I remember, He said it before, that we will be grateful for just these very things, the things that hurt us the most. We WILL praise Him, for them, in heaven, because then we see why, why this has opened us up to receive more absolute joy, the joy which is His nature. We will see why this has let us conquer the world for Him and through Him. He redeems us so very thoroughly to Himself..
From a brother, “when we are broken, that’s how His light gets in” and I remember, He said, when I wrote, “When our hearts are broken, that is how Gods law of Love gets in, because it’s already been written on our hearts and God is not a bully to come in until He is wanted.” He has redeemed us and now sanctifies us as the sign of His overwhelming love. He satisfies the longing within us to understand and participate. We need fear NOTHING. Hasn’t He commanded us not to fear?