I looked up, this morning, the date of my vision of myself weeping abjectly for Israel. At the time of my seeing of that vision, I had not yet reached the same depth of emotion, in my prayers for my older sister. Since October 7th, I have been praying that way every morning. Yet today, for some reason, I looked up the date I received this glimpse of the future….and it was December the 14th. It’s been a year….
These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name. אַךְ־אֵלֶּה נִכְתְּבוּ לְבַעֲבוּר תַּאֲמִינוּ כִּי יֵשׁוּעַ הוּא הַמָּשִׁיחַ בֶּן־הָאֱלֹהִים וּלְבַעֲבוּר יִהְיוּ לָכֶם חַיִּים עֵקֶב אֱמוּנַתְכֶם בִּשְׁמוֹ׃ JOHN 20:31
Monday, December 11, 2023
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
He gives us a challenge to test our patience to still be watching and waiting. No wonder HE said,”I will put before you an open door, because you have kept the word of My patience.”
I think there are still the fourteen Israelis to fill up the number to one hundred. (But three of the ones freed are Russian.) I am recording a request ahead of time, so that it will be known that I am asking HIM who can do all that we ask, for the release of seventeen more. I am praying for a miraculous intervention that defies logic, that His angel releases them without the aid of the IDF, that HE blinds the eyes of the enemy to the passage of these innocents. Hasn’t He called me to be persistent and persevere, witnessed by the name He gave me? (As He reminded me just yesterday to keep asking, in Luke 11?) Let me then be a witness to and for Your faithfulness, my precious Lord! Fulfill it ALL according to Your promise of THIS year.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
But Wait, There’s More!
A month after the abductions, after continuously crying for the abused captives, I was inspired to bargain with my Lord for their freedom, as our father Abraham bargained for the cities on the plains. Our certainty is the audacity of faith, in the face of the proven goodness of Him whom we serve. If getting them all out at once seemed too much or too grand, how about just part of them, and right away, and also as a sign that we were within twenty four hours of the harpazo? But wait! There’s more!
I asked for a hundred to be released. I heard nothing. The next day, I asked for at LEAST fifty. That is the number I stayed with. Four days later, I heard there was an exchange being discussed for, get this, EIGHTY hostages that Israel wanted released. Hamass countered with seventy. I knew this was HIS answer because this was exactly BETWEEN the two numbers I had randomly chosen! At this point, I told my son, on the fourteenth of November, to prove my Lord answers the prayers of His people! But wait! There’s more!
As of today, the twenty ninth of November, we are at one hundred and two total hostages freed. So tomorrow is our day of deliverance, if we go by that number. Or we can be gone the day after the sum total of one hundred Israelis achieves release. Right now it’s at eighty six. But wait! Here’s more!
What happened before this to help me know what to pray for? How did I know what was the good and acceptable will of the Lord? After all, I have followed Him for a couple months shy of fifty years. At the beginning of this year, I told the Lord I was tired of getting excited, passing on what I had heard, and then being disappointed that we were not there yet (and of being called a false prophet, even though I was careful to state I’m not a prophet, but was just interpreting as best as I could.). The psalms express it so well, “But You, oh Lord, how long?” I asked Him, to let me hear my newest daughter in law was pregnant, if this is the year. I knew that they didn’t want a child yet, but I wanted a grandchild from them if we were leaving this year. It was right after that, that they found out they were pregnant, on my birthday. Best present EVER! But wait! There’s more!
Because of His faithfulness, I was bold enough to tell my Jewish friend that the Messiah would be revealed on the weekend of second Passover. That is my understanding of the beginning of the season of His return. He woke me up that Friday morning with the sound of a silver trumpet blast, the sound of a lamb, and Him speaking, “Daughter, I’m coming!” Not exactly what I was hoping for, but even better, in that He is faithful! But wait, there’s more!
The new baby is named Judah! How did Rachel know? She didn’t, but Jesus does! I was to drive the twelve hours to go see him, but three days before I was to leave (by myself), a huge “hurricane” hit us dead on! Because JD Farag had had people pray when they were in the path of one, and it had just went POOF and dissolved, I prayed and our little storm was shredded by the mountains behind us. All it did was leave a huge mud flow over the freeway I needed to use, to get to where my new grandson was, but it was cleaned up by the time I left to see him. But wait, there’s more!
