The Lord gave me an insight into the mysterious story in John, chapter twenty one. The drama played out by the Sea of Tiberias is definitely an end times resurrection prophecy, as a foreshadowing of things to come. It has no complicated cast of characters, but it does have many seemingly unnecessary details.
Now the disciples had seemingly gone back to normal life, and to what they had been doing when they met Jesus. It might have been because these prophetic things just seem to take so long to happen, and they needed some work to occupy them. Only after the long dark night (as we see now, happening) and a fruitless seeming effort, does Jesus show up, and tell them to try one more time. It is only because the Lord rewarded their work, that they were able to have any results. The Lord is the one who brings the harvest, as the end times are called.
What came to my notice, was the fruits of their labor came as a gracious gift from the Lord. When He rewards, He does so in abundance. When the disciples came “ashore” they came “dragging the net full of fish”. I see those fish as those we have prayed so earnestly for, for their salvation. Jesus tells them to “bring some of the fish you have caught”. And it says, “even though there were so many, the net was not torn.” When He blesses (and our work at the harvest He WILL bless with increase) He makes sure none of our efforts are wasted by losing what He has blessed us with! We will bring our blessed inheritance, the souls of those we have cared enough about to witness to (even through their resistance) to the feast that He has prepared for us! The number of fish in that net…....153….. is the number of the Victor, times the number of resurrection, twice, because it’s been two “days” between His rising and our soon coming One.