The Lord our God has blessed us exeedingly. His grace and mercy are unsurpassed, both in heaven and earth. The masterful subtlety of His leadership, or in other words, His perfect timing and provision, inspire amazement and awe. He, Himself, put aside all the priviledges of divinity, so as to not just show us the way, but to become The Way, so He could support us with His great strength. All of His efforts are motivated by His depthless love. The Master is discerning towards us so as to ever increase our love for Him. He knows that love forced is love lost, so He has given us the freedom to choose.
Those who know and understand, know that there is only the one game in town. There is no other way. There is no other God. There is no other end but what He decrees. It it but foolishness to choose any other but Him, the One who is all in all. It strains the limits of credulity as to how anyone could do otherwise. God lets them blaze their own path to eternity, knowing that they seek only to have their own way. Their ears and hearts are closed to all but themselves, unless some trauma should dislodge them from their complacency. In their hearts, they design and live in a make believe world.
There are various manifestations that evidence this attempted escape from reality. People display their lack of obedience to God in multiple ways. The most ubiquitous method used in western culture is an identification with science. God is left out of modern science so as to put a "safe" distance between us and Him. Some take it even further by twisting science to deny God's existence, making instead, science the recipient of their faith. There are those who make religion itself the object of their worship. The focus is on rules of behavior, while expecting God to accept these "great" sacrifices. There is no comprehension that God's standard's are far higher than can be attained by a humanity without Him. The most honest escapist is that one who pursues his own personal pleasure, while acknowledging that his weakness is his refusal to give up his sin. The here and now is made more important than the forever.
All avoiders of reality out there misunderstand and are blinded to God's true nature. In order for them to feel that they maintain some semblence of control over what they feel is theirs, they turn away from what is far greater and much more glorious than they could ever imagine.
Reality check!
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