I drove overnight, and when I got up in the high desert, I wound up in a blowing sandstorm! I started praying right away for the Lord to be my shelter and shield. While I was praying, I noticed a very bright light behind the hillside directly in front of me (middle of the night, okay?). I was fascinated, thinking that it was a huge mall or gas station. Imagine my surprise when the biggest moon I have EVER seen emerged from behind the hill, looking just like it was sitting on the ground directly front of me! I was amazed. Then, when I remembered about what I had been praying for, I saw that here was no more wind or blowing sand, and that the horizon was clear of debris and dust! What a beautiful light!
So, are we going to be in the Throne room tomorrow? Or, will we be watching and waiting two more days for the number to reach one hundred, and then go the day after? I tend to think tomorrow. Just look at my previous post to see the reason why. I can hardly wait to see what the Lord will do!
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
The Consuming Fire
The reason we call our God a consuming Fire, is that all of our regrets, our grief, and our pain, are burned up in His Presence, never to be thought of again. Hasn’t He already carried those for us, just as He said He would? It’s all for Him. Dead works are over and past. He IS our fulfillment. He is passionate, zealous, in His pursuit of us, and has promised that it is never from anger, once we trust Him. His is, instead, the realization of flooding joy and peace, full of life, and the only tears, those from healing and grateful release. No regrets, now. None. I am satisfied in that He has appointed me an overcomer.
Sunday, July 9, 2023
Holy, Holy, Holy
Only HE could create us, make a grand space for us, then inhabit it in a way we could understand. “We saw His Glory” as the “only begotten of The Father.” Only our Yeshua (salvation) could become what we needed. A single Being, one Person, the most exalted and all powerful, could and did manifest as THE highest and most sacred, The Supreme King, in every part of His creation, and in all of it’s dimensions. He is the Father of all, who gives the law, the visible Son of the covenant, and the Spirit which indwells each temple of consecrated (sealed) flesh. He carries each of our griefs, burdens too heavy for us to bear, and at the same time, maintains our very reality and consciousness. Thus is He ,THE Person who is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, in each office, this One who “Was,” who “Is,” and who “Is to come”! All of this at the same “time” because He is One!
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Self Deception
The last days are known primarily by the presence of multiplied forms of deception. That is something the New Testament is clear on, something that we are to expect, in the words of Jesus, and warned of also by Paul. By far the most insidious and unnecessary manifestation is the person who thinks they are good with God, but when brought to judgement, are told,”I never knew you. Away from Me, you workers of iniquity.” Instructions of what is necessary to please The Judge of all flesh and spirits is already available. It’s called the Bible, and needs to be read by everyone, and I do mean everyone. Allowing someone else to interpret it for you, creating an office of priest, is a path to destruction. We are all our own “priest” in that only we, ourselves, can work out our relationship with God, and only in the Way He has prescribed. Therefore, there is THE instruction manual.
Such self deception is the “form of godliness” warned of in Timothy. At first I assumed it was this religious expression of secularism called “tolerance” which I consider to be nothing more than self torture. Then I realized that the antichrist cult of death called islame (yes, I spelled it that way on purpose) could be accused of masquerading as a religion, or a form of “godliness.” Now I have a new candidate to add to the list of all these lies of the enemy (plenty of choices available to lead one astray).
There is an essentially lazy person who wants an authority to tell them how to get to God. They’re not choosy. Any kind of works based salvation message will do. Doing it this way makes reading and studying unnecessary, and they still get to feel good about themselves. They also have a calling, apparently, to whip others into shape and into following the same path. More glory for them. And pride. But no actual salvation.
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Since I am one of the watch”men” on the “walls of Jerusalem”, the Lord has been gracious to respond directly to my question. On the Friday of the weekend of second Passover, I received a message, from Him, upon awakening from sleep. I heard the sound a lamb makes, a short blast on a silver trumpet, and the words, “Daughter, I’m coming.” This only happened after I had sent a card to my Jewish friend, Laura, telling her messiah would be revealed on the weekend of second Passover. The reason I felt so comfortable laying it on the line with her that way, was because the Lord had previously, and specifically, answered my prayer for a sign if the rapture was this year (my question). Since my name, that HE gave me, means, as Boaz said, “I will do all that you have asked” this specific indication I requested, was that I would hear my new daughter in law was pregnant, even though they were not planning on having a child yet. She literally found out she was expecting right after I prayed the prayer. These were personal confirmations.
