It's only Thursday. Nothing good ever happens on a Thursday. This day cannot even be compared to the revelations implicit to the third or the seventh days, being lost, somewhere, between the test and it's consequential judgement. Thursday is the day that is for waiting and patience (that dreaded word).
When I woke up this morning with a pillow wet with tears, I was praying for you, with my face straining upward towards the heavens. I felt with you, unworthy and powerless. I experienced this awareness as a benediction on my head and hand, the marks in my flesh a vision in action, with all the desire to share it with you, as a satisfied parent's joy and gratification. Stay still in that need. He will answer you. Do not be provoked into proving yourself, but instead, wait on Him. When He told us to call ourselves unworthy servants, He left us no place to go but up, with no achievements to do but those done in Him.
At the very least, there is found the strength to endure, which is he joy of the Lord. Who, when gazing on His face, would not gladly grant Him anything? In the pain, reach out and touch Him. He is grace for us when we are weak. That grace removes the toxins from our very soul, while He remains within our sight. He changes the narrative, from what has been and is being taken from us, into what we have been privileged to give, to glorify and lift Him up, to partake of who He is, to yet be counted worthy to suffer for Him and for His Name!
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