Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On Fruits and Flakes

Which one are you?
a fruit or a flake?
Which kind of trouble
do you like to make?

For workloads and deadlines
instead of crying,
do you make silly faces
when hands are flying?

Or are you the one,
when time runs short,
who can't be found,
to give support?

Faced with issues
do you strike a pose?
for others amusement,
make up silly prose?

Or when confronted
do your eyes roam?
'cause the lights are on,
but nobodys home?

Are you the one,
after the emails are sent,
that realizes they have
no title or content?

Or do friends languish
left without knowing
if you're alive or if
your indifference is showing?

If you're a fruit
others may scoff,
but being a flake means
you've been cast off!

Bad jokes may be followed
by head shaking and sighing,
but none can forget
the odd one who keeps trying!


Anonymous said...

I am a fruit, there i admitted it, I AM A FRUIT!!!! lol good stuff momster! =)

Me said...

If 'fruit' means crazy, I guess that's me. LOL

This was funny. :)

bvaliant4him said...

(Not reaalllly crazy, just a lliitttle off!)