Friday, March 30, 2012

Making Sense

When there is the experience of pain, whether mental or physical, our gut reaction is to make it stop! Pain is very motivating that way. If the resultant search does not find a cause, then it will find an outlet.

Everyone sees media stories that astonish and amaze with what some are willing to do in the grip of their anger. The violence seems so disgustingly senseless. In our rush to judge, we do not realize that we are the same, just as capable of atrocities in the name of, and for the sake of, what we love. We give pain back for pain given. We are blind to the truth that we but extend the legacy of damage. Like ripples in a pond, the surface of the water writhes in torment. It is because what we term love is really just selfish greed.

There is only one way to make sense of the mess. Everything, EVERYTHING, must be done for the glory of God! We cannot deviate from the purpose of the One who is the greatest good! He becomes our glory. We can even enter into pain consciously when He is our only love, because He becomes the cause, the origin of our strength, and the inflaming of our devotion by reason of our joy!

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