Sunday, July 9, 2023

Holy, Holy, Holy

Only HE could create us, make a grand space for us, then inhabit it in a way we could understand. “We saw His Glory” as the “only begotten of The Father.” Only our Yeshua (salvation) could become what we needed. A single Being, one Person, the most exalted and all powerful, could and did manifest as THE highest and most sacred, The Supreme King, in every part of His creation, and in all of it’s dimensions. He is the Father of all, who gives the law, the visible Son of the covenant, and the Spirit which indwells each temple of consecrated (sealed) flesh. He carries each of our griefs, burdens too heavy for us to bear, and at the same time, maintains our very reality and consciousness. Thus is He ,THE Person who is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, in each office, this One who “Was,” who “Is,” and who “Is to come”! All of this at the same “time” because He is One!

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