Out in YouTube land, there are videos basically proving that the messiah’s second coming is in the year 2030, all using different but biblical calculations ( We understand His return should be on the feast of trumpets that year). Before that, there is the seven years of Jacob’s trouble, what Christians call the great tribulation. That means the rapture is THIS year. I had told my son that the season of rapture is from second Passover to the ninth of Av. That would make the last day on July 26th…726, the Strong’s Concordance number for harpazo….rapture.
Here are the videos…..
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
At the Transition of the Ages
The enemy seeks to grind me down into the dust, but in the darkness, what little light there is, stands out ever more clearly. Utilizing creatively the little strength left to me, hope still provides a way to document the revelation and inspiration of the Spirit of the Lord. Isn’t that why I still draw breath in this dimension, to provide an outlet for the visible grace of the Lord? Yes, I myself am weak, but it leaves space for the working of grace. My own strength was never sufficient for HIS tasks. Nevertheless, He still works through me.
The method is about to change, and in between Second Passover and the ninth of Av, occurs the journey of the despised (by Israel) nation called the church: That contemptible one (Leah) with the “weak eyes” because there are no prophets in it. That which was born of Israel, through the offered body of messiah, THE Body that was carried through this worldly wilderness like Joseph’s body, shall be visibly (to Israel) given the reward of faith (born in weakness, raised by HIM, to power). Strength shall be increased, in a moment of time, at the deliverance. Eyes shall be unveiled, in a moment of time. The judgement comes, to separate the camp, in a moment of time (when the priests move to the side of Moses).
Realize that even judgement, in His hand, brings with it increased grace. Do not be afraid, you whose eyes are to be opened. You will be given twice the power of the Spirit of the Living God, to do the work to which He has called you, and separated you out for. There will be the satisfaction of being HIS vessel, the joy of seeing your own voice used to accomplish His purpose. And because of the suffering you have undergone, you shall be a fit instrument and conduit for SO much more of His power, that which has yet to be seen, beyond all you could even think or imagine. His strength will be yours, irrefusable. He loves you. You are His Rachel.
Friday, February 24, 2023
The Great Apostasy is in Progress
The Great Apostasy is in Progress
I have stated earlier that I believe the great apostasy in second Thessalonians, which others call the falling away, is already in progress. While I concede that the Lord respects His called people by acceding to that interpretation and it’s ramifications (of abandoning the faith of the fathers), yet there is One who’s position is more relevant to our condition, then what is our own opinion (of our centrality to the question).
God has His appointed times. He has His Plan. What I am seeing, I feel by saying it, is just repeating what preachers have always said, that our culture is circling the drain, before the plunge into the abyss of being handed over to satan. Preachers may have always said it because rebellion is in our nature, but we all know this time is different. For instance, there is the culturally unpopular Romans chapter one, which specifically says that a people in rebellion will suffer the symptom of sodomy. That is what happens when the Lord withdraws His Spirit. Only His Spirit can provide the spiritual sight and faith necessary to bring repentance and belief (and He will not be gracious forever). The specific sin is the result, not the cause. When He says it’s time, it’s time. His patience DOES have its limits. He will “turn him over to the tormentors” and “appoint him a portion with the hypocrites”, by leaving “ that wicked servant” to satan’s devices. Great apostasy indeed!
These times bring much greater pressure from the enemy, for he senses his short window is coming. There is heartbreak and oppression surrounding us. We can no longer fight in the natural, in a world which has only contempt for HIS Love. Let us pray for deliverance, for ourselves and those enslaved. Let us pray for the power of the Almighty to manifest, that His Name and identity be unveiled to His elect. Let us pray that HIS will be done, and His kingdom come! Let Him find faith on the earth!
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Shaken (by the power of the Almighty!)
