Since I am one of the watch”men” on the “walls of Jerusalem”, the Lord has been gracious to respond directly to my question. On the Friday of the weekend of second Passover, I received a message, from Him, upon awakening from sleep. I heard the sound a lamb makes, a short blast on a silver trumpet, and the words, “Daughter, I’m coming.” This only happened after I had sent a card to my Jewish friend, Laura, telling her messiah would be revealed on the weekend of second Passover. The reason I felt so comfortable laying it on the line with her that way, was because the Lord had previously, and specifically, answered my prayer for a sign if the rapture was this year (my question). Since my name, that HE gave me, means, as Boaz said, “I will do all that you have asked” this specific indication I requested, was that I would hear my new daughter in law was pregnant, even though they were not planning on having a child yet. She literally found out she was expecting right after I prayed the prayer. These were personal confirmations.
Out in YouTube land, there are videos basically proving that the messiah’s second coming is in the year 2030, all using different but biblical calculations ( We understand His return should be on the feast of trumpets that year). Before that, there is the seven years of Jacob’s trouble, what Christians call the great tribulation. That means the rapture is THIS year. I had told my son that the season of rapture is from second Passover to the ninth of Av. That would make the last day on July 26th…726, the Strong’s Concordance number for harpazo….rapture.
Here are the videos…..