bounds! It sounds like this directly relates to the struggle with our behavior. Sinning brings pain, both to us and to God, regardless of our faith position, and there are natural consequences (which include the wrath of our tormentors). A certain diet was holy, as a foreshadow I understand, to teach us how to be motivated to walk in holiness. My accomplishment of staying on the diet makes me feel contented and not useless, because now I have the energy to complete those exacting tasks I find so much joy in sharing. It is as the writer said, that endurance produces godly character and character produces hope! (We will be delivered!)

This might also be why none of our own works are in heaven. Our fruit (of Your Spirit) remains, because it was what YOU did IN us! (“I am the Vine. You are the branches. Without me, you can do nothing.) We establish Your works, by Your will. My own prayers for Your inspiration and intuitive creativity, have always been thoroughly answered, satisfying my soul down to its very foundation! I can do no better than when I imitate YOU, in both method and holiness.