Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Destroying the World

There are some people who are content to just trust God, who have decided that testimony is a trustworthy account of the kindness and wisdom of God. As a result of their faith in what seems to them to be common sense and reasonable, they believe. Just because they cannot express or verbalize what they know, in a language form respected by unbelievers, does not signify that they do not dwell in absolute reality. There is a greater reality which they're plugged into. Entrenched sceptics could take a lesson there.

There are brave ones out there who want to know more, who see those who have had experiences of God and want this for themselves. They push past the boundaries of the material world to get past the how to get to the why. They want to understand. They are driven to meaning, knowing that satisfaction will only come from the Infinite. Anything less would be hell. They take the risk of obedience to a higher standard, and then the Infinity responds.

A christian who desires to be more intimate with God has access to the special revelation of relationship with Him. It includes reciprocal interaction. God's visible responses satisfy the hungry heart. The surpassing pleasure of God's love becomes the All Important, the servant's total world, while the physical world fades into a passing accessory to the Real. He who is satisfied with God need compete with no one, for he is made complete.

Unbelievers do not share the same insight and experience as the believer, of what is real. There is no more, for them, than what is right in front of them. The morality of those who's ethics are dependent on the physical means they do not have a transcendent, absolute standard. Their morality does not come from beyond themselves. Each of them are their own world. They are in competition with all others, on all fronts.This very competition which drives to be and have more, means that (in order to achieve their goal) they must violate the boundaries of others. They would be, in effect, only accountable to themselves. The feelings of others are ephemeral concepts, outside of their own experience, therefore existence, itself, is a war for them.

On the stage which is the world, the matrix which gives context to meaning, the actions which demonstrate our intent are displayed for all to see. Are we competing to put ourselves first, or is what we want God, Himself? Will we assert ourselves so as to destroy the world of and for others, or will we trust God to satisfy us with Himself? It's only the ones who think that they can judge what's right for themselves, who will be the ones who will destroy the world.

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