The feeling of peace He gives has no boundary of words with which to contain it. The satisfaction of awareness, of the superlative goodness of His living presence, has nothing worthy of comparison. It restfulness carries no taint of fear inspired effort. The joy is STRONG, so intense that innocence is not an adequate vessel to receive it, lest it be destroyed for it's very fragility.
Instead, it is a surety of knowledge upon which this peace is built, the glory and utter dependability of God's graciousness, gifted to us. Sure, it was assembled in the storms, realized by pain, but of what worth would a gift be that costs nothing? Yet our faith is of infinite value, and deserves all our attention, because it is of HIM.
Along the way, we have acquired burdens, accrued debts. Righteous convictions and a strong sense of responsibility require no less. These weights and traumas, when removed by Divine fiat, bring the surge, the flood, of unequaled, celebratory joy, known as jubilee! It's freedom explodes over our consciousness with cathartic power! Release and liberation are upon us!
Women, because of their lightness of stature, have always been the more tightly bound with slavery and servitude under the curse of sin! With the suddenness of a lightning strike, comes the threefold manifestation of this woman's rescue, her deliverance from oppression! Firstly, in her work, her boss is replaced, with one who has been where she is at, done the work that she does. Instead of the old boss's authoritarian view of harshness and punitive discipline and the fear it creates, the new boss values teamwork, and a cohesive edification that gets the job done! Her second freedom is a reconciliation with the family that she has invested so much of her life and time into. The weighty word of a dying sister, is what has effectively severed the chain of alienation, caused by satanic lies. The ones repeating the lies were victims also, deprived of victory over sin. The third reversal, bestowed in a caveat, was of a personal, profound identity issue. Yammering voices accuse, say that if you are a Christian, you will believe as them. There is no possibility of another view, to them. Common sense says differently. The Bible seems silent. An inquiry of the Lord opened the Word, in the Torah, through a sister, to reveal that it is not blood guilt that is at issue (as satan would want everyone to believe), but is an issue of private property, instead. God's Law dispels the image of another Christian sacred cow.
Be free to celebrate in the love of Christ, my friends!
1 comment:
Orthodox Christianity is New Testament Christianity 2000 years later
About the pretrib rapture, The Orthodox Faith [the original apostolic faith, dogmatically unaltered and historically uninterrupted in worshipping “18 […]and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.” (The Gospel according to Saint Matthew The Apostle, chapter 16)], the miracle of The Holy Fire (that doesn’t burn people in the first few minutes), modern NDEs, life after death and spiritual delusion, The Holy Trinity (What the Father is, the Son and the Spirit are also. This is the Church’s teaching. The Son, born of the Father, and the Spirit, proceeding from Him, share the divine nature with God, being “of one essence” with Him. Thus, as the Father is “ineffable, inconceivable, invisible, incomprehensible, ever-existing and eternally the same” (Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom), so the Son and the Spirit are exactly the same.) on the intercession of Saints, why do we need clergy, why do we celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December, The Passover (not Easter), on wearing The Holy Cross, The Holy Water miracle [astonishing pictures -The presence of Holy Spirit invoked through reading of special prayers totally changes the water structure itself. Here's crystals of water from the same sources (as shown above) after it was blessed.]
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