Tuesday, May 28, 2013

For the Joy Set Before Him (and Us)

On this side of forever, there are those who cannot see it. They cannot comprehend perfection, cannot  aspire to miracles. Their god is no more than a projection of their own pain and anger, and limited to the futility of perishable objects. Any urging to the grander vision is sloughed off as manipulation. Wouldn't they do the same? Love's pleading is reduced to animal noises.

There is One who has breached the barrier, taken the initiative! "For the joy set before Him," He encompassed our shame. He has totally owned death and it's utter hopelessness! Pointlessness has turned into purpose! What was His motivation? Why does He celebrate in perpetuity? His joy is that we join Him there! His satisfaction is to see us ecstatic and glorying in His victory for us! His joy is to witness our rejoicing, as He rejoices, because we are reconciled!

Oh, the sweetness of relinquishing what we were not strong enough to carry, that catastrophic horror of our sin! Found in the depths of it's despairing slavery is the earnest sincerity of choice, to commit ourselves to joyful freedom! How blessed is the hunger for THAT joy, for when we are finally satisfied! The beautiful, the unquenchable joy! He is it's apex, it's object, the goal! The long road will take all His children home!

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