Just before the birth, the birth pains get more intense. Maybe if life were somewhat normal, we could question why, and God is very patient to answer our questions, and then by the reading of the Word, we learn how to recognize His answers. Be what it may, right now is the battle and the war, and prayer is not an option, it is a necessity! We who are His, are privileged and honored to be a part of His merciful plans. He develops us as warriors willing to fight. He gives us the strength and faith for the conflict! He welds us as His weapon! We are called out of, for this, because within the very word “fight,” there is also the word “gift.”
As the messenger pointed out, the closer we get to God, the more we are persecuted. “All those who would live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” We can rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer for Him (who is more than worthy to receive our offering).We are His Body, “regarded as sheep to be slaughtered,” just like Him. We are the gentile Ruth to the kinsman Redeemer, Boaz. And what did Boaz tell Ruth? He said to her, “I will do all that you have asked.”
We have the authority to ask for anything, when we want what HE wants, and place our very life on the altar, as He did. In the courts of heaven, our prayers plead for justice, and the God who is THE judge, is now also, our Son given for us, and our Prince who gives peace.
I offer an overarching example in my own life. I remember when I was young, I prayed the Lord would wake me up in time to get the kids ready for church. Well, there was an earthquake right on time. (I told the Lord His sense of humor was amazing.) More recently, I was praying and praising Him, and rejoicing in what I knew He would do, soon. The earth started moving and shaking and at first I was laughing in joy, but it went on and on, so then I rebuked it and it was still. Around the same time, when I was praying with my sisters in the Lord, the whole house was rocked, gently, and all of us in the house felt it. The most recent incident happened the first day of a two day fast, the purpose of which was to ask the Lord deliver His people Israel from their unbelief. That was the same day of the recent violent shaking in the Middle East. Hasn’t The Lord said He will shake heaven and earth?
Monday, January 30, 2023
2 Thess 2:2 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, regarding the [a]coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, 2 that you not be quickly shaken from your [b]composure or be disturbed either by a spirit, or a [c]message, or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 No one is to deceive you in any way! For it will not come unless the [d]apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above [e]every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. 5 Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things? 6 And you know what restrains him now, so that he will be revealed in his time.7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only [f]He who now restrains will do so until [g]He is [h]removed. 8 Then that lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will eliminate with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His [i]coming.
This passage is just one more which has the brethren disagreeing as to its interpretation. I have long held, that the apostasy is better served, by being understood to be the departure. However, I watched a video on YouTube in which a very learned brother pointed out that nowhere in Ancient Greek literature is a physical departure, of human beings, able to be inserted into the meaning of this word. The intrinsic understanding supported by the word, in the text, is a political, emotional, or religious displacement. The exact same word is used one other time in the New Testament, where the religious Jews complain of the Christian’s teachings, saying that they are teaching Jews to “forsake Moses.” One of the root word’s conjunctions is even used for the word meaning divorce.
Clearly, the passage’s subject and context is “the coming of our Lord….and our gathering together with Him.” The one thing standing in the way of the revealing of the identity of the “son of perdition” is the One who restrains, this phrase “restrains, removed, revealed” being a repeat of the same idea of “apostasy, then the unveiling,” of who is the antichrist. Paul’s repetition of the same exact idea, twice, in two different ways, is how he is making plain what is to happen, and in what order. His students thought the day of the Lord had already arrived (judgement) and he was saying that this ONE thing must happen FIRST, because the man of sin was God’s wrath and judgement. Paul’s argument about “the day” was that first there is THE turning away (a singular, identifiable event), then Antichrist is revealed, and after that would be the feared “day” of the Lord. The one-time event of the restrainer removed, or THE apostasy, had to come before anything else. His whole argument hinges on only this one thing, occurring just once (unlike rebellion, which is continuous.)
Perhaps the “apostasy” can be better understood, as the removal of God’s Presence. Maybe He needs to abandon those who do not love the truth, to the development of their plans, which results in their own destruction (Rom 1). Is there anything that would drive home the fact of impending judgement, and signify the end God’s patience with the world, more than the removal of HIS presence, manifested by the withdrawal of the ambassadors of His grace? He will not judge the righteous with the wicked. Remember Lot and Enoch? His Spirit will not always strive with man.