There is a family member who lives apart from us. Her exile is no more than self imposed, by virtue of her inability to comprehend her error. She is oblivious. This elder sister's high standing in the family cannot be challenged, or even approached, by aggressive competition from a sibling, because it is only the birth from a singular father which confers an insider standing. For now, there is the ongoing heartbreak of those who love her, who must stand by and witness her confusion and captivity to hatred.
Why would she believe the lies of those who use her? It almost seems as if she is trying to fulfill the worst that others say of her. Why would she consider it normal to accommodate those who steal from her and then use violence against her? There are many tears shed on her behalf, for the lonely questions which drive her. If she would surrender the self delusion, stop pretending things are remotely normal, to her family, if she would allow herself the devastating realization of her situation, if she could acknowledge the truth, then her Salvation would come. Her Deliverer has already paid every price required. He has taken captivity captive. There are no barriers, to her taking up her esteem in His eyes, except her will to avoid that fate. The truth will set her free.
All she must do is see that the rebellion she lives in is what keeps her apart. Her father desires no hurt for her, only her obedience to His joy. She needs to stop hiding from Love out of fear! She must abandon all her lovers and the chains by which they keep her dependent on them, in order to take up the exalted honor which is her destiny and birthright!
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