Thursday, April 30, 2009

Escape From Quagmire Politic

Back at work after the weekend
on allotted tasks my time to spend.
Running fast, I hit a wall
for politics I take the fall.
Alliances sometimes shifting sand,
Unstable edifice of command.
What is said, some might offend,
lacking ambition to comprehend,
issues beyond influence and power,
intended to make us inwardly cower.
Beyond my ability to understand,
is why the game so futilely planned?
Conflict for things not with us long,
striving for what is here and gone,
while deep inside dies love's song.
Instead, renew my soul in wonder,
richest imagination plunder.
Bring forth the essence of my life,
drawn in vibrant colors rife.
Apply my hand to a creative outlet.
Better than this, it does not get.
So many ways to pour out my passion,
give voice to my joy in the living Son,
enlarging upon what God is the start of,
lending my strength to what God is the heart of.
Supportive hand is under mine,
as I the shape of beauty find.
Energy gained from anger turned,
channeled through hard discipline learned.
Satisfaction displayed for all to see,
Expressing the poetry God gifted me.

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